第一音乐小时吧 关注:811贴子:58,983



     英文名称:High School Musical
     电影导演:肯尼·奥特加 Kenny Ortega
     电影演员:扎克·埃夫隆、凡妮莎·哈金斯、Ashley Tisdale ,Corbin Bleu、Monique Coleman、Lucas Grabeel、
     Bart Johnson、Malinda Money、Alison Reed、Alyson Reed、Ryne Sanborn、Andrew Seeley、Chris Warren Jr
     长度:98 Mins
     扎克·埃夫隆 饰 Troy
     凡妮莎·哈金斯 饰 Gabriella
     Ashley Tisdale 饰 Sharpay
     Lucas Grabeel 饰Ryan
     Corbin Bleu 饰 Chad
     Monique Coleman 饰 Taylor
     Olesya Rulin 饰 Kelsi
     Kenneth Ortega 执导/于犹他州的盐湖城拍摄
     两位主角 Troy 及 Gabriella 分别由 Zac Efron 及 Vanessa Anne Hudgens 演出,主角们的好友 Chad 及 Taylor 则分别由 Corbin Bleu 及 Monique Coleman 担任,Sharpay 一角由在迪士尼影集【the suite life of zack and cody】中扮演 Maddie Fitzpatrick 的 Ashley Tisdale 饰演,其他演员包括 Lucas Grabeel 、Alyson Reed 、Bart Johnson 、Chris Warren Jr. …。几位年轻演员都因为演出本片而炙手可热,本片所引起的风潮可见一斑!

IP属地:河北1楼2009-07-16 14:39回复
         故事主角Troy Bolton是个篮球天才,自小以篮球为目标,他的父亲兼教练,指引着他。Gabriella Montez 则是难得的理科奇才,又有“爱因斯坦”的称号,而且她取得了不少惊人的成绩而且心地善良。他们两人本是两个不同世界的人,在圣诞假期的一个卡拉OK比赛中,将重唱发挥的淋漓尽致。假期结束后,他们更发觉由于Gabriella的妈妈调换了工作环境,Gabriella和Troy就读于同一学校!学校音乐剧角色的选拔也即将开始,于是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算参加试音,希望成为学校最新音乐剧的男女主角。由于篮球比赛和学术比赛渐渐逼近,这都关系到学校的荣誉。为了能让Troy一心投入篮球比赛,让Gabriella认真准备学术全能比赛,篮球队成员和学术社成员联合起来劝阻他们退出音乐剧的选拔。Gabriella 新认识的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息后均表示不赞成,Chad 不希望见到自己的篮球偶像登上舞台,而 Taylor 则担心自己带领的学术比赛队伍将失去一个重要的队员。一向都是学校音乐剧主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦担心自己在学校的地位将受动摇千方百计地策划计谋阻止他们参加角色选拔。虽然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 并没有因此而放弃,反而更积极追寻自己的梦想,亦影响到其他同学向别人展示一些他们一直隐藏起来的才华!后来,队友们体会到了扼杀朋友的梦想是残忍的,于是重新给予他们鼓励和帮助,Troy的父亲也清楚地了解到儿子的倔强和梦想,于是对他说:“只要你快乐就好!”这给了Troy很大的动力,Gabriella也开始有了信心。
         Sharpay 和 Ryan 将音乐剧选拔赛时间恶意更改,使篮球赛、学术全能比赛和音乐剧选拔赛同时举行。出乎意料的是,队友们信誓旦旦地向他们保证一定会让他们参加比赛,并设计了策略使篮球赛的计分器发生故障,学术比赛中化学物品产生毒气从而让两项比赛暂停。当 Troy 和 Gabriella 赶到剧场,音乐剧选拔已经结束,在两人和钢琴家的恳求下,他们终于获准参赛,所有的队友都到场为他们鼓励。
         Gabriella 和 Troy 唱出了令人惊叹的水平,最终获得了冠军。在篮球赛和学术比赛中他们因为勇气再次获胜。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 认识到自己的错误并真诚祝贺他们, Gabriella 和 Troy 原谅了他们并和他们成为朋友,对未来充满了信心和期待。

    IP属地:河北2楼2009-07-16 14:40
           身为篮球天才的男孩 Troy 并没有排斥众人的希望,也没有放弃追求的梦想,成为一个快乐自信的人。 Gabriella 的智力超群,她将学习和兴趣很好地兼顾,因为她有别人给予的鼓励和信赖。 Troy 有了朋友的支持和父亲的理解,从一个除篮球之外闭口不谈的男孩变成一个热情合群的人。他们用音乐表达自己的想法。看了这部影片,我们明白了一个道理:凡事不要被局部影响而导致自己无法在竞争中真正快乐,只有勇于面对,才能得到自己希望的结果。

      IP属地:河北3楼2009-07-16 14:41
             胡彦斌,邓丽欣——【BREAKING FREE\另一个自己】
             兄弟连——【WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER\1+1=11】

        IP属地:河北4楼2009-07-16 14:41
               专辑名:歌舞青春《High School Musical》
               发行公司:Walt Disney
               1. Start Of Something New
               2. Get'cha Head In The Game
               3. What I've Been Looking For
               4. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)
               5. Stick To The Status Quo
               6. When There Was Me And You
               7. Bop To The Top
               8. Breaking Free
               9. We're All In This Together
               10. I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
               11. Get'cha Head In The Game - B5
               12. Start Of Something New (Karaoke Instrumental)
               13. Breaking Free (Karaoke Instrumental)
               特别收录都会新女声潘玮仪与亚洲畅销歌手携手合作〈Breaking Free〉亚洲版对唱曲与单曲〈Get`cha Head in the Game〉MV
               原声大碟中闯进Billboard热门单曲榜的9首歌曲中,有5首歌曲都打进TOP40,分别是刷新近半世纪以来单周跳升名次最高纪录,窜升至第4名的男、女对唱曲〈Breaking Free〉,一周之内从第100名直冲第23名的青春劲歌〈Get'cha Head In The Game〉,发行首周登陆第28名的男女对唱情歌〈Start of Something New〉,发行首周直击第34名的合唱劲歌〈We're All In This Together〉,发行首周攻占第35名的轻快对唱曲〈What I've Been Looking For〉,其他打进百名排行的歌曲包括了〈Stick To The Status Quo〉、〈Bop To The Top〉、〈What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)〉、〈When There Was Me and You〉。

          IP属地:河北5楼2009-07-16 14:42

            IP属地:河北6楼2009-07-16 14:46
              Start Of Something New


              IP属地:河北7楼2009-07-16 14:48
                《Start Of Something New》歌词
                Living in my own world
                Didn't understand
                That anything can happen
                When you take a chance
                I never believed in
                What I couldn't see
                I never opened my heart
                To all the possibilities
                I know that something has changed
                Never felt this way
                And right here tonight
                This could be the start
                Of something new
                It feels so right
                To be here with you
                And now looking in your eyes
                I feel in my heart (feel in my heart)
                The start of something new
                Now who'd of ever thought that
                We'd both be here tonight
                And the world looks so much brighter (brighter)
                With you by my side
                I know that something has changed
                Never felt this way
                I know it for real
                This could be the start
                Of something new
                It feels so right
                To be here with you
                And now looking in your eyes
                I feel in my heart
                The start of something new
                I never knew that it could happen
                Till it happened to me
                I didn't know it before
                But now it's easy to see
                It's the start
                Of something new
                It feels so right
                To be here with you
                And now looking in your eyes
                I feel in my heart
                That it's the start
                Of something new
                It feels so right (so right)
                To be here with you
                And now looking in your eyes
                I feel in my heart
                The start of something new
                Start of something new
                The start of something new

                IP属地:河北8楼2009-07-16 14:59
                  Get'cha Head In The Game

                  IP属地:河北9楼2009-07-16 15:03
                    《Get'cha Head In The Game》歌词
                    Coach said to fake right
                    And break left
                    Watch out for the pick
                    And keep an eye on defense
                    Gotta run the give and go
                    And take the ball to the hole
                    But don't be afraid
                    To shoot the outside "J"
                    Just keep ya head in the game
                    Just keep ya head in the game
                    And don't be afraid
                    To shoot the outside "J"
                    Just keep ya head in the game
                    U gotta
                    Get'cha get'cha head in the game
                    We gotta
                    Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game
                    Let's make sure
                    That we get the rebound
                    'Cause when we get it
                    Then the crowd will go wild
                    A second chance
                    Gotta grab it and go
                    Maybe this time
                    We'll hit the right notes
                    Wait a minute
                    It's not the time or place
                    Wait a minute
                    Get my head in the game
                    Wait a minute
                    Get my head in the game
                    Wait a minute
                    Wait a minute
                    I gotta
                    Get my, get my head in the game
                    You gotta
                    Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
                    Why am I feeling so wrong
                    My head's in the game
                    But my heart's in the song
                    She makes this feel so right
                    Should I got for it
                    Better shake this, yikes!
                    I gotta
                    Get my, get my head in the game
                    You gotta
                    Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

                    IP属地:河北10楼2009-07-16 15:05
                      What I've Been Looking For

                      IP属地:河北11楼2009-07-16 15:18
                        《What I've Been Looking For》歌词
                        It's hard to believe
                        That I couldn't see
                        You were always there beside me
                        Thought I was alone
                        With no one to hold
                        But you were always right beside me
                        This feelings like no other
                        I want you to know
                        I've never had someone that knows me like you do
                        the way you do
                        I've never had someone as good for me as you
                        no one like you so lonely before I finally found
                        what i've been looking for
                        So good to be seen
                        So good to be heard
                        Don't have to say a word
                        For so long I was lost
                        So good to be found
                        I'm loving having you around
                        This feeling's like no other
                        I want you to know
                        I've never had someone that knows me like you do
                        The way you do
                        I've never had someone as good for me as you
                        No one like you
                        So lonely before, I finally found
                        what I've been looking for

                        IP属地:河北12楼2009-07-16 15:41
                          What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)

                          IP属地:河北13楼2009-07-16 15:50
                            《What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)》歌词
                            It's hard to believe
                            That I couldn't see
                            You were always there beside me
                            Thought I was alone
                            With no one to hold
                            But you were always right beside me
                            This feeling's like no other
                            I want you to know
                            I've never had someone that knows me like you do
                            The way you do
                            And I've never had someone as good for me as you
                            No one like you
                            So lonely before I finally found
                            What I've been looking for

                            IP属地:河北14楼2009-07-16 15:52
                              Stick To The Status Quo


                              IP属地:河北15楼2009-07-16 16:17