巨齿鲨吧 关注:11,369贴子:222,643




IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端1楼2018-11-01 22:07回复
    IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端2楼2018-11-01 22:08
      @log😄😄 @居氏鼬鲨🎏叁

      IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端3楼2018-11-01 22:09

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端4楼2018-11-01 22:12

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2018-11-01 22:13

            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2018-11-01 22:19

              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端7楼2018-11-01 22:27
                《Meg: Hell's Aquarium》,122卫星滑齿龙出自这里
                Meg: Hell's Aquarium begins a couple of years after the Meg: Primal Waters ended. The prologue starts with Scarface, Michael Maren's Meg, and Angel's last survivng pup from her first liter, hunting. The meg gets enticed by a prospective meal and quickly gets killed by a much larger creature which is hinted at being a Liopleurodon. Danielle "Dani" Taylor is working at the Tanaka Institute with Jonas, Terry and Mac. David comes home from college for the summer to work at the institute. Besides its main attraction, Angel, the institute now holds Angel's five pups: Mary Kate, Ashley, Angelica, Belle, and Lizzy. Angel's behavior changes. Unlike before, Angel refuses to respond to the feeding stimulus she has known all her life. The peace that the Taylors have enjoyed gets destroyed when a working accident causes Angel to go berserk, killing one of her feeders, injuring the other, and giving Dani some injuries. Angel's pups have separated themselves into two groups — one group of Bella and Lizzy, who are just as aggressive as Angel but fear her due to her size, and the other three females, Mary Kate, Ashley and Angelica.
                An animal rights group called R.A.W. (Release Animals to the Wild) decides to try to get the Tanaka Institute to free the young females, even though the world knows the damage that Angel did when she escaped many years previously. Jonas and Terry want to expand the Institute to separate all of the siblings due to their increased aggression, but the state won't allow an expansion of the facility. Angelica is soon attacked by one of her siblings while being moved, and dies.

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端8楼2018-11-01 22:34
                  David eventually dates Kaylie, and she is chosen to go on the dive to Panthalassa, and bin Rahadi informs David of the Dunkleosteus, the "Bad Fish", which, along with Zahra, formerly called Mary Kate, resides in Dubai Land Aquarium; this effectively captures David's interest in Panthalassa, which plays into bin Rashidi's plan to have David, who is the best pilot on the team, attract and catch the residents of the Panthalassa sea. Kaylie insists on going on the dive with him and they end up in Panthalassa where they are attacked by many large and violent creatures and get attacked by a large one hundred twenty-two foot long Liopleurodon. The two escape the beast by hiding in a wreck of a ship that may have busted through the crust revealing Panthalassa.
                  Eventually, the two make it to one of Michael Maren's underwater labs and end up killing a mosasaur when the legs of the lab crush the head of the creature. Jonas finds out that David is trapped and uses the control they have of Angel to help him save David. Jonas gets attacked by another mosasaur, but Angel kills it attracting the Liopleurodon. Jonas manages to get the lab through Panthalassa but not without problems. Due to their fierce behavior and territoriality, the Liopleurodon and Angel too leave Panthalassa and fight over territory and Angel's kill. David and Kaylie escape the lab but find out that Angel is caught in bin Rashidi's nets. The Liopleurodon kills Angel and then sinks back to the depths. David and Kaylie almost make it out, but they soon find out that the mosasaur kill is next to them. As Jonas wakes up, the Liopleurodon kills Kaylie. David isn't having an easy time coping and he has concluded that therapy doesn't help, but he can't kill himself by cutting his wrists, so he will take off on a "business trip", possibly to either destroy the Panthalassa or kill the liopleurodon in revenge for its murder of Kaylie.
                  Though Angel is dead, her pups are hunting and giving birth.... leaving the opening for "Meg: Night Stalkers

                  IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端12楼2018-11-01 22:40

                    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端13楼2018-11-01 22:46

                      IP属地:山西来自Android客户端14楼2018-11-01 22:56
                        在一次秘密潜入太平洋最深的峡谷中,乔纳斯·泰勒发现自己面对着动物王国历史上最大,最凶猛的捕食者。作为这次任务的唯一幸存者,泰勒被他所看到的确实困扰但却无法证明存在 - Carcharodon megalodon(巨齿噬人鲨),大白鲨的大母亲。史前巨齿鲨的平均重量为20吨,可以在几秒钟内撕裂霸王龙。作为一名患有创伤后应激障碍的疯子,泰勒拒绝忘记几乎让他失去生命的深度。拥有博士学位在古生物学的带领下,泰勒花了数年时间进行理论化,讲授和写作,认为巨齿鲨仍然可以在最深的海平面上进食。但需要一位老朋友让他回到水中,还有一位热情的女潜艇飞行员将他重新打造成一个高科技微型潜艇。比以往更深的潜水,泰勒将面对恐怖,就像他从未想象过的那样,他发现的东西可以将潮流变成血红色,直到时间结束。 巨齿鲨即将浮出水面。当她这样做时,没有任何人会安全,而乔纳斯必须再次面对他最大的恐惧。

                        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端15楼2018-11-01 23:01
                          历史上最可怕的掠夺者......不再是历史。菲律宾海板块:这个星球上最未开发的领域。 泛大洋是一片可追溯到2.2亿年前的海洋,隐藏在其原始地壳之下。 泛大洋广阔而孤立,居住着长期以来被认为已灭绝的噩梦般的海洋生物。田纳西学院,加利福尼亚州蒙特雷市:距离76英尺,10万英镑的巨齿鲨天使已经过去了四年,他们生了一大堆幼崽,数量太多而且很有侵略性。幸运的是,正在建造世界上最大的水族馆的迪拜皇家王子试图购买两个“小矮人” - 如果乔纳斯泰勒的二十一岁儿子大卫将成为他们的经纪人。乔纳斯不情愿地同意了,大卫在他生命的夏天去了迪拜,没有意识到他正准备带领一支探险队去追捕并捕获有史以来最危险的生物栖息地!

                          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端16楼2018-11-02 07:08

                            IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧17楼2018-11-02 22:22

                              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端18楼2018-11-04 17:52