* change: Mirage Tank gets a new 'hold the fire' mode on deploy command, can still be ordered to attack
* change: Buratino now has two firing modes: precise and spread, use the deploy command to switch
- nerf: Chinese Atomheart requires 300 power units instead of 50, just like the other Soviet labs
* change: Tank Bunker ROF multiplier changed from 1.2 to 1.0, firepower multiplier changed from 1.25 to 1.4
* change: Shadow Tank's 'hold the fire' mode no longer makes the unit immobilized, can be ordered to attack
* change: Buratino now has two firing modes: precise and spread, use the deploy command to switch
- nerf: Chinese Atomheart requires 300 power units instead of 50, just like the other Soviet labs
* change: Tank Bunker ROF multiplier changed from 1.2 to 1.0, firepower multiplier changed from 1.25 to 1.4
* change: Shadow Tank's 'hold the fire' mode no longer makes the unit immobilized, can be ordered to attack