楼主的分享的资源里没有收录以下的MV,希望伙伴们踊跃分享: 首专:Dance with the one that broungt you; 二专:The woman in me\(If you not in it for love)I'm outta here\Home Ain't Where His Heart Is (Anymore); 三专:Rock this country\Come on over\You got a way无电影片段版; 四专:Thank You Baby! (For Making Someday Come So Soon);
首专:Dance with the one that broungt you; 二专:The woman in me\(If you not in it for love)I'm outta here\Home Ain't Where His Heart Is (Anymore); 三专:Come on over\You got a way无电影片段版; 都在这啦 rock this country和come on over是巡演片段 这个就不传啦 之前的巡演分曲中已经有了 @Isaacchan4u 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1k8GWalg4pzCjThCPLKYYCg 密码:9feh