一次成功的冒险Describea time you took a risk that may have gone wrong, but turned out well You shouldsay
What it was Why you took it
What the result was
And explain howyou felt about it
I'd like to talk about a jobinterview I had last week. A few months ago, I sent my resume to a tutoringcompany in my hometown to apply for an internship as an English teacher for thecoming summer holiday. They invited me to take the online interview last Mondayafternoon. Because this was my first job interview, I was very nervous anddidn't want to mess it up.
The interview involved threeparts. In the first part, I need to introduce myself, including my educationalbackground, extracurricular internship experience, honours and skills. In thesecond part, the interviewer offered me a topic and asked me to plan a lessonfor children from 7-9 years old in 20 minutes. In the third part, theinterviewer asked me some questions about my career planning and my expectationof this job.
I felt nervous at first whenI took the second task. Because I need to pretend I was facing several childrenand pretend to interact with them during me 20 minutes lesson. Normally, Icould act to interact with the interviewer, but it was an online interview. Itfelt like I was not applying a job for teaching but a role for acting. I didn'tknow howtoteachtheemptyroomandthepersonbehindthescreen.Mybrainwentblank,andIfeltliketolosethisjobopportunity.
Inthelastminuteofpreparationtime,Ifoundoutabrilliantway.Iputmydolls,mybottleandmypenaroundme, and pretend they were my students andinteract with them. I felt relaxing when I taught my toys. I had a greatteaching time and even forgot I was having aninterview.
Why do some peopleenjoy extreme sports?
Practicing extreme sportswill make people feel full of energy, powerful and almost invincible. They'llhelp people push their limits, get rid of fear, improve themselves and reachnew goals. Extrema sports are, without a doubt, a different way to get to knowoneself better and to find deep well-being.
Areaction films popular in your country?
Do you think it is a good thing that a leader likes taking risks?
Do you think menand women would make a different choice about risk-taking? What about the youngand the old?


What it was Why you took it
What the result was
And explain howyou felt about it
I'd like to talk about a jobinterview I had last week. A few months ago, I sent my resume to a tutoringcompany in my hometown to apply for an internship as an English teacher for thecoming summer holiday. They invited me to take the online interview last Mondayafternoon. Because this was my first job interview, I was very nervous anddidn't want to mess it up.
The interview involved threeparts. In the first part, I need to introduce myself, including my educationalbackground, extracurricular internship experience, honours and skills. In thesecond part, the interviewer offered me a topic and asked me to plan a lessonfor children from 7-9 years old in 20 minutes. In the third part, theinterviewer asked me some questions about my career planning and my expectationof this job.
I felt nervous at first whenI took the second task. Because I need to pretend I was facing several childrenand pretend to interact with them during me 20 minutes lesson. Normally, Icould act to interact with the interviewer, but it was an online interview. Itfelt like I was not applying a job for teaching but a role for acting. I didn'tknow howtoteachtheemptyroomandthepersonbehindthescreen.Mybrainwentblank,andIfeltliketolosethisjobopportunity.
Inthelastminuteofpreparationtime,Ifoundoutabrilliantway.Iputmydolls,mybottleandmypenaroundme, and pretend they were my students andinteract with them. I felt relaxing when I taught my toys. I had a greatteaching time and even forgot I was having aninterview.
Why do some peopleenjoy extreme sports?
Practicing extreme sportswill make people feel full of energy, powerful and almost invincible. They'llhelp people push their limits, get rid of fear, improve themselves and reachnew goals. Extrema sports are, without a doubt, a different way to get to knowoneself better and to find deep well-being.
Areaction films popular in your country?
Do you think it is a good thing that a leader likes taking risks?
Do you think menand women would make a different choice about risk-taking? What about the youngand the old?
