christopher gorham 克里斯多弗
14 August 1974 , Fresno, California, USA1974年8月14日,弗雷斯诺,美国加利福尼亚
6' (1.83 m)6'(1.83米)
Anel Lopez Gorham秦洛佩斯尔罕 ( 22 January 2000 - present) 2 children(2000年1月22日至今)2儿童
Attended high school at Roosevelt School of the Arts and graduated from UCLA with a BA in Film & Theater arts.念高中时罗斯福学校的艺术,毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校与BA的电影与戏剧艺术. While in college, he participated in many sports including martial arts, stage combat, fencing, roller-blading, and ballroom dancing.而在大学时,他参加了许多运动,包括武术、战斗阶段、击剑、滚轴通流、交际舞.
He resides in San Fernando Valley, California, USA.他居住在圣费尔南多谷,加州.
Although he doesn't actually play the trumpet, his brother does, so he was guided in his determination that his fingering would at least appear authentic in The Other Side of Heaven (2001).虽然他并未真正发挥小号、弟弟那样所以,他在引导他的决心,他的指法将至少看来是真实的,在彼岸的天堂(2001). Likewise, he does not speak Tongan, but he practiced hard, and his coach declared that he had perfect pronunciation.同样,他不说话汤加,但他好好练,他的教练宣称完美发音. The cast and crew were quite impressed and, in this way, he set the work ethic for the entire shoot.演员和工作人员都非常感动,并通过这种方式,他的工作热忱,对整个拍摄.