旗木朔茂吧 关注:1,739贴子:5,011
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【代发】不專業無授權翻譯 原文作者 ohayohimawari



IP属地:上海1楼2019-02-12 11:19回复
    “嘿朔茂,”自來也在小心翼翼地進入旗木家時向他的朋友致意。“我們剛從一個任務回來,可以聽到一英里外這個地方的噪音 - 一切都好嗎?”朔茂抬起頭,看到另外兩個三忍從後門進入他的廚房。

    IP属地:上海2楼2019-02-12 11:19
      “我忍不住想,如果卡卡西的母親在這裡,這個派對就不會那麼亂。蛋糕會很完美; 孩子們不會流血,摔斷手臂......“
      “嘿 - 嘿,嘿,現在,慢下來。”自來也轉向朔茂並將一隻大手放在他朋友的肩膀上。“對於任何一個人來說,你太要求完美了。甚至是她,朔茂。你知道嗎?你做得很棒。真的,真的,很棒。卡卡西是一個了不起的孩子。你知道每個人都稱他為天才,對嗎?他很健康,他很堅強,而且他非常仰慕你。“

      IP属地:上海3楼2019-02-12 11:20
        1.‘Muffins by Mangekyous'(萬花筒鬆餅店)這句英文我翻譯時嘴角都在抽搐,Mangekyous我google時,出現的都是萬花筒寫輪眼,所以我想那是那句單詞的意思,再加上文中說到那家店是在宇智波的領地內,所以我就這麼翻了,其實我老妹有告訴我也可以翻成繽紛鬆餅店,因為萬花筒也有繽紛的意思,但我決定還是保留原來的翻譯,算是我的惡趣味吧
        spin-the-bottle(轉瓶子)由多人圍成圓圈進行的團體遊戲,可以坐著或站著進行。在圓圈的中間有一個平放的瓶子,由一個人轉瓶子,之後要親吻最後瓶口指向的人。在歐美青少年中很流行。 轉瓶子有許多的變體,其中一種變體是二個人需擁抱五秒,或是親吻10秒,若10秒內沒有親吻,則要進行法式接吻
        seven minutes in heaven(天堂的七分鐘)遊戲會選出二個人躲進衣櫃或其他黑暗密閉空間中七分鐘的時間,二個人在七分鐘內可以作任何想做的事[1]。常見的選擇有接吻、愛撫甚至於性行為,不過二個人也可以聊天、做其他(多半是安靜不會出聲)的事,或是什麼都不做

        IP属地:上海4楼2019-02-12 11:20
          Sakumo shut the bathroom door behind him, and locked himself in. Despite the sturdy wood of his makeshift barrier, the chaos and screams that lay beyond it continued to filter through. He closed his eyes and drew a shaky breath, grateful that the noise had at least been muffled. He approached the mirror hanging above the bathroom sink and addressed his reflection.
          “Why did I say I would do this? I don’t know if I can do this.”
          Sighing, he tugged on the edge of the mirror to access the shelves of medicine hidden behind it. He selected a bottle of aspirin, and shook out two tablets. Closing the medicine cabinet door again, he took another glance at his pale, sweaty face and turned the tap for cold water.
          He swallowed the tablets, and after splashing some water on his face for good measure, he readdressed his reflection.
          “You are the White Fang. Think of your son. You can do this.”
          “Sakumo! Sakumo, are you in here?”
          Sakumo was never so happy to hear the voice of his friend Dai as it rose above the din in his home. When he entered the kitchen again, he found Maito waiting there for him. “Dai! I’m so glad you could make it. Is Gai with the others? Maybe he can convince them to gather outside, instead.”
          “I’m sure he’ll try,” Dai chuckled at the White Fang’s bristling mane. “Where should I leave our present for Kakashi?”
          “That’s so thoughtful of you Dai, thank you. They’re stacked in the living room, for now.”
          As Dai exited the kitchen from one doorway, there came a knock at another. “Come in!” Sakumo shouted, mentally adding to the head count within the Hatake residence. The arrival of the Maito family should have completed the number of expected guests, and he immediately worried that he hadn’t prepared enough food for everyone.

          IP属地:上海5楼2019-02-12 11:21
            “Jiraiya’s right, you know.” Tsunade strolled in, and placed a hand on Sakumo’s back. “Your son is going to grow up to be an amazing shinobi. Odds are, even stronger than you. You tackle parenthood by yourself every day, and you handle it better than I ever could.” Tsunade laughed under her breath. “What can I do to help with lunch? And I’ll stick around for when the kids start choking on toothpicks,” she winked.
            “Is Orochimaru alright by himself out there?” Sakumo asked before gratefully delegating tasks to his friends.
            “He’s fine,” Tsunade laughed. “You know, he really can’t stand the squeaking noise that balloons make. So, he’s just filling them with air and telling the kids that they’re snakes.” Sakumo and Jiraiya joined her in laughing when she added “and the kids are having a ball with it.”
            Dai returned through the back door just as the last serving tray of lunch had been taken outside. “I think they did a great job on the cake, come here and take a look at it.” He set a box down on the counter Sakumo had just finished wiping off and lifted the lid.
            The White Fang smiled at the words “Happy Birthday Kakashi” written in his son’s favorite shade of blue. He was thrilled to see that red dogs and black kunai also decorated the cake. “This is perfect, Dai. Thank you so much.”
            Only five kids had choked on toothpicks, and Tsunade had been on hand to avert any crisis. Only two of the presents were identical, and both had been wrapped with receipts. Orochimaru and Jiraiya had taken over kitchen duty when it was time for Kakashi to open his gifts, and Dai took the photos so Sakumo could enjoy watching his son. When it came time for the cake, the White Fang’s heart was filled at the sound of so many voices singing in honor of Kakashi’s Birthday.
            Several hours later, the two remaining members of the Hatake clan had their home to themselves again. Sakumo was considering taking a nap when Kakashi asked “may I have another piece of cake, Dad? I’ll bring one for you too, if you want.”
            “Well, it is your birthday, so, yes you may. I think I will have one, too,” he smiled at his son.
            Kakashi returned with two pieces of the pink bunny monstrosity that the White Fang had forgotten all about. “Kakashi, I’m sorry I messed up your cake. I hope you didn’t mind the other one at your party.”
            His son tugged down the mask that hid the smile Sakumo hoped had been there all day. “Are you kidding? This is great Dad! It’s just what I asked for, and you made it for me.” The considerate little genius shoved a forkful into his mouth after these words.
            Sakumo set his plate down and scooped his son up into his lap. Wrapping his arms around the boy, he nuzzled the little head of silver hair that was so like his own. “Happy Birthday Kakashi, I love you.”

            IP属地:上海7楼2019-02-12 11:22

              IP属地:上海8楼2019-02-12 11:22

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