中华文化专词双译|逍遥 中华思想文化术语2019-07-04 作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会 逍遥 Carefree 人的心灵的一种自由、无待的状态。最初由庄子提出并以之名篇。庄子认为,人的心灵可以超越于形体无法逃避、无可奈何的境遇之上,消除对于物的依赖,进而达到心灵的自由、无碍。西晋郭象重新解释了“逍遥”之义,认为有待之物能够安于各自的性分即达到了“逍遥”。 The term refers to a state of mind totally free from all constraints. It was first proposed by Zhuangzi in one of his most well-known essays. According to him, people's minds can go beyond predicament in a way that their bodies cannot, so mentally they can be independent of material concerns and free of all worries. Guo Xiang of the Western Jin Dynasty had a new definition of the term: By acting in accordance with its own nature, everything can be free of troubles and worries. 引例 Citations: ◎芒然彷徨乎尘垢之外,逍遥乎无为之业。(《庄子•大宗师》) 安闲无待地神游于尘世之外,逍遥自在于自然无为的境地。 People should seek carefree enjoyment beyond the constraints of the human world. (Zhuangzi) ◎夫小大虽殊,而放于自得之场,则物任其性,事称其能,各当其分,逍遥一也。(郭象《庄子注》) 事物虽然有大小的不同,但若安放于自得的范围内,则每一事物都按照其本性发展,功用与其本性相合,担当各自的职分,则它们所达到的逍遥是一样的。 Things, big and small, are different from each other. But when they are placed where they should be, each of them will develop as its nature dictates, shoulder their proper responsibilities, and ultimately achieve the same degree of freedom. (Guo Xiang: Annotations on Zhuangzi) (推荐:教育部 国家语委 供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社) 责任编辑:杨馨园