Giga Mekhrishvili1年前
I have the same story, I've tried almost everything and only castor oil had the effect that is worth to mention
Spooky Action1年前
Caster oil is also good for the beginning of cataract. Also I buy a cheap bottle of eye drops that is sterile, empty it and full it with caster oil. Also I find a see color more vividly(生动地).
Nadege Toussaint1年前
Hi everybody. my name is sammy from the Diminican Republic. (多米尼加共和国一个加勒比小岛国). Honestly, there is no better solution to dry eyes than Castor oil. After spending 2 years from one opthalmologist(眼科医生) to the other, i finally got the relief with Castor oil that cost just one united states dollars. Castor oil to me is a oil. it also grow your eye lashes(睫毛) and makes your eyes whiter and younger. Try it and you will never regret it.
Linda Puertes Deals1年前
doctors will get sued if they state use casteroil in yiur eyes for dry eyes , u know why...since its not written in medical its not their fault. they scared