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与读写障碍和注意力障碍共生的方法learning and attention issue


读写障碍和注意力障碍, 对有些人来讲, 可能是一生的事情了。。。。
即然改变不了, 就接受好了。
就像我老板(他是ADHD, 全球500强高管)说的, 有些注定甩不掉的就要学会与它共生!
开这个帖子置顶, 大家都来说说怎么在这种情况下如何做可以快乐的生活。。
毕竟人生不长, 快乐走先。怎样都是生活 , 要看开一点。
(真的, 如果告诉我们, 孩子只有20年的寿命, 我们对他们的方式是不是不一样?一切都不好说)
我会分享我在网上会收集一些世界各地的读写障碍和注意力障碍的研究和应对方法, 及与之共生的孩子们的列子。

IP属地:北京1楼2018-10-05 03:05回复
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    IP属地:北京2楼2018-10-05 03:16
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      IP属地:北京3楼2018-10-21 00:05
        University of Manitoba Accessibility Winnipeg, Manitoba. 9/10 STARS (Law). BEST: Good test taking accommodations, dyslexia-friendly environment, helpful resource office, faculty are accessible and supportive, good accessibility – audio available in a timely fashion, good system to ask for accommodations, free learning support. WORST: no visible dyslexia programs on campus. TIPS: Very supportive university.
        University of Toronto – Accessibility Services 1/10 STARS (Arts & Sciences) WORST: Difficult process for asking for accommodations, teachers resist providing accommodations, audio resources are late or difficult to acquire, hard to obtain regular test-taking accommodations, no visible dyslexia programs on campus, negative culture for learning differences. ADVICE: “Accessibility is a horror show for dyslexics. Worse than awful exam accommodations and rules; zero differentiation for learners with different learning styles; less than ZERO support for students who are gifted but do not read and write in normative ways; horrible communication with students’ one hour per week drop in hours for services; even the equity studies and women’s studies profs who should know better are s— on access issues; 6 week wait MINIMUM for assistive tech in start of program – most crucial time to have supports; OVERLOAD with assessment and no action on accomodation as if assessment itself is the job of accessilbity services; punitive behavior of di****lity counsellors when students miss a deadline; refusal of exam accommodations even if prof is late with posting exam schedule; scribes known to students (totally inappropriate); scribes switching off half way through test or exam; scribe demanding student indicate punctuation or would not scribe (totally different part of the brain); university uses volunteer notetakers even though the ministry of education provides funding to pay them; if no notetakers volunteer to take notes the student goes without; notetakers can hand write notes which can’t be read by text to speech software; there is no library of audio or pdf’d textbooks or readers so each student needs to have materials scanned each time fresh and WAIT up to six weeks putting them at a distinct disadvantage. Open book exams are not accessible to students who do not read and write in normative ways; cheat sheets for exams are not accessible for students who do not read and write in normative ways and yet are marked. It is basically a s— show unless you fit a tiny, narrow definition of what is disabled. The lack of imagination is ASTOUNDING at the #1 university in Canada. Worse than useless. ADVICE: DO NOT DO IT.
        COLORADO Pikes Community College Accessibility Services 7/10 STARS (Pre-engineering) BEST: Good system to ask for accommodations, good test taking accommodations WORST: No visible dyslexia programs on campus, no learning support or only expensive learning support program.
        Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design “Didn’t need accommodations for all my classes because this is art school. The di****lity person was friendly and helpful. The typography class had assignments with hand-drawn fonts, but I have fine motor issues and a little tremor. It wasn’t a huge deal, but it was helpful that she contacted the teacher separately.”
        Central Connecticut State University Di****lity Services – 3/10 STARS (History)
        BEST: small classes. WORST: Not much understanding about the problem. No visible dyslexia program on campus.
        University of Connecticut – Center for Students with Di****lities
        Yale University Resource Office on Di****lities
        American University 8/10 STARS (Masters Anthropology) BEST: small classes, good accessibility , free learning support. “AU has a focus on diversity and this includes learning di****lities. Most professors were accommodating and pleased to do so. As an older student, I had the financial resources and knowledge to come prepared with online reader programs (learning ally, audible, natural reader, vBookz, etc.) On a rare occasion, readings were not available in PDF form or audible book form, and in those incidences, keeping up was difficult. Overall, it was a supportive environment.” WORST: there is no di****lity resource office, audio resources are late or difficult to acquire, difficult process for asking for accommodations. “To my knowledge, AU did not have a specific dyslexia resource office, but did have learning di****lity office. I find that as a dyslexic student, many schools often lump all needs into “disabled” without resources for individual needs. Additionally, access to online PDF readers and audible books were available after many “hoops”, but still available. It would be easier if those were available readily to all students, regardless of diagnosis and paperwork.”

        IP属地:北京4楼2018-10-21 00:19

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