第一次:舞台剧。(中英文对照say)其他的: Thor VS Loki Stage
第二次:地球寻找父亲(中英文对照)Seek for their Father Odin.
第三次:在神奇博士那儿洛基做自由落体运动 Loki is fallen in Dr.strange's place
第四次:见到海拉+变身+逃跑+坠落 Brother first fight Hela
第五次:在Saka撒卡星见到洛基! In Saka meet with Loki
第六次:在监狱里和洛基谈心 talk with his brother
第七次:洛基和女武神打(试图逃脱saka星的控制)Loki fight with woman and see her past memories第八次:被捆绑要离开此星球 Loki talk with all第九次:和雷神冲出铁幕! Brother break through the Saka 第十次:洛基绚丽出场!Loki appear gorgeous!/The God of Mischief appeared splendid!第十一次:兄弟团聚,对阵海拉 Brothers reunion. Face with Hela 第十二次:去寻火焰之神—苏尔特尔之头骨——将之复活 Loki seek for Surtur.
第十三次:成功后和雷神说话/ Brother's Happy Talk.
第十四次:看着哥哥登基,弟弟辅佐! Looking at his brother's accession to the throne, his brother assisted him
第十五次:以后。Thor and Loki in airplane talk about whether go earth is good?