Damage Scaling As you combo the opponent, you will notice that each attackdoes less damage than they would individually. This is due to damage scaling,otherwise known as damage proration. To determine how much damage the secondhit onwards in a combo will deal, there is a formula: Damage = (Base Damage of the attack) * (Character Combo Rate) * (P1 of thefirst hit) * (P2 of all the preceeding hits in a combo) * (any specialprorations) Combo Rate: Everyone 60% Hakumen (Mugen) 30% 伤害缩放: 当你连击一个对手时,你会发现每个招数的伤害会比单独使用它们小。原因就是伤害缩放,或者说伤害修正。伤害的具体数值依照如下的公式: 伤害 = (攻击基础伤害)x(角色的连击比率)x(第一击的P1修正值)*(所有之后招数的P2修正值)*(任何特殊的修正) 连击比率: 每个人:60% 白面(Mugen):30% (白面后面括号里的Mugen应该是他的214214B) Proration Type Description Applies To P1 Applied only when the first hit of a combo Next attack onwards P2 Applied to every hit of a combo Next attack onwards Bonus Only some moves have Bonus Proration. Proration value of greater that 100%. Using the move 2+ in a combo will not add bonus proration. Next attack onwards Combo Rating Applied 2nd hit onward. Varies with each character 2nd hit onwards Guard Crush Applied to attacks taken while guard crushed All Special Only some moves have Special Proration (such as Hakumen in Mugen). See character frame data for details. All Danger Applied to combos when opponent is in Danger State All 以下是各种修正: P1修正值:只在连段中的第一击起作用。对之后的攻击起修正作用。 P2修正值:在连段中的每一击起作用。对之后的攻击起修正作用。 奖励修正:只有部分招数有奖励修正。也就是大于100%的修正值。在连段中使用两次此类招数不会叠加奖励。会对之后的攻击起修正作用。 连击比率:在第二击开始修正。数值取决于角色。对所有攻击起修正作用。 破防:应用于被破防时打出的招数。对所有攻击起修正作用。 特殊技:只有部分动作有特殊技修正(比如Mugen状态下的白面)。对所有攻击起修正作用。 危险状态:当对手处于危险状态时的修正。对所有攻击起修正作用。
Exceptions Some attacks ignore thisdamage scaling. For example all throw do their full damage and ignore anydamage scaling. Most Distortion Drives do at least 20% of their damage. Seethe Minimum Damage section fordetails. Some attacks also ignore the Character Combo rate, such as all CrushTriggers and Tager's Atomic Collider. 例外情况 有些攻击会无视伤害缩放。比如投技会制造本身全部伤害无视任何形式的伤害修正。大部分超必杀会制造最低20%的伤害。有些攻击也会无视角色的连击比率,比如所有的CT破防技,帝卡的原子碰撞。 Minimum Damage Most Distortion Drives in BlazBlue will always do 20% of the damage ofattack at minimum regardless of damage scaling (a few Distortion Drives havedifferent percentages). This means that using supers at the end of combos is agood way to tack on some extra damage. In addition, standard throws always do 100% of their original damageregardless of how much damage scaling has occurred beforehand (assuming theopponent does not break your throw). This is also true of most command throws,however ones that cannot be throw rejected even during combos will not have100% minimum damage. Minimum damage is calculated after all normal combo scaling effectswritten above, but before bonus damage (see below) 最小伤害 大部分BlazBlue的超必杀会无视伤害缩放并至少造成20%的伤害(部分超必杀有不同的比率)。也就是说用超必杀结束(已经被过分地修正的)连段是个不错的选择。 此外,BC投必定造成100%的伤害,无论目前的伤害缩放已经被缩小到了什么程度(当然我们假设没有被拆投)。对大部分指令投也是如此,但是不可以被拆的指令投是没有这种特性的。 最小伤害会在所有的上面提到的普通连击修正后计算,但是在奖励伤害之前。
Same Move Proration In addition to normal damage scaling, special attacks and supers have aquality called Same Move Proration, where using the same attack twice or morein the same combo reduces the base damage of that attack by 70% This means thatusing the same Distortion Drive twice in a combo is a bad idea because MinimumDamage will also be affected by SMP! Remember that SMP only affects damage and not Hitstun Decay! Some combosintentionally trigger SMP to get a knockdown, act as combo filler, or gainother resources. For example Izayoi often triggers SMP to gain 4 stocks in hercombos. 同技能修正 在普通伤害修正之外,必杀技和超必杀还有一个同技能修正。再次使用同一技能会减少70%的伤害。也就是说连段中连着两次使用超必杀是个馊主意,因为它们的最小伤害也会受到这个数值的修正。 注意,同技能只对伤害起作用,而不会对受创硬直的时间起作用。有些连击故意触发这个修正,以造成一个击倒,或者连段中的连接部分,或者取得一些资源。比如十六夜经常在她的连段中触发这种修正以取得4个槽。
DangerState Danger State occurs whenthe Barrier Gauge is emptied or when Negative Penalty isincurred. When in the Danger State, the word DANGER will appear overlayed onthe affected character's health bar, and they will take more damage: allattacks deal 1.2x more damage. When you enter DangerState, Barrier Block is disabled, the Barrier Gauge will be becomegreyed out and start to refill automatically to half-full, which usually takesabout 10 seconds. You will leave Danger State once the Barrier Gauge refills.After which, Barrier Block is available for use once again. If you are in a pinch and NEEDBarrier, you can manually end Danger State by going into Overdrive!Izanami players often use this ability since they are at high risk of goinginto Danger State when using Shield of Dreams. 危险状态 危险状态会在护盾槽耗尽或者进入消极状态时出现。进入危险状态后,血槽会有“DANGER”的字样,会遭受更大的伤害:所有攻击的伤害x1.2。 当你进入危险状态的时候,无法开启护盾,护盾槽会变成灰色,然后需要大概10秒会自动回复到半满状态。回满以后则会退出危险状态。如果你被压制急需护盾,你可以用开OD的方法强行手动结束危险状态。伊邪那美的玩家经常这么干,因为当展开梦之盾的时候就很容易进入危险状态。(就是她身后那几个三角状的东西,打开以后会变得无法防御)
Bonus Damage The damage counter will turn red when you're doing extra damage Additional bonus damage can be added in a number of ways: Netting a counter hit increases the damage of that one attack by 10% Being in Active Flow increases damage of all attacks by 10% If your opponent has run out of barrier gauge and is in the danger stateas a result, damage against them will be boosted by 20% Damage bonuses can stack, but do so additively, so the total damagemultiplier from all of the above effects happening at the same time is 140% not1.1 x 1.1 x 1.2 = 145.2%. Attacks that have minimum damage have their minimumdamage applied before bonus damage is added. For example, an attack thatnormally deals 500 minimum damage will deal a minimum of 550 damage duringActive Flow. 奖励伤害 图为造成奖励伤害后,伤害计数器会变红。 额外的伤害可以通过以下途径制造: 如果打出Counter会增加这个招数10%的伤害。 活性状态增加所有招数10%的伤害。 对手处在危险状态,伤害增加20%。 奖励伤害可以叠加,但是是相加而不是相乘。也就是说是最大140%的修正而不是1.1x1.1x1.2得到的145.2%。拥有最小伤害的招数同样会得到奖励。比如,一个普通情况下最小伤害为500的招数在活性状态下会造成550的伤害。
OtherDamage 其他伤害 ChipDamage Special and Super attacks in BlazBlue(and most other fighting games) do small amounts of damage even if they areblocked. Most Special and Super attacks do 5%of their base damage on block. This chip damage can be prevented byusing Barrier Block. Additionally, there are certain moves that aredefined to do more or less chip damage like Amane's drills (see move notes fordetails). Ragna's drive (Soul Eater) does chip damage which is ALSO absorbed byRagna and converted into health. Soul Eater can be prevented with BarrierBlock. 磨血 BlazBlue(还有基本上大部分格斗)中的必杀/超必杀技被防住也会造成一小部分伤害。 大部分的磨血比率是5%。使用护盾可以防止磨血。此外,有一些动作会制造更多/更少的磨血伤害。比如天音的钻头磨血比率非常高。拉格纳的噬魂能力不仅仅单纯磨血,而且还会额外的偷取生命。
ComboSystem 连击系统 HitstunDecay As a combo goes on, the amount ofhitstun each attack deals is reduced as it reaches certain time thresholds.Hitstun/Untechable decay is determined by the amount of time that has passed inthe combo as well as what starter is used. (Note that time freezes likesuperflash frames do not contribute to this time) Hitstun/Untechable Decay vs. Time Combo Duration 120F~ 360F~ 480F~ 660F~ Decay -2F -5F -10F Reduced to 1F 受创时间递减 连段进行下去的时候,受创时间的长度会在到达某些阈值的时候减少。受创/不可受身时间递减是被连击时间决定的。不过,超杀特效等时停效果是不计算进连击时间的。 当连击进行下去: 120帧开始减少2帧 360帧开始减少5帧 480帧开始减少10帧 660帧往后直接减少至1帧 StarterRating The above table alone does not tellthe whole story: each attack has a rating that determines how much"time" is instantly consumed when used as the first hit of a combo.The rating for each attack is listed in each character's frame data. Starter's Effect on Combo Duration Starter Long Normal Short Very Short Time Consumed 0F 60F 120F 300F 起手修正: 下面单纯一个表格是讲不完这个东西的:每个攻击都会有一个作为起手时对受创时间递减做出的修正。这个要根据角色招数决定。 用某些招数起手是不影响受创时间递减的,而某些招数起手会直接从300帧的连击时长开始计算。
IncreasingHitstun 增加受创时间 CrouchingOpponent Hitting a crouching opponent give anadditional 2 frames of hitstun. This means that there are combos that only workon crouching characters, for example, Jin can combo 5C > 6C on crouchingcharacters but not on standing characters. Some moves force standing charactersto crouch and this is used in some combos to make some combos work. 蹲姿受创 击中蹲姿的对手会额外增加2帧的受创硬直。这就是为什么有些连段标注蹲姿限定,比如琴恩的5C > 6C打站姿就连不上。有些攻击会强制对手处于蹲姿受创,有些连段只有加入这些招数才能成立。 FatalCounter Fatal Counters adds 3 frames ofhitstun/untechable time to all subsequent attacks in that combo. This allowsfor combos that would otherwise not work. For example, Jin can combo 5B >2Conly on Fatal. A very small number of moves can force Fatal Counter even on anormal hit (Including during combos!). Fatal Counter does not stack, sodoing two Fatals in one combo still only adds 3 frames instead of 6. 致命反击 致命反击会对之后所有的攻击增加3帧的受创硬直/不可受身时间。这允许一些原本连不上的连段可以成立。比如,琴恩的5B > 2C只有在Fatal Counter时才能成立。一小部分招数会强行造成致命反击(包括在连段中!) FC不会累计,所以在一次连段中造成两次致命康也只会增加3帧而不是6帧的受创硬直。