一段段发 Luna dicit tacite, (moon speaks silently) Nemo audienti voce. (In a voic no one hearing.) Ait variantem fluctum, (it says changing tide) Memoriamque abientem. (and disappearing memory)
astra scribit arcane, (stars write secretly) Nemo scibili nota. (in word no one knowable ) Nendo Infiniti verbi, (from spinning of infinite words) Milia liborum creantur. (thousands of books are created)
Caelum immane est mihi, (sky is vast for me) Tempusque rapidus est bene. (and time is too quick ) Nihil scio habere vitam, (I know nothing to have life) Cogereque verba vana habenda humo. (and to garther vain words which will be had in earth )
sed tamen, clamitabo, (yet still, I will shout) voce grandi inscitiaque. (in large voice and ignorance) Caelum acceperit verba, (wish heaven will receive words) Et tum sol ascendet. (and the the sun will rise)