Segment One:
GEORGE: "Well this week, we have a special person for you on our program -- None other than John Lennon of The Beatles. Well John, I believe you've written a bewk. And this bewk's called 'John Lennon In His Own Write,' folks. W-R-I-T-E, you see. It's a larf. It's a larf a minute with John Lennon. Some of you might find it a bit difficult to understand -- because you see, it's in a sort of funny lingo. Well, we get it, you see. It's full of larfs. I don't really know how you could describe it. But, it's sort of rubbish."
JOHN: (laughs)
乔(George):这周呢,我们节目来了一位特别的人——就是虫团的John Lennon。John,我猜你写了本淑(书)。各位,这本淑(书)呢叫《John Lennon In His Own Write》。W-R-I-T-E那个write。这本书很幽趣(有趣)。它跟John Lennon呆在一起的时候就会幽趣(有趣)的。有些人可能觉得这本书有点儿难懂——因为它是由一些奇怪的话组成的。你瞧,我们这儿就有一本。很幽趣(有趣)。我不知道你们会怎么形容它,但可以说它是本垃圾。
GEORGE: "Well this week, we have a special person for you on our program -- None other than John Lennon of The Beatles. Well John, I believe you've written a bewk. And this bewk's called 'John Lennon In His Own Write,' folks. W-R-I-T-E, you see. It's a larf. It's a larf a minute with John Lennon. Some of you might find it a bit difficult to understand -- because you see, it's in a sort of funny lingo. Well, we get it, you see. It's full of larfs. I don't really know how you could describe it. But, it's sort of rubbish."
JOHN: (laughs)
乔(George):这周呢,我们节目来了一位特别的人——就是虫团的John Lennon。John,我猜你写了本淑(书)。各位,这本淑(书)呢叫《John Lennon In His Own Write》。W-R-I-T-E那个write。这本书很幽趣(有趣)。它跟John Lennon呆在一起的时候就会幽趣(有趣)的。有些人可能觉得这本书有点儿难懂——因为它是由一些奇怪的话组成的。你瞧,我们这儿就有一本。很幽趣(有趣)。我不知道你们会怎么形容它,但可以说它是本垃圾。