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Living breathing people are th


Living breathing people are the real pain in the ass.We don't know how to trust anymore. The more close to one I become the colder I feel. Maybe that's why people enjoy talking to strangers. Or maybe I am just a freak.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2018-03-10 00:20回复
    Not that you are a freak. I feel the same. It's just ...idk psychology stuff?Hhh. People all have the same feeling sometimes.

    IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端2楼2018-03-10 01:24
      People live with a mask in real life ,they look kind and friendly .but once they are involved in their Personal interests immediately will the marks be torn off ,and put on their ugly looks.and then ,Swear words come up .

      IP属地:辽宁来自手机贴吧6楼2018-03-10 09:34
        if you feel colder that means you are still not close enough

        来自Android客户端7楼2018-03-10 10:04
          What you said are right,but real life sucks. Don't want to go back.

          来自iPhone客户端8楼2018-03-10 10:31

            9楼2018-03-10 11:04
              Absence of loving kindness, and dealings with others like an impassive spectator, are a true picture of the fall of Man. In my view, many problems can be solved ethically, and only a few will be aware of it. So, how to find the truth and try to be a kind person is an imperative.

              10楼2018-03-10 16:32
                mybe the reason is that you are a better man.

                来自Android客户端11楼2018-03-11 07:36