海员面试吧 关注:2贴子:3
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最基础最基础的英语1. Nice to meet you!


1. Nice to meet you! ( 很高兴见 到你) ? It’s very nice to meet you! (非常高兴见到你) ? Glad to meet you! 2. What’s your name? (你叫 什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉 我你叫什么名子吗?)答: I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX.??? Where are you from? (你 是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大? ) 答: I am 27 years old. (我 27 岁) 3. When were you born? (你 什么时候出生?)答: I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我 1973 年出 生。) 答: I am from lianyungang.( 我是连云港人 ) 4. Are you married? (你结婚 了吗?)答: Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口 人?) 答: There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子 和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在 船上工作过多长时间) 答: I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在 船工作10 年 ) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务 过?) ?? Which company did you work for?答: I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我 在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的 那些船是不是都是中国船) ? 答: No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了 三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里

来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-05-08 21:37回复