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师说 | 温肯心理学硕士项目负责人Amrita Kaur 博士专访


Amrita Kaur 博士
Amrita Kaur博士是温州肯恩大学人文学院心理学助理教授。她拥有教育心理学博士学位,目前教授心理学的本科和研究生课程。在她24年的教学生涯中,曾在印度和泰国担任学校教师,在马来西亚和中国担任大学教
Amrita Kaur博士已经发表了约70项学术成果,其中包括在《高等教育研究与发展》、《高等教育》、《青春期杂志》、《高等教育评估与评价》、《高等教育教学》和《儿童与青年服务》等知名期刊上发表文章。她是《马来西亚学习与教学杂志》(MJLI)、《国际学生伙伴杂志》(IJSaP)和《大学生发展杂志》(JCSD)的编辑委员会成员。Amrita Kaur博士是2020年国际教学学术协会ISSOTL奖学金的获得者。在2022年,她又获得了英国研究生教育委员会(UKCGE)的研究监督表彰。
Dr. Amrita Kaur
Program Coordinator of Psychology,WKU
Assistant Professor of Psychology at the College of Liberal Arts,WKU
Dr.Amrita Kaur is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the College of Liberal Arts, Wenzhou-Kean University, China.She holds a doctoral degree in educational psychology and currently teaches undergraduate and graduate-level courses in psychology. In her 24-years of teaching career, she has taught in India and Thailand as a school teacher and in Malaysia and China as a university lecturer.
Dr. Amrita Kaur has made around 70 scholarly contributions,which include publications in reputed journals such as Higher Education Research & Development in Higher Education, Higher Education, Journal of Adolescence, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Teaching in Higher Education, and Children and Youth Services. She serves on the editorial board for the Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI), the International Journal of Students as Partners (IJSaP), and the Journal of College Student Development (JCSD). Dr.Amrita Kaur was the recipient of the 2020 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ISSOTL fellowship. In 2022,she received recognition from U.K. Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) for research supervision.

1楼2023-01-17 12:45回复

    下面,跟着小编来听听Amrita Kaur 博士关于心理学的分享吧!
    我的一些学术调研在“教学学术(SoTL)”和“学生作为学术伙伴(SaP)”的原则下展开,并遵循心理学的学习和动机理论。我相信快速发展的世界和当代社会中学习者的特点需要一种颠覆性的、变革性的参与实践模式。因此,我认为 “学生作为学术伙伴 ”正在发展成为一种跨学科的基本教学模式,这可以促进、推动和加深学生的参与感和成就感。我也相信应用这些新颖和创新的方法将有助于这门学科的发展。
    A:2022年秋季,温州肯恩大学迎来了第一批心理学专业(The Master of Arts in Human Behavior and Organization Psychology)的硕士研究生。研究生教学令我乐在其中。
    Let's listen to what Dr. Amrita Kaur talks about psychology!
    1.One sentence to generalize your overall feature as an academic scholar or your research field:
    Student success through transformative teaching and learning.
    2.Tell us about your research background,the future development of your current research field?
    My doctoral qualifications in Educational Psychology and teaching experience in diverse cultures have equipped me with skills and competencies to undertake research inquiries that are empirically relevant and personally meaningful to me.My research is grounded in understanding teaching and learning dynamics at micro and macro level for student motivation, engagement, and academic success.I situate several of my research inquiries in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and Students as Partners (SaP) principles guided by learning and motivational theories in psychology. I believe the rapidly evolving world and the characteristics of our learners in contemporary societies seek a disruptive and radical model of student engagement practices. Therefore, I see Students as Partners practices, in particular, developing as a fundamental pedagogical model across disciplines to promote, advance, and deepen understanding of engagement and success for students. I also believe the application of novel and innovative methodological approaches will contribute to this subject's development.
    http://3.In addition to doing research, you have also undertaken teaching. How do you feel about teaching at WKU?
    Teaching at WKU has been an enjoyable, stimulating and insightful experience for me. Being an educational psychologist and SoTL practitioner, I have the privilege to connect my classroom teaching with my research and teaching at WKU provides excellent conditions to do so.A vast majority of the student population at the School of Psychology at WKU is highly ambitious and motivated for the subject matter and research, their inquisitiveness pushes me to reflect on my teaching to improve it constantly.
    4.How does WKU support your research?
    The University has proper mechanisms, especially in terms of institutional policies that support faculty and students and faculty research in a systematic way.For example, the Student Partnering with faculty (SpF) grant provides funding for faculty and students to engage in research projects. Faculty at WKU also has the provision for seed grants to support their research agenda. The most important strength of these policies is that it allows students to work with the faculty, making the research experience more fulfilling. In some cases, the University also supports faculty research by providing them with release time from teaching.
    5. Would you mind sharing your teaching and learning experience in the PSY master program?
    In Fall 2022, WKU launched its very first cohort of The Master of Arts in Human Behavior and Organization Psychology. Teaching students in this program has been a sheer pleasure for me.The student population in this program has significant work experience,therefore, they bring numerous practical insights to the classroom for meaningful and stimulating discussions and knowledge construction.I observed that student engagement and commitment in this program were of very high quality since students were able to understand the relevance of psychological theories and principles for practical applications.The distinctive feature of this program is that it allows students to engage in a variety of field experiences, such as visiting schools, organizing and participating in symposiums at the university level, and engaging in field investigations. These opportunities create a very rigorous yet exhilarating teaching and learning environment.

    3楼2023-01-17 12:47