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IAdoreWolford翻译系列9——Wolford Fatal 15 Tights测评


Fond de Poudre 10 Tights
Leg Energizer Invisible 15 Tights
Net Women Tights
Pure Shine 15 Tights
Sensation 20 seamless tights
Shelina 12 Tights
Warm Deluxe 80 Thermo Leggings
Matt Deluxe 20 Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5524952723
All Nude Tights
Brilliance Tights
Caresse Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5528832726
Catwalk Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5529568431
Flair Tights
Genna Tights
Isla Tights
Irelia Tights
Ivette Leggings
Opaque Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5541037595
Pois Tights
Ethnic Colours Tights
Pied de Poule Tights
Heist Studios
The Fifty Tights
The Thirty Tights
The Nude Tights
Easy Line Super Light Tights
Tights Fine Translucent
Tights Invisible
Beauty 7 Tights
Blue Showpiece fishnet tights
Chinchillan 20 Tights
Fly & Care 40 Tights
Class Tights
Eclipse Tights
Philippe Matignon
Nudité Solaire Tights
Adelia Tights
Cam Tights
Comfort Cut 40 Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5526502243
Cotton Footsies
Fatal 15 Seamless Tights
Fatal 50 Seamless Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5558116728
Individual 10 Back Seam Tights
Individual 10 Complete Support Tights
Individual 20 Tights
Kaylee Tights
Luxe 9 Knee-Highs
Mat 10 Tights
Naked 8 Tights
Neon 40 Tights
Night Glow Tights
Nude 8 Tights
Pure 30 Complete Support Tights
Pure 50 Tights https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5524235841
Satin Opaque Nature Tights
Satin Touch 20 Knee-Highs
Satin Touch 20 Tights
Satin Touch 20 Leg Support Tights
Sheer 15 Tights
Sonya Tights
Stardust Leggings
Velvet 66 Leg Support Tights
Footer Deodorant Socks
Gran’s Remedy Cooling Foot Powder
Oroblù Divine 10 Nanofibre Tights
Palmers Romantic Dots 20 Tights
Sarah Borghi Elisa Tights
Snug Deodorant Ankle Socks
Snug Deodorant Footlets

1楼2018-02-28 18:43回复
    I seldom talk about men in tights because I believe clothing itself has no gender. It is our society that shapes us what is and is not adequate to wear. Having said that, clothing are usually made to fit or enhance characteristics of men and women. This is also the case for tights. Having a gusset can be useful for women but not so for men. This is where seamless tights, like the Fatal 15 by Wolford, come in handy.
    我很少谈论男性穿裤袜,因为我认为衣服本身是无性别的。是我们的社会给我们加了条条框框,让我们觉得裤袜不适合男性。然而服装本身就是用来遮身蔽体,或是增加男性女性特征,裤袜也不例外。相比男性,添加档部对于女性来说更有用。而这款无缝无档的Wolford Fatal 15(对男性)就派上用场了。

    2楼2018-02-28 18:45
      Strengths & Weaknesses
      ⊕ Versatile waistband.
      ⊕ Great ventilation at the crotch because there is no gusset.
      ⊕ Small holes on waistband allow better ventilation and stretchiness.
      ⊗ Somewhat loose hose.

      3楼2018-02-28 18:46
        Packaging and product description
        For the first time, let’s have a look at the product description:
        “Seamless and invisible: These sheer tights are like a seamless second skin on the legs thanks to their high degree of elasticity. The wide waistband ensures the perfect fit at the stomach or waist.”
        Can be worn at the hips or around the waist, as desired – pressure at the stomach can be varied, meaning that they are also comfortable for pregnant women.
        Wide, perfectly fitting, sewn-on waistband.
        Reinforced toes for increased durability.
        A must-have item for slim-fitting styles.

        4楼2018-02-28 18:47
          Appearance & texture
          Fatal 15 is sheer-to-waist tights (15 denier appearance) in total matte fashion. It has a soft and smooth texture. The entire panty is seamless and there is no gusset. The waistband measures 5.2cm wide. There are small, rectangular holes on the waistband. These holes are lined up vertically, like windows of a skyscraper. Also, there are more holes at the opening side than the side attached to the panty. In addition, the toes are reinforced.
          The composition is 89% polyamide and 11% elastane.
          Fatal 15是一款腰部透明的15丹哑光裤袜。她有着柔软光滑的面料。裤袜的腰部无缝且无裆部。腰带宽5.2厘米。小长方形孔洞分布在腰带上。小孔垂直排列,有点像高楼的窗户。腰带上端比下端开孔更多。此外足尖加厚。

          5楼2018-02-28 18:48

            Official promotional image 官网照片

            The rear side (right) is made longer, hence the tilted shape. 背面(右手边)被设计成更长些,所以显倾斜状。

            10楼2018-03-03 19:58

              No gusset 无裆设计

              11楼2018-03-09 08:11
                Size range
                The size for Fatal 15 ranges from XS to L only. I have included the size chart below. I have bought Size S for this review. Caramel is used in this review.
                Fatal 15尺码只涵盖XS到L码,见下图。此次测评我选用S码,骆驼色(Caramel)。

                12楼2018-03-09 08:12
                  FIT 大小
                  The length was fine but the envelopment of the hose was somewhat loose. For this reason, the tights are better suited with a more rounded body. Thanks to the high degree of elasticity, the tights didn’t bag after prolonged wear.

                  18楼2018-03-09 08:24
                    The waistband is indeed an unique piece of art. I found these holes provide great ventilation my waist. They also allow the waistband to stretch further than the standard ones. I had the waistband at the waist and at the hips. It sat comfortably on both occasions. The additional holes at the opening side of the waistband are probably designed to fit the gradual expanding tummy of a pregant woman.

                    24楼2018-03-09 08:37
                      LOOK 外观
                      Wolford tights are beautiful looking as always. The colour are even throughout and the appearance is just pure elegance.
                      FEEL 触感
                      These tights are really soft and smooth to the skin. The only thing I would mutter about is that they are loosely attached to the legs. One more thing, I felt pretty airy at the crotch as there was no gusset. This makes the tights men-friendly.

                      26楼2018-03-09 08:41
                        Final words
                        With its versatile waistband and seamless panty, I find Fatal 15 tights to be suitable for both men and women. The only drawback is you don’t take the full advantage of the soft and smooth texture if you are too lean.
                        由于裤袜的多用途腰带和无缝设计,我觉得Fatal 15是款适合男女的裤袜。唯一的缺点是太瘦的人不能完全感受丝袜面料的柔软和光滑。
                        Fatal 15 Tights is available year-round for €29 or £25. It also come in stay-ups.
                        Fatal 15裤袜售价常年维持在29欧(或25英磅),另有同款长筒袜。

                        27楼2018-03-09 08:41

                          IP属地:山东28楼2018-04-23 11:14