用了帖子的方法发现还是不行,在lutebot官方论坛里看到了一个解决办法,成功了,分享一下 Lutebot stopped responding to input, i fixed it. 1. Delete the "configuration"(it has lutebot settings) file in: steamapps\common\Mordhau\Config. 2. Download lutebot 2.0 again and just replace all the files in steamapps\common\Mordhau 3. go to input.ini, scroll all the way down and you should have these last lines after "axismappings" Input.ini location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Mordhau\Saved\Config\WindowsClient (If you cant find appdata you google how to find appdata) ControlScheme=0 AngleAttacksWithMovement=0 MouseXIsFlipAttackSide=1 InverseAttackDirectionX=0 InverseAttackDirectionY=0 AngleAttackAfterPress=1 ToggleSprint=0 ConsoleKeys=PageDown [/script/engine.inputsettings] ConsoleKey=PageDown Maybe this helps someone! YOU DO NOT set the location of defaultinput.ini in lutebot.