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My Mom
My mom is 71 years old this year. She used to make her living by selling things,neighbors who knew well her always said,she was generous easy- going and hard- working. As for me,she pervaded me a happiness childhood.
Children's day would be coming when I was 8 years old,my classmates would wear new dress to attend school party,but I didn't have. My mother promised, didn't worry about it I would make new one for you by hand . One night I saw her spreading a piece of cloth out on the table and measuring carefully it with ruler then drown her attention in work when I was awake at middlnight. She worked for 3 days and nights and was finally made it in time. I was full of grateful when put on the new dress.
Here, I wish my mom happiness healthy every day.

IP属地:天津来自Android客户端25楼2021-01-10 04:25
    Thursday fourth February ,2021
    Who do you think the Amber Room belongs to ?
    I agree with Johann Webber's suggestion that the Amber Room belongs to who have found it.
    Next it is an outspoken in my idea. First they must have scheduled the plan if explored the treasure. Then they would deal with unexpected event during the search. To do this well, not only spend a lot of time and money but also have courage and confidence at the same time. So I think they deserved the treasure.
    Do you have any idea about it?

    IP属地:天津来自Android客户端27楼2021-02-07 06:17

      IP属地:天津来自Android客户端29楼2021-03-11 05:39
        Thursday first April, 2021
        I had a strange dream last night. I stayed alone in living room , which was darkgrey and quiet. On the north of the room was a shelf, about 5 meters tall. The shelf was full of stuff. I wiped and sorted out the things again and again although I was tired of doing it. I drowned my attention in the work. Before long I lay on ground then fell into a sleep. Suddenly alarm went out. I woke up from dream.

        IP属地:天津来自Android客户端31楼2021-04-14 15:28
          Monday 3rd May, 2021
          Dear teachers and classmates, good morning. Please pay any attention here. I'm a Guide of the tour. Now I'm happy to stand here and talk about futurescope the most popular theme park in the world.
          Down the path next to us about 10 minutes walk . You can see Garden of China. In the middle of the garden is a hill , which cover with pink ,white peach blossom in spring. It is also planted some valuable trees to amaze tourists from all over the world.
          Go ahead the path about 20 meters away. It's a Children's World. You can play badminton, table tennis, diving, skiing in it , is not only for children but also fits adults. As you know, sports make people happiness ,so the more do exercise, the better your health will become.
          Above all, just have fun.
          Ready, go.

          IP属地:天津来自Android客户端33楼2021-05-05 04:40
            Tuesday first June ,2021
            Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking along in the light.
            I was getting along bad with a girl in my class two months ago. She came from countryside so looked dirty, poor in my eyes. I looked down upon her. End -term the exams were coming up soon. I felt nervous although I devoted a lot of time of studying. An upset stomach added to my hopelessness.
            One afternoon ,at classroom. She sat behind me while I was struggling a difficult problem. She noticed some strange about me, then set down her homework said:" Can I help you?" She told me a good way to solve the problem and said:" You shouldn't lose heart even if fail the exams." at an end I cheer myself up.I knew she is easy-going and warm-hearted after teaching.
            I remember a sentence from text book," Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking along in the light." Now she is my best friend.

            IP属地:天津来自Android客户端34楼2021-06-02 19:56
              Yesterday morning at English class. I fell asleep while Teacher Wang was speaking new grandma. She asked me to stand up and answer the question. I didn't respond it, for which she let me either stay outside for half an hour or write a check. I chose the
              I have been interested in reading Fairy Tales since last term, it makes me cheerful. This means wasting a lot of time . I read(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)until mid-night the day before yesterday , it led to feeling sleepy when I was having class, finally I drifted into sleep.
              The bad behavior have an effect on other students. I promise I will never make this kind of mistake in the following season. Please watch my action.
              Student Wang
              18th June ,2021.

              IP属地:天津来自Android客户端35楼2021-07-01 06:47
                Thursday 5th October ,2021
                Introduce your son in English.
                The boy , which is thin and tall wearing glasses is my son.
                When he was young, he was crazy about Japanese cartoon and enjoyed writing common of his own. He spent lots of time on it.
                By the time he was sixteen, he had to stop education and stay at home lonely. In my opinion, there are many ways to be an excellent person, so I don't mind whether he go to school.
                Now he is warm and intelligence man in my eyes.
                One day, having finished argument with my husband , I buried my head under the pillow ,crying . Just then he came by , touched my hair, " You should calm yourself down, anger never help," he said, as softly as he could. apart from doing this he bought a pizza to comfort me while I was taking a nap.
                I truly appreciate his company so I think the present-day life is the most happiness in my rest of life.
                Do you agree? Bye.

                IP属地:天津来自Android客户端36楼2021-08-10 09:55
                  Why did people believe the programme Panorama on April 1st, 1957?
                  First, the programme explored problems and progress all over the world.
                  Secondly, the makers gave two reasons why did result of that ,having details and pictures.
                  Third, general audiences have low specialisted knowledge ,out of curiosity wondering whether through technology earn more money or not.
                  Therefore ,the people living in that area believed the programme Panorama on April 1st ,1957.

                  IP属地:天津来自Android客户端37楼2021-09-13 05:51
                    Nan Kai Park
                    Welcome to Nan Kai park, which is deep impression on me ,this is a small gate. Toilet is close to it, it benefits for tourists. Entering the small gate, I'm standing at main path. Table- tennis ground is on the left of it, it's always crowded ,so you can hear noise outside its door.
                    Go straight the main path about 10 minutes, you will see a small Woods, which is planted tall trees and the ground is covered with various colors wilde-flowers. Follow the main path through the small Woods, there is a badminton ground, which have quiet environment and fresh air is at corner of park, a lot of people play badminton from morning till night, so you can play it anytime.
                    Either table -tennis or badminton I must play it in the morning, it makes me pleasant, especially my body is running with sweat.
                    That's all ,see you.

                    IP属地:天津来自Android客户端41楼2021-12-15 07:53
                      Thursday 30th December,2021
                      I was standing outside the door of my house, fell in thought, following the music of Beethoven'sMoonlightSonata.
                      To be honest, classical or modern music ,Western or Chinese music, I all like them. They make me cheerful and comfortable when my mood feel down.
                      I remembered the day when we met having party at his friend's home. We were attractive each other and fell in love. Then we married and had our own child after eight years. He encouraged me to work better and helped me to overcome difficulties.
                      The simple happiness which he gave me as if it was yesterday.
                      The music MoonlightSonata by Beethoven liked river flowing into my heart at that moment.
                      Finally, I decided to put the past behind me and go on the next day with my husband.

                      IP属地:天津来自Android客户端42楼2022-01-11 06:53
                        Write a short summary of the reading passage.
                        John Snow Defeats "King Cholera"
                        June Snow was a physician of Queen Victoria when cholera outbroke in London in 1854. He determined to find out its course. He marked on a map, two particular 网页链接 cholera outbreak was so 网页链接 drew a conclusion that the handle of the pump carried the germs. The handle was removed from the pump by the government based on John Snow's investigations. Fewer and fewer people died from the disease after the action. John Snow's outstanding achievement saved the people exposed to cholera. He became respected after defeating cholera in 网页链接 never forget him.

                        IP属地:天津来自Android客户端43楼2022-02-01 17:57
                          If you were Nicolaus Copernicus, would you have hidden your theory for so many years?Give your reasons.
                          If I were Nicholas Copernicus, I would have hidden my theory until dying.
                          Reason 1, the Christian Church had big powerful at that time, hardly anybody believed Nicholas Copernicus's theory. He would be punished unless caution. Actually, he was right.
                          Reason 2, In order to lead a peaceful life and have more successful work, Nicholas Copernicus had better hide his theory.
                          Reason3, Nicholas Copernicus could publish his theory for friends or colleagues, science develop as well as publish for the world. Truth win fault as time went by.

                          IP属地:天津来自Android客户端44楼2022-03-16 18:57
                            Planting Flowers
                            I received a present, a pot of flowers, from my husband this year Valentine's Day. I was spellbound by its graceful and spent many time watching over it since then, such as water twice a day, give enough plenty of sunshine, open window to air out the house.I am enjoyable to do it.
                            Now it is in such full flowers that I believe I have gifted for growing flowers. So my husband and I think I will delight if here and there in my new house the flowers look up.
                            What do you think?
                            See you.

                            IP属地:天津来自Android客户端45楼2022-03-30 06:45

                              来自Android客户端47楼2022-04-03 21:41