读山海经•其一 [ 魏晋 ] 陶渊明 孟夏草木长,绕屋树扶疏。 众鸟欣有托,吾亦爱吾庐。 既耕亦已种,时还读我书。 穷巷隔深辙,颇回故人车。 欢言酌春酒,摘我园中蔬。 微雨从东来,好风与之俱。 泛览周王传,流观山海图。 俯仰终宇宙,不乐复何如? Reading the book of mountains and seas Wei jin: tao yuanming Meng xia long grass and trees around the house tree. I love my house. When I have cultivated and planted, I still read my book. The poor lane is separated by deep furrows. Huanyan drink spring wine, pick my garden vegetables. The light rain comes from the east, and the good wind is with it. Pan zhou king biography, view of the mountains and sea map. How about pitching the universe? 读《山海经》 魏晋:陶渊明 孟夏草长,树长屋树。 我爱我的家。 当我耕耘种植,我仍然阅读我的书。 这条可怜的小路被深深的车辙隔开了。 环雁喝春酒,摘我菜园里的青菜。 小雨从东方而来,和风一起而来。 潘州王传,观山观海图。 如何描述宇宙? 【点评壹】像散文 【点评贰】像诗歌 【点评叁】总之看起来非常正常,很温和的感觉
子夜吴歌·冬歌 唐代:李白 明朝驿使发,一夜絮征袍。 素手抽针冷,那堪把剪刀。 裁缝寄远道,几日到临洮。 Wuge winter song at midnight Tang dynasty: li bai Ming dynasty Courier hair, one nightflocculation robe. A cold needle on a plain hand is like apair of scissors. The tailor sent far away, several days tolintao. 冬夜无歌 唐朝:李白 明代信使发,一夜絮凝长袍。 平手上的冷针就像一把剪刀。 裁缝派人千里迢迢赶到临涛。 【点评席换人】 【点评甲】除了变成特通俗的语言,没什么变化 【点评乙】真神奇 【点评丙】居然这么正常 【点评丁】效果相当好 【初七】看来李白大大写的子夜吴歌系列,是非常通俗了啊······
上邪 两汉:佚名 上邪,我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。 山无陵,江水为竭。冬雷震震,夏雨雪。天地合,乃敢与君绝。 The evil Two people: anonymous Superior evil, I want to know with the king,long life does not decline. The river runs out of water. Winter thunderearthquake, summer rain snow. Heaven and earth are united, but you dare refuse. 邪恶的 两人:匿名 至尊魔王,我想知道,长生不死。 这条河没有水了。冬雷地震,夏雨下雪。天地合一,但你不敢拒绝。 【······】
桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 The beauty of the peach was seared. It isadvisable for a son to go home. Lines tao killings, Fen actually. The sonshould go home. Paradise on earth. The son should be returned to his family. 桃子的美被烤焦了。儿子回家是明智的。 线涛杀人,芬其实。儿子应该回家。 地球上的天堂。儿子应该回到他的家庭。 【我不知道该从哪个角度吐槽他了】
大学 章一 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。 知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。物有本末,事有终始。知所先后,则近道矣。 古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知。致知在格物。物格而后知至,知至而后意诚,意诚而后心正,心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。自天子以至于庶人,壹是皆以修身为本。 其本乱,而末治者否矣。其所厚者薄,而其所薄者厚,未之有也。 A university chapter The way of universitylies in virtue, in affinity, and in goodness. To know is to bedecided, to be decided is to be quiet, to be quiet is to be safe, to be secureis to be careful, to be careful is to be obtained. Everything has its beginningand everything has its beginning. If you know your priorities, you are close. If the ancient desireswere clearly virtuous, they should govern their country. If you want to governyour country, let your family rule. If you want to keep up with your family,cultivate yourself first. Those who wish to cultivate their bodies firstcorrect their hearts. If you would straighten out your heart, be sincere; Ifyou really want to know what you mean, know it first. To know in the thing.From the case of things came the knowledge, from the knowledge of intentions,from the sincerity of intentions, from the rectification of the heart, from therectification of the heart to the cultivation of the body, from the cultivationof the body to the cultivation of the family, from the ruling of the state,from the ruling of the state to the peace of the world. From the son of god tothe common people, one is all based on the cultivation of the body. Its origin is chaotic,but the end to rule is not. What is thicker is thinner, and what is thinner isthicker than it is. 一所大学的章 大学的道路在于美德、亲和力和善良。 知道就是决定,决定就是安静,安静就是安全,安全就是小心,小心就是获得。万物皆有始,万物皆有始。如果你知道你的优先级,你就很接近了。 如果古代的欲望明显是善良的,他们就应该统治他们的国家。如果你想统治你的国家,就让你的家族统治吧。如果你想跟上家人的步伐,首先要培养自己。那些想要修身的人首先要纠正他们的心。如果你想直抒胸臆,要真诚;如果你真的想知道你的意思,首先要知道。了解事物。从事物的情况下是知识,知识的意图,真诚的意图,从心脏的整改,整改的心的培养身体,从身体的栽培种植的家庭,从执政的国家,从执政的国家和平的世界。从神的儿子到百姓,一个都是建立在修身基础上的。 它的起源是混乱的,但统治的终结不是。越厚越薄,越薄越厚。 【复制的时候作者在上一个页面,我忘记了······我的错】