ddv吧 关注:21,515贴子:1,368,176



后排35号Armen Gilliam报206,43号Jeff Ruland报211,14号Charles Shackleford报208,这几个都是无名鼠辈基本找不到有研究价值的战绩

Jeff Ruland在1993年曾与垫脚20厘米的竹竿交手,难以分析,废图一张

1995年波尔曾与报211的Darryl Dawkins一战,波尔姿势让得比较多。2014年Darryl Dawkins曾与姚明一同出席上海市第15届运动会和2014NBA中国赛上海站,但我没找到角度好的图片,各位可以帮忙找找。

NBA Legend Daryl Dawkins visits the NBA Store on October 15, 2010 in Guangzhou, China.

Darryl Dawkins这货,年轻战绩找不到,老年矮的惊人,报6'11,老年水准只有6'8,可能年轻虚报就已超过2寸。2014年与体测203 Peja Stojakovic不相上下


2002年时年45岁,面对体测6' 11.75" Brendan Haywood和213保底的加索尔,也是6'8出头画风

理论而言虚报不会超过2寸,怀疑此人早期虚报2寸,后期缩水1寸。此人号称NBA暴扣之父,传言扣爆篮板无数,这种喜欢撸铁的肌肉男估计类似wwe那些,中年缩1寸,中老年缩2寸都是正常。波尔和他战的时候是1995,时年38,姚明是2014,时年57,姚明时期的Darryl Dawkins相比波尔或许少了1寸身高

波尔战超人Christopher Reeve,身高网给6ft 3 ½ (191.8 cm),对比姚明秒体测6'2.5(189.23)弗朗西斯,波尔效果强很多

IP属地:新加坡1楼2019-03-11 10:51回复

    IP属地:黑龙江2楼2019-03-11 16:05

      IP属地:黑龙江3楼2019-03-11 16:06
        波尔肩高腿长脖子短 秒 190左右的人效果自然比姚明好得多 对了有张照片得给你看看

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2019-03-11 22:53
          能不能查到塔克佛尔现在的臂展 好像说8尺4了

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端7楼2019-03-27 04:21
            Mamadou N'Diaye真是不行但7‘4未必是穿鞋数据,体测表只有一个数的那种似乎经常有归类错误的情况,只有穿鞋数的,那么穿鞋数可能是穿鞋,也可能是裸足
            奥胖和体测6'6皮尔斯,来源ins Bly85mWgK7y。和姚明秒6'5乔丹,6'7麦迪相比真是差不少,下面这些都是近期照

            报6'6的Chantelle Anderson和报7'0 menno dijkstra,来源ins Bj3QrAzg85M

            报7'0 menno dijkstra和报7'4 Rik Smits,来源ins Bc9B_1wlnl6

            IP属地:新加坡9楼2019-03-29 17:41
              下面来自insidehoops.c0m/forum/showthread.php?t=261350,时光机有该网页20180725233643的备份。发帖人没说数据来源,我推测是发帖人从新闻里搜集的,但可能不全是,发帖人之前还有一个老帖编号257270,可能那个帖子里有提数据来源,可惜时光机没收录已不可考。下面一些数据精度达到1/8英寸(比如7-0.63, 7-0.88),不知以前体测是否都是用1/8精度。张伯伦精度达1/16,这个数据身高网张伯伦条目有提到,是张伯伦在医院量的
              - Centers -
              Yao Ming:
              Height: 7-5.75 (7-5 October 2002, 7'5.75 September 2004)
              Wingspan: 7-5
              Standing Reach: 9-6.25 (3/4 inch shoe adjusted)
              Hand Length:10"
              Playing Weight:
              296lbs - early career
              310lbs - mid career
              276lbs - 2010 FIBA
              Shoes: U.S. size 18
              Mark Eaton:
              Height: 7-3.75
              Wingspan: 7-6(这个7'6的数在两篇88和89年的新闻里有提)
              Playing Weight:
              275lbs - rookie
              297lbs - mid career
              Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:
              Height: 7-1.88 (7-1.375 UCLA, 7-1.625 Bucks training camp, 7-1.88 Bucks training camp yr 2)
              Wingspan: 7-5
              Playing Weight:
              228lbs - rookie
              231lbs - 2nd season
              235lbs - early career
              240lbs - mid career
              267lbs - late career
              Shoes: U.S. size 16
              Wilt Chamberlain:
              Height: 7-1.06 (6-11.5 age 17, 7-1.06 age 23)
              Wingspan: 7-8
              Standing Reach: 9-6 (No adjustment needed - played in Chuck Taylors)
              Hand Length: 9.5"
              Hand Spread: 11.5"
              Playing Weight:
              225lbs - Kansas
              230lbs - Globetrotters (signing on)
              249lbs - Globetrotters (several weeks before leaving, evidently put on a lot of weight that year, lead to rookie list weight of 250lbs)
              258lbs - Kutchers game just days prior to rookie debut
              265lbs - 3rd season
              275lbs - 4th season (list weight from there on out)
              292lbs - 5th season
              310lbs - late career
              320lbs - maximum (overweight at training camp of 5th season)
              Shoes: U.S. size 15
              Shaquille O'Neal:
              Height: 7-0.88 (At age 21, 7-0.63 NBA draft measurement 1, 7-0.88 draft measurement 2)
              Wingspan: 7-7
              Standing Reach: 9-4 (1 inch shoe adjusted)
              Hand Length: 11"
              Hand Spread: 9"
              Playing Weight:
              280 - Freshman LSU Season
              285 - Sophomore LSU Season
              294 - Final LSU Season
              301 - 1992 draft measurement 1
              303 - 1992 draft measurement 2
              315 - early career
              325 - early-mid career
              350 - mid-late career
              368 - maximum (out of shape after an injury)
              Shoes: U.S. size 22
              Dave Cowens:
              Height: 6-8.5
              Wingspan: 6-9
              Playing Weight:
              230 - rookie
              Wes Unseld:
              Height: 6-5.75
              Playing Weight:
              245 - rookie
              265 - mid career
              280 - late career
              Bill Russell:
              Height: 6-9.63 (6-9.63 at age 21, Junior NCAA Season 1955)
              Hand Length:10.5"
              Playing Weight:
              215 - rookie
              222 - early career
              230 - late career
              240 - final season
              Shoes: U.S. size 14
              - Center / Power Forwards -
              Elvin Hayes:
              Height: 6-9.5 (6-8.5 UCLA age 19, 6-9.5 UCLA age 21)
              Playing Weight:
              240 - Junior NCAA season
              235 - early NBA career
              240 - majority of NBA career
              Shoes: U.S. size 16
              - Power Forwards -
              Kevin Love:
              Height: 6-7.75 (2008 draft age 20)
              Wingspan: 6-11.25
              Standing Reach: 8-8.75 (1.25 inch shoe adjusted)
              Playing Weight:
              255 - 2008 draft measurement
              260 - 2nd season weight
              265 - 3rd season weight
              235 - 4th season weight
              Shoes: U.S. size 19
              Bob Pettit:
              Height: 6-8.25
              Playing Weight:
              210lbs - rookie
              225lbs - mid career
              245lbs - late career
              - Small Forwards -
              Lebron James:
              Height: 6-7.25 (2003 draft at age 18)
              Wingspan: 7-0.25
              Standing Reach: 8-9.5 (3/4 inch shoe adjusted)
              Hand Length: 9"
              Hand Spread: 9.25"
              Playing Weight:
              245 - 2003 draft measurement
              266 - 7th season weight
              262 - 8th season weight
              Shoes: U.S. size 15
              - Shooting Guards -
              Michael Jordan:
              Height: 6-4.88 (1992 U.S. Olympics at age 29)
              Wingspan: 6-11.5
              Standing Reach: 8-9.25 ( 3/4 inch shoe adjusted)
              Hand Length: 9.75"
              Hand Spread: 11.375"
              Playing Weight:
              195 - rookie
              198 - early-career
              205 - 1st 3peat
              216 - 2nd 3peat
              223 - Washington Wizards
              Shoes: U.S. size 13
              Kobe Bryant:
              Height: 6-4.75
              Wingspan: 6-11
              Standing Reach: 8-9 (1 inch shoe adjusted)
              Hand Length: 9.125"
              Playing Weight:
              174 - rookie
              215 - 6th season weight
              230 - 8th season weight
              225 - 10th season weight
              205 - 11th – (to current) season weight
              Shoes: U.S. size 14
              Jerry West:
              Height: ~6-4.125 (Recruited to WVU at 6-2.5 age 18, "just over" 6-4 at age 23)
              Playing Weight:
              174 - rookie
              180 - mid-career
              185 - late-career
              Don Chaney:
              Height: 6-5.5
              Wingspan: 6-10
              Playing Weight:
              210 - rookie
              - Point Guards -
              Oscar Robertson:
              Height: 6-4.75 (At age 20, 1958 NCAA by trainer)
              Playing Weight:
              205 - rookie/draft measurement
              220 - late career
              *Will Be Updated Periodically*
              Last edited by CavaliersFTW : 04-04-2015 at 04:59 PM. Reason: adding more data
              According to the Houston Rockets strength and conditioning coach, Anthony Falsone, he is still growing. Falsone says Yao was 7' 5" tall without shoes on (7' 6 1/2" with shoes) in October of 2002, but that by September of 2004, he had grown to 7' 5 3/4" in height barefoot, and to 7' 7 1/4" in height with shoes on.
              At the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, he was listed as having a 7' 5" wingspan, a 9' 8" standing reach, and a size 18 shoe US.

              IP属地:新加坡10楼2019-04-23 04:58
                2002 Chicago Pre Draft Camp

                IP属地:新加坡11楼2019-05-10 16:52
                  巅峰布拉德利比姚明小鲜肉时期高1厘米 后期姚明合影不虚穆雷桑

                  来自Android客户端13楼2019-05-30 13:28
                    布拉德利和穆德桑战平手 布拉德利战胜小鲜肉期姚明 后期姚明和穆德桑战平

                    来自Android客户端14楼2019-06-17 21:12

                      IP属地:新加坡15楼2019-06-18 17:34
                        Moses Bol,资料7'1和7'2,资料说是已故Manute Bol的堂弟,“Is a cousin of the late Manute Bol”。他接替了Tacko Fall在UCF Knights的位置。

                        IP属地:新加坡16楼2019-07-20 19:26
                          96年布拉德利在Andy Rooney的节目量身高,对话没太听明白,大体是布拉德利先说自己7'6,然后量身高一脸不高兴,对主持人说你要信我的话,然后量完主持人说7'6.25,布拉德利马上笑容满面,说自己又长了。镜头位置不好,感觉也是7'5.5附近,主持人可能是故意往7'6再加一个单位来逗他,尺子根本没有1/4的刻度。


                          IP属地:新加坡20楼2019-08-22 11:27

                            之前@桐桐在澳门01提到一个视频《30 for 30 Shorts Posterized》说布拉德利说世界有30个人比他高,不知布拉德利是引用基于模型估算的数据还是他也常上巨人网,我数了下巨人网排他前面亮灯的确实是30多个。那个节目里插入了几秒96年量身高的镜头,这个版本比20楼的清晰,重新截图发一下。

                            “如果您将一个物体放在他的头上,我认为他不会达到7英尺6标记,角度对我而言显示他在那个短片中比6接近5 ...”
                            “I don't think he'd hit 7ft 6 mark if you put an object on his head, the angle to me shows him nearer 7ft 5 than 6 in that clip...”

                            IP属地:新加坡22楼2019-10-18 05:58