Hey guys, Hilarie here, hanging out in my kitchen after a long day at work. I mean it wasnt that long, I had two scenes today. I have a great job, and I've always had a great job.
And it was announced yesterday that OTH is coming back for season 7 its very exciting and I'm very excited for everybody involved. There's all sorts of rumours flying around about me and whether or not I'm coming back and I just want to clear up one thing thats very important to me. And that is I want everyone to know how much (哽咽) I love Peyton Sawyer, and my crew. And I've had a really great run and I wish I had creative control over the show you guys, but I dont. But if I did, it'd go on for a million years and Peyton Sawyer would cry for you all the time because she does that, and I dont want anyone to think I'm abandoning a place that has been very very good to me.
So that being said, I want you guys to watch because another year of OTH means another year of my entire crew being employed and working, and thats the reason Kelly & I started Southern Gothic is because we believe in everything this area has to offer it is a wonderful place and its a really wonderful crew and I ask that you guys support the show and
you support them and uh yeah watch the rest of season 6 its gonna be really good!
And in the meantime we have so much going on with Southern Gothic and your support has meant the world to me, and I'm excited to see what happens next and unfolds for our little company that could in the next year.
But I want everyone to know how appreciative I am and yeah, its a good thing. So thanks you guys for caring. Lets see what happens!
昨天官方正式宣布OTH将会拍摄第七季的消息非常鼓舞人心,我也替每一位参与第七季拍摄的伙伴高兴.有关我是否会参加第七季拍摄的流言一直在流传,今天我想为我的决定做一个澄清.我非常喜爱Peyton Sawyer这个角色,还有所有一起参与工作的伙伴.OTH前几季非常成功,我真的希望能够继续创造性的为你们表演,但是我没有答应.因为我如果答应下来,Peyton Sawyer将会一直为你们哭泣直到永远,请不要觉得我抛弃了OTH,OTH的生活让我受益良多.
And it was announced yesterday that OTH is coming back for season 7 its very exciting and I'm very excited for everybody involved. There's all sorts of rumours flying around about me and whether or not I'm coming back and I just want to clear up one thing thats very important to me. And that is I want everyone to know how much (哽咽) I love Peyton Sawyer, and my crew. And I've had a really great run and I wish I had creative control over the show you guys, but I dont. But if I did, it'd go on for a million years and Peyton Sawyer would cry for you all the time because she does that, and I dont want anyone to think I'm abandoning a place that has been very very good to me.
So that being said, I want you guys to watch because another year of OTH means another year of my entire crew being employed and working, and thats the reason Kelly & I started Southern Gothic is because we believe in everything this area has to offer it is a wonderful place and its a really wonderful crew and I ask that you guys support the show and
you support them and uh yeah watch the rest of season 6 its gonna be really good!
And in the meantime we have so much going on with Southern Gothic and your support has meant the world to me, and I'm excited to see what happens next and unfolds for our little company that could in the next year.
But I want everyone to know how appreciative I am and yeah, its a good thing. So thanks you guys for caring. Lets see what happens!
昨天官方正式宣布OTH将会拍摄第七季的消息非常鼓舞人心,我也替每一位参与第七季拍摄的伙伴高兴.有关我是否会参加第七季拍摄的流言一直在流传,今天我想为我的决定做一个澄清.我非常喜爱Peyton Sawyer这个角色,还有所有一起参与工作的伙伴.OTH前几季非常成功,我真的希望能够继续创造性的为你们表演,但是我没有答应.因为我如果答应下来,Peyton Sawyer将会一直为你们哭泣直到永远,请不要觉得我抛弃了OTH,OTH的生活让我受益良多.