Tyranitar @ Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge
- Ice Punch/Crunch
- Superpower/Fire Punch
After one Dragon Dance, Mega Tyranitar turns into a deadly sweepingmachine that can outspeed noticeable threats such as Weavile and Tornadus-T.Stone Edge is the main STAB move for hitting bulky Fairy-types such as Clefableand Mega Altaria and can be used if the extra power it provides is needed. IcePunch covers Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T, which will try to end MegaTyranitar's sweep. Superpower hits Steel- and Rock-types such as Bisharp,Ferrothorn, opposing Tyranitar, and Terrakion for super effective damage.However, Crunch and Fire Punch are alternatives to Ice Punch and Superpower.Crunch can hit bulky Psychic-types such as Celebi and, most importantly,Slowbro, which walls the coverage moves. Crunch also does not suffer accuracyissues; for example, a Stone Edge miss can be the difference between winning orlosing the game. Fire Punch OHKOes Ferrothorn and Scizor in addition to hittingSkarmory more reliably. Rock Polish can be used as an alternative to DragonDance to outpace Mega Lopunny, Weavile, and Choice Scarf Landorus-T, but thenMega Tyranitar misses a lot of power even with an Adamant nature.
Set Details
Maximum Speed investment and a Jolly nature are needed to outspeedWeavile, Tornadus-T, and Alakazam after one Dragon Dance. Maximum Attackinvestment makes Mega Tyranitar very hard to wall after a boost as well.Tyranitarite is mandatory because it gives it a crucial boost to Tyranitar'sSpeed and, more importantly, its bulk. This means it can set up much moreeasily and survive priority attacks from Azumarill and Mega Scizor.
Usage Tips
When grabbing a boost, make sure Mega Tyranitar takes little-to-no damagebecause it can survive priority moves such as Choice Band Azumarill's Aqua Jetand Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch if healthy. Removing faster attackers is a mustbefore setting up. Excadrill, Mega Lopunny, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and MegaBeedrill are examples of such threats because they can easily cut MegaTyranitar's sweep short. Necessary walls, such as Rotom-W and Mega Slowbro,should also be weakened.
Team Options
Mega Tyranitar is walled by Pokemon based upon what coverage move it uses.If Superpower and Ice Punch are used, it is walled by Slowbro, so Celebi is agreat teammate. Celebi also walls Breloom, which can OHKO Mega Tyranitar withMach Punch. If Crunch and Fire Punch are chosen, Mega Tyranitar is walled bybulky Ground-types. Icy Wind Gengar is a great teammate for Mega Tyranitarbecause Mega Tyranitar can tank a Shadow Ball and lures in specially defensiveGliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T that think they can set up Stealth Rock.Pokemon that set up Stealth Rock are appreciated because they make it easierfor Mega Tyranitar to sweep.
Powerful wallbreakers are alsowelcome because they can defeat Pokemon that wall Mega Tyranitar. Swords DanceTalonflame makes for a good cleaner because it can sweep once Mega Tyranitarweakens its biggest counters: Landorus-T and Gliscor with Ice Punch and Rotom-Wwith Stone Edge. If running Crunch and Fire Punch, offensive or Choice ScarfHeatran makes for a great teammate because it can do massive damage to Keldeoon the switch and bring it to a point where it can no longer check MegaTyranitar due to a +1 Stone Edge dealing 50%. Last but not least, Swords DanceDiggersby and Garchomp make for great teammates because they draw in and weakenor KO Mega Tyranitar's checks and counters such as Keldeo, Chesnaught, Slowbro,Mega Scizor, Skarmory, and Hippowdon.