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Undercover Babies ch1
Katy Matthews was hurrying to get home. She had stood around talking to long after her shift at the theatre. She did not want her
grandmother angry with her, nor did she want another trip over Grandmothers lap.
Katy thought how ridiculous that thought should be. The truth was her Grandmother did still spank her even though she was
eighteen years old. Grandmother had always sort of babied her maybe it was because of her condition maybe not.
Katy had Turners Syndrome a chromosomal problem. It affected different girls in different ways. In Katy’s case her ovaries never
develop causing her not to have breast or pubic hair. She would never have a period or children for that matter. Katy had quit
growing at four ft five inches and weighed about sixty pounds.
Katy was running now she had five minutes two do three blocks and climb three flights of stairs. With her short legs she would be
lucky to make it. Katy used her key to unlock the door of the apartment and walked in.
“Hi Grandma I am home” moments later Katy’s Grandma a woman nearing sixty walked into the living room. “ I see that Katy
running a little late tonight were we?” Katy decided the truth was her best option “running my mouth with my coworkers is more
like it Grandma I am sorry for being late I know you worry.” Katy’s Grandma walked over and picked Katy up in her Arms kissing
her tenderly on the cheek. “Its ok sweetie your not that late, now are you hungry or thirsty would you like anything before you
head to bed” Katy shook her head no and her Grandmother sat her down on the floor. With a pat on the butt “then off to bed with
you Grandma will be in to say goodnight in just a little bit.
Katy ran to the bedroom she shared with her Grandma. Katy slept in a small day bed while her Grandmother slept in a twin size
bed. The apartment was very small just this tiny bedroom a small living room and kitchen and of course a bathroom.
Katy stripped down to her cotton panties and paused just a moment to stare at herself in the mirror. Yep she thought still and
eight year old. Katy had always had a great attitude about her condition. She was small and that was it Katy simply did not let it
bug her.
Katy brushed and flossed her teeth, then used the potty before stepping into her blue-footed pajamas and zipping them up. The
pajama’s like most of her clothes were purchased at a second hand store in the children’s department. Katy hopped in to bed just
as Grandma entered the room. “Did you say your prayers dear” Katy crawled back out of bed and kneeled down beside it. She then
said her prayers out loud for Grandma to here the same way she had her entire life.
Once back in bed Grandma tucked her in and told her to get some sleep. Then kissed her on the cheek goodnight
Katy hated going to bed this early, but new it was necessary she had to be up again at four Am. Katy ran a newsstand three days
a week from five am in till eleven.
Then she worked three nights at the theatre selling tickets. Katy looked all the time for a better job. She wanted so much to help
Grandma out and get a bigger place.
Grandma worked at a local drugstore and had for fifteen years she was the assistant manager but the money was not all that. Katy
new that she owed everything to Grandma her mom had died giving birth to Katy and her father Grandma’s son consumed with
grief just took off.
Katy’s dream was to go to school at the local community college. She wanted to get a degree in something related to her only
talent Katy was and artist. She saved every dime she could get her hands on but it seemed something always came up. Grandma
had just had surgery on her eyes Katy had given Grandma all her savings to keep them a float while she was out of work. Grandma
fought her over taking her money but she really had no choice.
Katy tossed and turned a bit; it was silly she thought there was no way in the world she would ever make it to college.
Sure there were student loans but Grandma forbid it. She felt debt was going to be the destruction of America and would not let
her Granddaughter be involved with it. But Katy could still dream and with that she drifted off to sleep.
Undercover Babies ch2
Grandma got Katy up at four o’clock sharp. The small girl took a shower got dressed and ate some cereal then she kissed
Grandma goodbye.
Katy got thru her early morning rush between six and eight it always amazed her how many people just could not do
without their morning paper. Most of Katy’s customers were regulars and many even tipped well.
When things settled down Katy asked Joe the old man that ran the shine stand next to her to watch her stand for a
minute. Then she ran next door to grab a Danish and a coke. Hurrying back she settled in to the rest of her morning
routine, reading want ads.
Katy was on about her third paper when she spotted it.
Wanted young girls between the ages of 18 and 21 must be less than four ft eight inches tall and extremely petite. The
candidates selected will be trained for and exciting new career. Starting pay $60000 a year High School Diploma required.
(This is not a porn add we assure you) please apply in person.
Katy ripped the add from the paper and stared at it. She would need to take the bus into the city to apply. Going to the
city was strictly against Grandma’s rules. Then again how could she pass up this opportunity? Katy could not wait for her
shift to end.
Katy called Grandma and left a message on the machine. She told Grandma she was going to hang with her friend Abby
after work, and that she would be home around five.
The moment her shift was over Katy made her way to the nearest ATM and with drew One Hundred dollars. Something
else she would have to explain to Grandma when her statement came in. She then walked the three blocks to the bus
terminal and caught the next bus.
Once in the city she hopped a cab and gave the driver the address on the ad. Ten minutes later she paid the driver and
stood outside a large brick government building. Katy went inside and looked at the directory, she knew she needed room
318 and wanted to find out where she was going. Katy was shocked when she saw what the room was Federal Bureau of
Katy went to the room and was given and application by the receptionist. Katy filled it out and handed it back to her. Katy
was about to leave when the receptionist asked that she take a seat. Ten minutes later Katy was sitting in and office
being interview by a female agent named Joan Walters.
First the agent just asked lots of questions, which Katy answered the best she could. Then the agent began to speak
“Young lady I won’t beat around the bush you are exactly what we are looking for, if you can pass the physical and
physiological test you will join four other girls in the most intense training program you can imagine. You will be training
to become and FBI agent and even more important and undercover agent. This can and will be very dangerous work. Do
you think you are up to it?"
Katy hesitated for a second just to gather her thoughts “ let me think here a second, you want me to give up my boring
dead end life for and exciting career in the FBI I have never in my life been more ready for anything.
Agent Walters told Katy to report back to her office tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. She told Katy all she needed was
the clothes on her back. Everything else would be taken care of.
Katy wondered all the way back how she would explain all this to Grandma. Grandma was waiting at the door when Katy
entered the apartment. “Young lady where in the hell have you been I called Abby?” Katy told Grandma the truth about
the trip to the city the new job she told her everything but the dangerous part.
She watched as Grandma became more and more upset. “Young lady you are not going anywhere but across my lap.”
She then grabbed Katy and pulled the struggling girl into position. Pulling her cotton panties down she spanked Katy
harder than she ever had before. Even harder than the time she caught her smoking cigarettes.
Katy did what any young girl in her position would she cried and screamed and begged promising never to disobey her
Grandmother again. When it was over Grandma sent Katy straight to bed.
Katy walked in the bedroom and quickly changed into her pajamas her butt felt like it was on fire. She was still sniffling
she pulled the covers over her head how could I have thought I could have a future then she cried and cried until she fell
Grandma did not leave for work the next morning till almost eight thirty, not before explaining to Katy that she was
grounded for two weeks.
Katy sat there scared and pissed she was watching TV around ten thirty when she heard a knock on the door. Katy was
forbidden to answer the door when Grandma was not home but then again no one ever knocked on the door. Katy had
just gotten off the phone with Grandma so she knew it could not be her.
Katy got up and opened the door leaving the safety chain on Agent Walters was standing outside looking in. Katy quickly
unhooked the chain and invited her in.
“Young lady you missed our appointment this morning is this going to be a habit with you?” Katy looked at the agent and
told her about how upset her Grandmother had been with her. She did not mention the spanking but did tell her that
Grandma had forbid her from taking the job.
“Katy dear do you have your birth certificate handy” Katy went and got it out of the drawer Grandma kept it in. She then
handed it to the agent.
“Katy reading this paper it till’s me your over eighteen years old. Young lady you do need your Grandmothers permission
to take this job.”
Katy knew what she was saying was true “Ma’am its complicated Grandma has always taken care of me she is all I have.
She may never speak to me again if I do this. Even worse what happens if I fail. Where do I go then what if she won’t
take me back?”
“Ok Katy this is Joan speaking not Agent Walters I want to talk to you girl to girl. My parents were not thrilled at all when
I chose this career. I was already out of college and they still forbid me to do it. I had the exact same fears you do about
failing. To tell you the truth if three of the five girls get through this training we will be surprised.
“They are after all girls from all over the country. We know just about as much about them as we do about you. You’re all
small and extremely intelligent. But I will tell you one thing if you pass on this opportunity you will regret it the rest of
your life.”
“ Where in the world did you get the idea I am extremely intelligent?” laughed Katy “ I was a B student in school nothing
“Katy you have been measured to have a one forty IQ You also did extremely well on your SAT’s considering your GPA.
All though school your teachers made the same comments lacks focus and has a low attention span constantly off in a
daydream world.”
“Katy where does becoming and FBI agent fit in to your dreams?”
Katy new that very moment exactly what she needed to do? She packed a few things in her book bag then turned and
faced Agent Walters. With tears in her eyes she smiled at Agent Walters “Let’s go please before I change my mind. I think
it’s time Katy followed one of her dreams.

IP属地:新疆1楼2023-02-04 23:31回复

    Undercover Babies ch1
    Katy Matthews was hurrying to get home. She had stood around talking to long after her shift at the theatre. She did not want her
    grandmother angry with her, nor did she want another trip over Grandmothers lap.
    Katy thought how ridiculous that thought should be. The truth was her Grandmother did still spank her even though she was
    eighteen years old. Grandmother had always sort of babied her maybe it was because of her condition maybe not.
    Katy had Turners Syndrome a chromosomal problem. It affected different girls in different ways. In Katy’s case her ovaries never
    develop causing her not to have breast or pubic hair. She would never have a period or children for that matter. Katy had quit
    growing at four ft five inches and weighed about sixty pounds.
    Katy was running now she had five minutes two do three blocks and climb three flights of stairs. With her short legs she would be
    lucky to make it. Katy used her key to unlock the door of the apartment and walked in.
    “Hi Grandma I am home” moments later Katy’s Grandma a woman nearing sixty walked into the living room. “ I see that Katy
    running a little late tonight were we?” Katy decided the truth was her best option “running my mouth with my coworkers is more
    like it Grandma I am sorry for being late I know you worry.” Katy’s Grandma walked over and picked Katy up in her Arms kissing
    her tenderly on the cheek. “Its ok sweetie your not that late, now are you hungry or thirsty would you like anything before you
    head to bed” Katy shook her head no and her Grandmother sat her down on the floor. With a pat on the butt “then off to bed with
    you Grandma will be in to say goodnight in just a little bit.
    Katy ran to the bedroom she shared with her Grandma. Katy slept in a small day bed while her Grandmother slept in a twin size
    bed. The apartment was very small just this tiny bedroom a small living room and kitchen and of course a bathroom.
    Katy stripped down to her cotton panties and paused just a moment to stare at herself in the mirror. Yep she thought still and
    eight year old. Katy had always had a great attitude about her condition. She was small and that was it Katy simply did not let it
    bug her.
    Katy brushed and flossed her teeth, then used the potty before stepping into her blue-footed pajamas and zipping them up. The
    pajama’s like most of her clothes were purchased at a second hand store in the children’s department. Katy hopped in to bed just
    as Grandma entered the room. “Did you say your prayers dear” Katy crawled back out of bed and kneeled down beside it. She then
    said her prayers out loud for Grandma to here the same way she had her entire life.
    Once back in bed Grandma tucked her in and told her to get some sleep. Then kissed her on the cheek goodnight
    Katy hated going to bed this early, but new it was necessary she had to be up again at four Am. Katy ran a newsstand three days
    a week from five am in till eleven.
    Then she worked three nights at the theatre selling tickets. Katy looked all the time for a better job. She wanted so much to help
    Grandma out and get a bigger place.
    Grandma worked at a local drugstore and had for fifteen years she was the assistant manager but the money was not all that. Katy
    new that she owed everything to Grandma her mom had died giving birth to Katy and her father Grandma’s son consumed with
    grief just took off.
    Katy’s dream was to go to school at the local community college. She wanted to get a degree in something related to her only
    talent Katy was and artist. She saved every dime she could get her hands on but it seemed something always came up. Grandma
    had just had surgery on her eyes Katy had given Grandma all her savings to keep them a float while she was out of work. Grandma
    fought her over taking her money but she really had no choice.
    Katy tossed and turned a bit; it was silly she thought there was no way in the world she would ever make it to college.
    Sure there were student loans but Grandma forbid it. She felt debt was going to be the destruction of America and would not let
    her Granddaughter be involved with it. But Katy could still dream and with that she drifted off to sleep.

    IP属地:新疆2楼2023-02-04 23:39

      卧底婴儿 第二章
      18 至 21 岁的通缉年轻女孩身高必须低于 <> 英尺 <> 英寸,身材娇小。这
      被选中的候选人将接受培训和令人兴奋的新职业。起薪每年 60000 美元 需要高中文凭。
      318,想知道她要去哪里。凯蒂看到房间是什么时感到震惊 联邦局

      IP属地:新疆3楼2023-02-04 23:40

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-02-05 18:10

          IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端6楼2023-03-04 20:40