TERRY GILLIAM Terry Gilliam of "Monty Python" fame saw the comedian in Heath and knew he was right for The Brothers Grimm (神鬼克星).
"I met Heath in LA, and he was very different than the kind of characters he's played. He couldn't stop moving and was nervous and twitching and doing things, and I said this guy is great, as he really intrigued me. I'd seen him in 'Monster's Ball', which I thought he was fantastic in, and so I said, 'OK, he's on.'"
我是在LA认识Heath的. 他的个性和其曾经演出过的角色截然不同. 他动个不停. 神情紧张. 不停的抽动且手不停歇. 这家伙很棒. 而且激起了我极大的兴趣. 我看过他在'Monster's Ball'(拥抱艳阳天)的演出. 表现真的非常出色. 所以我认为"没问题啦, 就是他了."