在整个过程中,我还做了一样工作,就是收集整理自己的 “阅读难句”,把所有文章中出现的我认为 “绕”的句子都收录下来,每天早上看20-30句。
对于那些文章后面问题牵涉到或问到的难句,更是highlight起来,并把文章的问题附在句子后面,认真学习。 这样做的好处是学习如何以ETS的眼光在文章/句子中
“抽丝剥茧”,“infer” 出答案,因为阅读的难题通常是 “infer” 题,而 “infer” 题的答案通常都藏在那些难句或 “闪烁其辞”的句子中。
这样看多了,“infer”的能力也相应的提高了。 (Eg: This to quickly locate unseen prey
suggests,according to the researchers,that the anteaters were using their
electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers。 à Infer --- The speed with
which the anteaters located their prey is greater than what might be expected on
the basis of chance alone。)
对于那些文章后面问题牵涉到或问到的难句,更是highlight起来,并把文章的问题附在句子后面,认真学习。 这样做的好处是学习如何以ETS的眼光在文章/句子中
“抽丝剥茧”,“infer” 出答案,因为阅读的难题通常是 “infer” 题,而 “infer” 题的答案通常都藏在那些难句或 “闪烁其辞”的句子中。
这样看多了,“infer”的能力也相应的提高了。 (Eg: This to quickly locate unseen prey
suggests,according to the researchers,that the anteaters were using their
electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers。 à Infer --- The speed with
which the anteaters located their prey is greater than what might be expected on
the basis of chance alone。)