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GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享:the usefulness



To begin with, the survey suffers from two statistical issues, either of which renders the survey's results unreliable. First, the speaker relies on statistics from only two districts but it is entirely possible that these two districts are not representative of the state's school districts overall. Second, the survey involved only math and science teachers. Yet the speaker draws a broad recommendation for all teachers based on the survey's results.
本段作为正文第一段,攻击文章犯的主要逻辑错误:调查类错误。作者认为原文所引用的调查在调查对象数量上和质量上都存在问题。首先,只有两个district,很可能不representative。其次,调查只包括 math and science teachers,而建议中提到的是all teacher,所以不合理。
<img alt="GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享:the usefulness of frequent homework assignments图3" height="298" src="https://www-static.zhan.com/uploadfile/2020/08/inner259.jpg" "="" width="450" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: none; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; display: inline; max-width: 870px;">
Additionally, the speaker's recommendation relies on the assumption that the amount of homework assigned to students is the only possible reason for the comparative academic performance between students in the two districts. Perhaps there are other reasons. For example, maybe Sanlee teachers are stricter graders then Marlee teachers. Or perhaps Sanlee teachers are less effective than Marlee teachers, and therefore Sanlee students would perform more poorly regardless of homework schedule. In short, in order to properly conclude that fewer homework assignments results in better academic performance, the speaker must first rule out all other possible explanations for the disparity in academic performance between the two districts.
本段作为正文第二段,攻击文章犯的主要逻辑错误:因果类错误。原文中建议在“作业量是影响学生表现的唯一原因”的基础上提出的。而作者认为可能会有其他影响学习表现的原因。例如,S区的老师比M取得严格导致S区学生表现不如M区,或是S区的学生在homework schedule下perform more poorly。最后,作者提出必须排除其他因素的影响才能下结论。

1楼2020-12-11 15:35回复