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IP属地:上海1楼2018-05-13 13:10回复
    Tyranitar's combination of bulk, typing, and power allows it to checkprominent threats such as Latios, Mega Charizard Y, Gengar, and Talonflame. Inaddition to this, its access to Sand Stream and Stealth Rock makes it a greatsupport threat, as it assists Sand Rush Excadrill and Sand Force Mega Garchomp.Sand Stream itself boosts Tyranitar's Special Defense, meaning it can tankLatios's Draco Meteor with ease. Its great movepool allows it to lure in commonswitch-ins such as Mega Scizor and Landorus-T and KO them with a coverage move.Tyranitar can also take a role of a sweeper through its Mega Evolution, makingit an unpredictable threat. However, while Tyranitar's typing allows it tocheck specific top-tier threats, Tyranitar is also easy to force out with theplethora of weaknesses it possesses. Even with a Choice Scarf, it is stillslow, meaning Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny can easily force it out. Its lack ofrecovery also makes it easy to wear down.
    班吉拉的耐久,属性以及力度让它check诸如哥哥,Y喷,耿鬼和火隼等杰出威胁。另外,它的扬沙和岩钉让它作为辅助的威胁,因为它能支持sand rush鼹鼠和沙之力量M地龙。沙暴本身增加班吉拉的特耐,意味着它能轻松挡下哥哥的龙星。它优秀的技能池让它诱杀诸如M螳螂和土猫等常见换挡精灵。班吉拉也能MEGA当清场手,作为无法预测的威胁。然而,虽然班吉拉的属性让它check特定的顶级威胁,它也容易被它拥有的过多弱点逼换。即使有了围巾,它仍然慢,意味着诸如M兔子等精灵能轻松逼换。缺乏回复也让它容易过劳。

    IP属地:上海2楼2018-05-13 13:10
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      IP属地:上海3楼2018-05-13 13:11
        Tyranitar @ Choice Band
        Ability: Sand Stream
        EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
        Adamant Nature
        - Stone Edge
        - Crunch
        - Superpower
        - Pursuit
        Choice Band turns Tyranitar into a lethal and very powerfulwallbreaker. Stone Edge is the main STAB move and does massive damage to evenPokemon that resist it such as Keldeo. Crunch is the more accurate secondarySTAB move and can break past bulky Psychic-types such as Slowbro and Jirachiwith ease. Superpower has great coverage alongside Stone Edge and Crunch, as ithits Ferrothorn, Heatran, and opposing Tyranitar.
        Fire Punch is an option to hit Mega Scizor, but it misses out onHeatran and Tyranitar. Pursuit rounds off the set by allowing Tyranitar toPursuit trap Latios, Latias, and Talonflame. Unlike the Choice Scarf set,Choice Band Tyranitar can also trap bulky Psychic-types such as Slowbro,Bronzong, and Cresselia due to the great increase in power. Ice Punch can alsobe used to hit Garchomp and Landorus-T. Finally, Aqua Tail is a decent optionfor dealing huge damage to Hippowdon, Landorus-T, and Heatran with onemoveslot.
        Set Details
        An Adamant nature and maximum Attack investment allow Tyranitarto hit as hard as possible. 156 Speed EVs are used to outspeed minimum SpeedMandibuzz, but 76 Speed EVs can be used if Tyranitar only needs to outpaceSkarmory. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP to make Tyranitar as bulky aspossible. Sand Stream is crucial to Tyranitar's role as a bulky wallbreaker andPursuit trapper because the ability gives Tyranitar the Special Defense boostit needs to switch into Latios's Draco Meteor and other neutral and resistedspecial attacks. 176 Speed EVs can also be run to outspeed maximum SpeedAdamant Azumarill; meanwhile, fully investing in Speed allows Tyranitar tooutspeed Jolly Azumarill as well as most variants of Rotom-W, Mega Venusaur,and Landorus-T.
        Usage Tips
        This set should be used as a hit-and-run attacker and to weakencommon switch-ins such as Ferrothorn and Rotom-W. Due to the notable increasein power, Tyranitar can Pursuit trap bulkier Psychic-types such as Slowbro andReuniclus. However, faster threats such as Gengar and Starmie can eitherinflict massive damage or KO Tyranitar. Choice Band Tyranitar's Pursuit alsomakes it a great trapping tool for Chansey, meaning Chansey can no longerswitch into one of Choice Band Tyranitar's most common teammates, MegaCharizard Y. Otherwise, clicking Stone Edge to weaken threats is the preferablepath to take early-game.
        Team Options
        Mega Charizard Y is an excellent teammate because Choice BandTyranitar can do massive damage to specially defensive Talonflame and Chanseywhile eliminating Latios and Latias. Keldeo also fits this category because itcan sweep much more easily with Latios and Latias removed. While sand turns arelimited without Smooth Rock, Excadrill can be used to sweep after Tyranitar hasweakened the opponent's team, especially the common switch-ins previouslymentioned such as Ferrothorn, Skarmory, and Rotom-W, all of which wall SandRush Excadrill. Other Pokemon that appreciate walls being broken make for greatteammates, such as Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Gallade.Mega Beedrill, Tornadus-T, and Mega Manectric get special mentions due to theirability to give Tyranitar free switches to wreck havoc with U-turn and VoltSwitch. Volcanion appreciates support from Choice Band Tyranitar, as it is amore reliable answer to Mega Latias and still takes on non-Mega Latias andLatios reliably. In return, Volcanion can heavily pressure the Pokemon that cantake on Choice Band Tyranitar such as Hippowdon and defensive Landorus-T.
        Y喷是极好的队友因为头巾班能重创特耐火隼以及小蛋,同时消灭水都。水马也适合因为它能在水都移除后清场更容易。虽然没有smooth rock沙暴回合被限制,鼹鼠在班吉拉削弱对方队伍之后能用来清场,特别是诸如钢鸟,草钢和洗衣机等挡挖沙鼹鼠的常规换挡精灵被削弱的情况。其他喜欢盾牌被削弱的精灵也是好队友,比如火隼,M大甲,M兔子,M斗士等。M大针蜂,风T和M电狗等特别指出因为它们能用UT和VS 让班吉拉安定换入后大干一场。水火喜欢来自于头巾班的辅助,因为它是对M妹妹的可靠答复,并仍然解决不M的水都。作为回应,水火能对诸如河马兽和物耐土猫等解决头巾班的精灵施加重压。

        IP属地:上海4楼2018-05-13 15:25
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          IP属地:上海5楼2018-05-13 16:23
            Tyranitar @ Tyranitarite
            Ability: Sand Stream
            EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
            Jolly Nature
            - Dragon Dance
            - Stone Edge
            - Ice Punch/Crunch
            - Superpower/Fire Punch
            After one Dragon Dance, Mega Tyranitar turns into a deadly sweepingmachine that can outspeed noticeable threats such as Weavile and Tornadus-T.Stone Edge is the main STAB move for hitting bulky Fairy-types such as Clefableand Mega Altaria and can be used if the extra power it provides is needed. IcePunch covers Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T, which will try to end MegaTyranitar's sweep. Superpower hits Steel- and Rock-types such as Bisharp,Ferrothorn, opposing Tyranitar, and Terrakion for super effective damage.However, Crunch and Fire Punch are alternatives to Ice Punch and Superpower.Crunch can hit bulky Psychic-types such as Celebi and, most importantly,Slowbro, which walls the coverage moves. Crunch also does not suffer accuracyissues; for example, a Stone Edge miss can be the difference between winning orlosing the game. Fire Punch OHKOes Ferrothorn and Scizor in addition to hittingSkarmory more reliably. Rock Polish can be used as an alternative to DragonDance to outpace Mega Lopunny, Weavile, and Choice Scarf Landorus-T, but thenMega Tyranitar misses a lot of power even with an Adamant nature.
            Set Details
            Maximum Speed investment and a Jolly nature are needed to outspeedWeavile, Tornadus-T, and Alakazam after one Dragon Dance. Maximum Attackinvestment makes Mega Tyranitar very hard to wall after a boost as well.Tyranitarite is mandatory because it gives it a crucial boost to Tyranitar'sSpeed and, more importantly, its bulk. This means it can set up much moreeasily and survive priority attacks from Azumarill and Mega Scizor.
            Usage Tips
            When grabbing a boost, make sure Mega Tyranitar takes little-to-no damagebecause it can survive priority moves such as Choice Band Azumarill's Aqua Jetand Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch if healthy. Removing faster attackers is a mustbefore setting up. Excadrill, Mega Lopunny, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and MegaBeedrill are examples of such threats because they can easily cut MegaTyranitar's sweep short. Necessary walls, such as Rotom-W and Mega Slowbro,should also be weakened.
            Team Options
            Mega Tyranitar is walled by Pokemon based upon what coverage move it uses.If Superpower and Ice Punch are used, it is walled by Slowbro, so Celebi is agreat teammate. Celebi also walls Breloom, which can OHKO Mega Tyranitar withMach Punch. If Crunch and Fire Punch are chosen, Mega Tyranitar is walled bybulky Ground-types. Icy Wind Gengar is a great teammate for Mega Tyranitarbecause Mega Tyranitar can tank a Shadow Ball and lures in specially defensiveGliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T that think they can set up Stealth Rock.Pokemon that set up Stealth Rock are appreciated because they make it easierfor Mega Tyranitar to sweep.
            Powerful wallbreakers are alsowelcome because they can defeat Pokemon that wall Mega Tyranitar. Swords DanceTalonflame makes for a good cleaner because it can sweep once Mega Tyranitarweakens its biggest counters: Landorus-T and Gliscor with Ice Punch and Rotom-Wwith Stone Edge. If running Crunch and Fire Punch, offensive or Choice ScarfHeatran makes for a great teammate because it can do massive damage to Keldeoon the switch and bring it to a point where it can no longer check MegaTyranitar due to a +1 Stone Edge dealing 50%. Last but not least, Swords DanceDiggersby and Garchomp make for great teammates because they draw in and weakenor KO Mega Tyranitar's checks and counters such as Keldeo, Chesnaught, Slowbro,Mega Scizor, Skarmory, and Hippowdon.

            IP属地:上海6楼2018-05-13 16:42
              Other Options
              Tyranitar can run a physically defensive set, but it does not have a goodtyping to utilize it. Tyranitar can run a more offensive mixed set with Crunch,Ice Beam, Fire Blast, and Stealth Rock with a Smooth Rock to provide offensivepresence while also supporting Excadrill, but there is a noticeable decrease inbulk. Tyranitar can run a Dragon Dance set without Tyranitarite, but it missesa crucial Speed tier and there is a noticeable drop in power. It can work onhyper offensive teams and behind dual screens support because it can getmultiple boosts when holding a Lum Berry. The set is rather inferior, however,especially with a huge decrease in bulk. Finally, Earthquake is an option onChoice sets to OHKO Heatran, but it has rather redundant coverage compared toSuperpower.
              班吉拉能当物盾,不过它没有好的属性。班吉拉能用咬碎,冰光,大火和岩钉作为更攻的双刀配置,配合Smooth Rock提供进攻火力,也能支持鼹鼠,不过耐久显著下降。班吉拉能不MEGA龙舞,不过它失去关键的速度线并且输出显著下降。它能在HO队伍和双墙队伍中发挥职能,配合奇迹果。然而,这个配置相对来说劣等,特别是耐久的滑坡。最后,专爱配置带地震能OHKO火钢,不过打击面相对不如蛮力。

              IP属地:上海7楼2018-05-13 16:48
                Checks and Counters
                Fairy-types: Azumarill, Clefable, and Mega Altaria cantake anything from Tyranitar and retaliate hard. The Choice Band set, however,can do massive damage to these Pokemon.
                Steel-types: Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Skarmory can wallTyranitar and can set up entry hazards or Swords Dance in Mega Scizor's case.Ferrothorn and Scizor cannot come in on Fire Punch, however.
                Fighting-types: Keldeo, Breloom, Terrakion, MegaLopunny, Conkeldurr, and Mega Gallade can easily take a hit and OHKO back withtheir Fighting-type STAB moves.
                Physically Defensive Pokemon: Skarmory,Garchomp, Chesnaught, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Landorus-T, Clefable, and Rotom-W caneasily come in, set up entry hazards, and threaten Tyranitar back with statusor their STAB moves. They must be careful of Choice Band and Dragon Dance sets,however, as these can KO or inflict a large amountof damage.

                IP属地:上海8楼2018-05-13 16:52