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转&译 《Quinta Studio 3D转印贴纸试用评测》


Quinta Studio在2019年左右推出的“3D转印贴纸”,至今已经形成一个种类繁杂的庞大产品系列,在国内也很可以很方便的入手。但受限于价格昂贵,以及官方含糊不清的命名,很多模友至今仍对它望而却步。
来自网站The Modelling News的这篇评测(原文地址https://www.themodellingnews.com/2020/11/construction-review-qunita-studio.html)不仅对该产品的实际使用方法做了详细讲解,也回答了很多模友最关心的问题,甚至还进行了简单的压力测试,是一篇内容充实的难得参考资料。该评测成文于并不久远的2020年左右,原文甚至连品牌名称都抄错了,想必这玩意即使在欧美选手那边也仍是是相当新鲜的存在。
想提醒大家的是,Quinta Studio也在同时销售其他类似功能的产品,使用方法未必就和文中提到的“3DDecal”相同,还请多注意。

Construction Review: Qunita Studio Interior3D-Decals - Detail Sets
Quinta Studio 3D贴纸内构细节改造套装试用评测
作者:Gary Wickham
We are constantly searching for search forthe ultimate solution to one of the hardest areas of aircraft modelling, thecockpit. Alas, that one stop - fix all solution - the silver bullet if you willhas not yet been found. Qunita Studio seems to have an interesting proposal intheir new and much talked about interior 3D-decal detail sets. Gary has some athand, and he shows us just what they contain and how they apply to a real modelin his review...
我们一直在努力寻找针对飞机模型最难处理的区域之一——座舱的终极解决方案。可惜的是这个一步到位的解决方案(我愿称其为“绝招”)至今仍待发掘,而Quinta Studio最新推出的话题产品“3D转印贴纸内构细节改造套装”似乎揭示出一条有趣的路线。Gary已拿到了部分产品,将在评测中详细介绍其内容和实际应用的情况。

Qunita Studio is a new aftermarket companyspecializing in the production of clear canopy and interiors for model kits.Based in Russia, the Quinta team has been rapidly building a catalogue ofcockpit detail sets, sometimes releasing a new set each week.
Quinta Studio是一家新近成立,专注于生产模型配套透明舱盖和内构细节的改装件公司。这个位于俄罗斯的团队正迅速扩张自己的座舱细节套件产品目录,新品的发布频率甚至能达到每周一次。
Quinta has captured a lot attention fromthe modelling community because they use 3D colour printing to incorporate awide range of embossed details such as recessed instrument dials, their raisedoutlines, instrument blocks, switches, buttons, signal lamps, levers andhandles, riveting detail and so on.
Quinta advertises the following features asdifferentiators for their product:
- The glass in instruments of the dashboardare perfectly smooth and give excellent gloss
- The smallest elements and inscriptionscan sometimes be read under strong magnification.
- We take the authenticity of colours veryseriously and carefully, matching from actual colours.
- Unlike other manufacturers, we are notafraid to show real photos of how our product looks on a macro photo, with astrong increase (20X), but not only a photo of an electronic layout.
- Our product is convenient in operationand easy to install, since there is no need to collect "sandwiches",as in photo-etching
The 3D printing process manages to combinethe raised surface details typically found on resin parts with the ease of useprovided by coloured photo-etch parts.
In what seems like a very short time, theteam at Quinta have amassed an impressive line up of interior detail sets foraircraft cockpits in all popular scales (1/32, 1/48 and 1/72). Luckily for methey have more in 1:48 (my favourite scale) than the others at present and Iwill admit to getting a bit carried away with my order.

When I first saw the Quinta sets popping upon the forums and Facebook groups, like most modellers, I had a myriad ofquestions about how they actually worked. The detail looked amazing in photosbut how did you apply them ? Were they delicate like normal water slide decalsand if so what steps were needed to get them to work properly ?
Frustratingly the information provided byQuinta and the forums seemed to be of limited help and so it was not until Ifinally got hold of some sets that I could understand what they are, and moreimportantly what they are not.
A good place to start is the smallinstruction sheet that Quinta includes with each set. This has some usefulinformation which is very worthwhile reading to get a better understanding ofthis new product.

感谢您选购Quinta Studio的产品。在您手中的是最新一波技术浪潮催生的产物,具有鲜明立体感并全彩印刷的转印贴纸,该产品采用最先进的设备生产。
Quinta Studio公司是将这一技术应用于比例模型改件制品的先行者,我们将该产品命名为“3D转印贴纸”。
-由于3D转印贴纸要显著厚于传统转印贴纸,我们建议使用粘合剂定位。推荐PVA基胶水(类白乳胶),也可以使用Microscale公司的金属箔粘合剂(Microscale MI-8),或亚克力水性涂料(例如田宫X-22或Future Pledge【类碧丽珠水蜡】)。
!!!不建议使用水贴纸软化剂(Micro Set/Sol 郡士Mr Decal 等等)!软化过程可能导致表面细节溶毁,细节锐度降低等问题。
The main takeaways from this informationsheet is that the parts are made from 'polymerized vinyl', unlike normalprinted decals. They are significantly thicker than normal decals and so needadhesive to keep them secured to the model and you do not (and should not) usetraditional decal setting solutions when working with them.
What we want to know about these sets:
This was a good start, but as part of myreview I wanted to try and answer the following five questions by using aQuinta set on an actual model:
- How different to normal decals are theyreally ?
- What's the best way to apply/secure them.Do you need to use glue or do they adhere like normal decals ?
- Is the colouring double-sided ?
- How well do they fit the target model ?
- Can you apply weathering and washes overthem ?
To help me answer these questions Iselected the set for my HobbyBoss 1/48 F-105G Thunderchief set (QD48073) andbegan by reading the 'Working Tips' instruction sheet.
为了获得这些问题的答案,我选择了小号手Hobbyboss 1/48 F-105G雷公的配套改件(货号QD48073),从阅读说明书上的“操作技巧”开始着手制作。

Having now inspected the sheet closely andread the install steps I was pretty sure that what we had here was thin vinylparts attached to some standard decal backing paper and that once released fromthe backing paper these vinyl parts would be standalone and I could store themuntil I was ready to apply to the model using a suitable acrylic adhesive.Eager to test that theory I submerged some into warm water just like a normaldecal.
After less than 15 seconds the vinyl partscould easily be picked up off the paper with some tweezers. No need to slidethem off like normal decals as these parts were quite sturdy and I dried offany excess water on them using a paper towel and cotton bud. Remember theseparts are made from vinyl which does not absorb water, so its only surfacewater to be dealt with. Each part was put now put aside (on a plastic tray) foruse later on.
Are these like normal decals ?
So this mostly answered my first question:Are these like normal decals ? The answer, not really. They do come on decalbacking paper that needs water to release them but after that they are not likenormal decals at all. Once off the backing paper they are more like pre-paintedphoto-etch parts than a decal.

IP属地:北京1楼2023-04-17 19:54回复
    风尽残痕独凭剑、巴库捏、文言新诗创建人. . . 被楼主禁言,将不能再进行回复
    Is the colouring double sided ?
    I also answered another of my questionspretty quickly, Is the colouring double sided ? For parts that are going toglued down onto the kit (such as side consoles) you don't need the colouring tobe on both sides, but for parts like pull handles or levers that stand off fromthe kit parts you ideally want the colouring to be seen from both sides. Well,I'm happy to report for all the parts that you would expect to be double sided(like these ejection seat pull handles) Quinta have printed them that way. Thisshows to me that Quinta have been clever about how they design and print thesesets. For this I gave them my first gold star.
    Are they flexible?
    Another benefit of the use of vinyl isflexibility. I tested this side wall detail part by stretching and bending itand was pleased to find that it was easily able to handle any"reasonable" stress I applied. It's worth noting that later on I didmanage to accidentally tear one of the thinner parts so remember they aredelicate and proceed accordingly.

    With most of the general mysterysurrounding these sets now cleared up I began to more thoroughly consult theassembly guide for the F-105G as to which parts needed to go where. The paperdiagrams are a bit small and crowded but the layout makes sense and it's fairlyeasy to figure out what needs to go where. As I do sometimes with smalldiagrams I scanned them into the computer which allowed me to zoom in wheneverit was needed.

    Despite being 3D printed, it now dawned onme that for some parts it was still necessary to build up layers using separateparts. A good example is the radar scope in the centre of both instrumentpanels on the F-105G. The separate scope parts (14) simply need to be glued ontop of the base panels as shown.
    Another thing that I noticed was that onsome of the thicker parts the colouring was not applied all the way through. Asyou can see on the side of the radar scope part it's not black but white. I sawthis on a several other parts and an easy fix was to hand paint the edges withblack. I guess this must be a limitation of the printing technology.
    Now I had the basic mechanics of how theQuinta sets worked out, it was time to see how they fared when used on themodel itself. I guess it served me right for picking a HobbyBoss kit for myfirst outing with a Quinta set because when I did a dry fit of the kit cockpittub I noticed something completely unexpected. There was a huge gap between thetub and the side walls, the cockpit side consoles were not wide enough. ThanksHobbyBoss...
    My initial reaction was to put it back inthe box and choose another subject, but I decided to see how Quinta had dealtwith this problem (if at all). To my very pleasant surprise I found that Quintahad taken the time and care to identify the same problem I had found andinclude correctly sized parts in their set, not just take the easy way out andmake vinyl panels to fit the incorrect kit side consoles. Another gold star forQuinta on this one.
    Because Quinta had made the effort tocorrect the HobbyBoss error I felt obliged to carry on with the F-105G and so Iused the Quinta panels as a guide for some plasticard additions to the HB tub.I also took some extra time to fix up a few HB omissions as well like addingsome sides of the centre console and properly detailing the top of both IP's.
    To make way for the new Quinta vinyl panelsit's necessary to remove all the existing raised detail on the kit parts. Forthis I like to use a rounded blade and scrape across the plastic. Why a roundedblade ? Well it allows me to position the blade at a wider range of angles thana normal #11 straight blade would cope with. In the end, it does not reallymatter how you remove the detail (scrape, sand or grind), just get rid of it.
    A quick coat of paint was next appliedprior to beginning the process of attaching the Quinta panels.
    Starting with the sidewalls I used thecockpit tub as a guide to make pencil marks where the vinyl panels needed to belocated. The Quinta parts were the exact right length and did not require anytrimming at all to line up perfectly with the HB fuselage. For the adhesive Idecided to try some MiG Ammo "Ultra Glue". I like this glue as it's abit like PVA (water soluble) but results in a much tougher bond. I used a brushto apply the glue to the back of the vinyl parts as I figured this would bemore precise (less messy) than applying it to the kit parts first.
    先从侧壁开始,我比着座舱澡盆用铅笔描出粘贴胶片面板的位置标记。Quinta零件的长度一丝不差,不需要任何剪裁,与HB的模型机身完美契合。至于粘合剂我决定使用Ammo Mig的“Ultra Glue“。我很喜欢这款胶水,它用起来很像PVA胶水(水溶),但粘贴强度就高很多。我利用笔刷将胶水涂在胶片背面,这种方式应该会比直接涂在模型零件上要精确的多(也更干净)。

    IP属地:北京2楼2023-04-17 20:00
      With the Ultra Glue applied you have a fewminutes to get the part into place. The vinyl is rigid enough to be able tohold it easily with normal tweezers and position it correctly. I then foundusing a cotton bud to push each part of the vinyl onto the plastic helped getit seated properly. This process was MUCH easier than working with photo-etchbrass using super glue. The vinyl and acrylic glue is far more forgiving.
      涂上Ultra Glue后会有数分钟的操作时间。胶片本身足够挺,可以用普通镊子轻松加持定位。随后我发现可以用棉棒压实每块胶片令其安装到位。这个过程比用瞬间胶捣鼓蚀刻片简单太多太多,胶片与亚克力胶水的容错率也比前者高上不少。

      The side consoles have several smallerpanels that need to be layered on top as shown. You can do that before youattach the main panel to the tub or afterwards, it makes no real difference.
      What is the fit of the parts like?
      After only a few minutes (literally) ofgluing and positioning the panels the front cockpit was complete. I was happilysurprised just how easy it was to do. Another of my initial questions, What isthe fit of the parts like? was now answered. The fit was near perfect.
      I had to make no adjustment or trimming toany of the Quinta parts to get the result you see here. Yet another gold starfor Quinta !!
      我没有对Quinta的零件进行任何修剪和调整就得到了以上结果。再次为Quinta 送上大赞!!
      Encouraged by the results of the frontcockpit in equally short order the rear cockpit was also assembled and onceagain the fit was superb. I needed to trim only one of the side console panelsbut this was a breeze using a pair of small scissors. Far easier than doing thesame with photo-etch brass. A quick dry fit to the fuselage half showed thateverything aligned properly. I was a little disappointed that the raisedsidewall detail was not quite deep enough to meet up with the new wider sideconsoles. Much better than what we started with from HB but an extra 2mm on theQuinta set would have been ideal.
      Remembering that one of my five initialreview questions was to explore How these vinyl parts react to weathering andwashes. This task reminded me of the line in "The Hunt for RedOctober" where Capt Ramius (Sean Connery) tells Jack Ryan, "Becareful what you shoot at. Most things in here don't react too well to bullets".I was really hoping the the Quinta vinyl parts would be resilient enough tohandle at least some light enamel/oil based washes and not explode in my face.
      My current go-to wash products are theTamiya Panel Line range and the MiG Ammo Oilbrushers. I applied these to thecockpit (including all the Quinta parts) as normal (perhaps a little lighter)to see what happened.
      目前我的案头渍洗涂料是田宫的渗线液系列和Ammo Mig的油画颜料刷。我把这些涂料和往常一样(也许略微少一些)涂到了座舱上(也涂到了所有的Quinta零件上),静观其变。
      Once again the Quinta parts did notdisappoint and as you can see I was able to generously apply both washeswithout any visible impact to the vinyl. I always clean up any excess washusing Artist White Spirit and this too did not seem to aggravate the Quintavinyl. A final gold star to Quinta.
      Typically my last step when painting andweathering a cockpit would be to apply a final overall flat coat. In the thiscase however I skipped that step due to the lovely glass effect that Quintahave applied to all the instruments as shown here. The vinyl finish may be alittle shiny for my taste but I can live with it given the amount of work ithas saved me.

      IP属地:北京3楼2023-04-17 20:03
        Now that I had finished I became curious tosee how these new Quinta detailing sets stacked up against the other availableoptions. As I happened to have a couple of the Eduard LooK sets handy for theTamiya IL-2 and Tamiya P-38 kits I took some side by side photos to bettercompare the Quinta and Eduard offerings. You be the judge.
        工作完成之后,我好奇于Quinta的新产品与其他同类竞品间的对比情况。我手中碰巧有两套牛魔王的“Löök “系列补品套件(预涂装树脂改件),分别对应田宫的伊尔2和P-38。为了方便比较我把Quinta和牛魔王的产品并排摆在一起拍摄,请读者自行评断。

        CONCLUSION - Quinta Studios 3D-DecalCockpit Detail Sets
        At the start of this review I set myselfthe goal of answering five key questions about the new Quinta detail sets.Along the way I learnt a lot about how to work with these sets and formed anappreciation for what they can offer modellers.
        结论——Quinta Studio 3D转印贴纸座舱细节套件
        Question Answer Rating:
        How different to normal decals are theyreally ?
        They are very different to the decals weare used to. In fact about the only thing these 3D-Decals have in common withnormal decals is the backing paper used. -
        What's the best way to apply/secure them.Do you need to use glue or do they adhere like normal decals ?
        Each part on the sheet is made from vinyland once removed from the backing paper requires some form of adhesive tosecure them on the model. Placing them on the surface of the model (like anormal decal) without any adhesive would not work well at all. -
        Is the colouring double-sided ?
        Yes, for parts that will be seen fromeither side Quinta have made sure the colouring is present on both sides. A+
        How well do they fit the target model ?
        Well I've only tried them on one model so farbut as you've seen the fit is close to perfect. A+
        Can you apply weathering and washes overthem ?
        Yes, I was able to apply both enamel andoil washes to the Quinta parts with no apparent negative effect. A+
        How easy are they to use ?
        I would rate them as very easy to use,especially when compared to the alternatives of resin parts or pre-paintedphoto-etch. The vinyl is easy to work with and allows you to use acrylicadhesives that are far more forgiving than CA glue. A+
        Overall, I'm very impressed with these newsets from Quinta Studios. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending themto modellers of all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. I have heard somepeople say they "feel like cheating" and given how easy they are touse I can understand that sentiment. I myself see them as just another optionto enhance our models so that we may get more enjoyment from the hobby.
        总而言之,我对Quinta Studio所推出的新产品留下了非常好的印象。我会毫不犹豫地将它推荐给从新手到进阶,不论水平高低的所有模型爱好者。我曾听到有些人因为它过于简易的使用方式,而发出“感觉有些投机取巧“的评价。对这种情绪我表示理解,而就我个人而言,它们未尝不是一种提高模型完成度,增加模型制作乐趣的全新选择。

        IP属地:北京4楼2023-04-17 20:03

          IP属地:四川来自Android客户端5楼2023-10-01 16:43