Takahashi: Your feeling is that when we try to listen, it should be with the influence of them being inside you, right?
Klaha: That's right. Somehow or another, an image of them rotating, and they should listen for me with that image of a prism rotating and sparkling with the light.
Takahashi: Ahh. And we also want them to listen to you for us, okay? On this program, each week we establish a theme, and today's theme is "Things I recently realized", so anything that you've recently realized or figured out....
Klaha: Things I realized...there's really not anything that I can say that I figured out lately, but then there is the word "Papa Ratch**" and this talk show host whom I thought I knew the name of. Until recently I thought that the name of that person was "Papa Ratch"....So every time I heard that word, "Papa Ratch" I thought something like, "Geez, what a persistent guy he is." I thought he was the most persistant show host in the world, but...
Takahashi: ...was a person's name. But it's not, right?
Klaha: It's not. Does everyone else already know that?
Takahashi: Oh? Just everyone know that, I suppose.
Klaha: There's people who don't know that, right?!
Takahashi: There are lots of them! It's okay! :laughs: I have the feeling you see now that I'm teasing you, Klaha-san.
Klaha: How embarassing...
Takahashi: But it seems true it, doesn't it? I think it feels like anyone should know that, you know? I understand now! Klaha-san says he recently figured out the meaning of "Papa Ratch". And this will be the first time for 2003 he'll be that way. This corner is "Chiekura's** Fundamental Knowledge from Modern Palmistry".
Takahashi: Ahh, this corner is what we can also perhaps call "Today, let's selfishly have a go at last of reading Klaha's palm", but Klaha-san, can we have you put out both hands for us?
Klaha: Both of them? They're a bit sweaty, but...
Takahashi: That's okay. Well, let's have a look at them.
Takahashi: Klaha-san, is there anything that's been worrying you?
Klaha: Worryi...A worry?
Takahashi: Yes.
Klaha: Well, as you can expect...I am getting older.
Takahashi: Getting older! :laughs: I see. Ahhhh, Klaha-san, I wish that everyone could see your palm as well, but there is a line from beneath your wrist towards your fingers, and on it your circumstances are written. This line, called the line of fate... is this coming across to everyone? This line of fate, Klaha-san, is particularly broken up. Oh my, but not into just one. It's broken into many, you know? Broken like a branch... Which means that you are a person with many possibilities... And, that.... Which or the other it is heading towards the most, I'm considering....or is it the place that you are at right now, I wonder....I have a idea about what it is, but recently do you know of anything you have been doing to challege yourself?
Klaha: Challenge myself? Well, I have a feeling that I challenge myself everyday, but to say in a concrete way what that is, I'm still considering at the moment...