用杯子接一杯纯净的水,然后对着杯中水咏唱O God Abraham .God of Isaac .God of Jacob. deign to Bless These Odoriferous Spices So that they may receive Strength Virtue and power by Our Lord Jesus Christ Amen
Be ye present to aid me, and may my operation be accomplished through you; LAZAY, SALMAY, DALMAY, ADONAI, ANERETON, CEDRION, CRIPON, PRION, ANAIRETON, ELION, OCTINOMON, ZEVANION, ALAZAION, ZIDEON, AGLA, ON, YOD HE VAU HE, ARTOR, DINOTOR, holy angels of God; be present and infuse virtue into this parchment, so that it may obtain such power through you that all names or characters thereon written may receive due power, and that all deceit and hindrance may depart therefrom, through God the Lord merciful and gracious, who liveth and reigneth through all the ages.Amen
然后继续加强圣化纸的效力咏唱以下英文 I conjure thee, O parchment, by all the Holy Names, that thou obtainest efficacy and strength, and becomest exorcised and consecrated, so that none of the things which may be written upon thee shall be effaced from the Book of Truth. Amen.