Disney's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 passed the $700M global mark this weekend. The film grossed an estimated $25.1M internationally this weekend. Estimated international total stands at $431.6M, estimated global total through Sunday stands at $731.0M.
Disney's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 grossed an estimated $12.4M internationally this weekend. Disney's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 grossed an estimated $10.2M this weekend (from 3,580 locations). Estimated total domestic gross stands at $322.71M. Estimated international total stands at $457.4M, estimated global total stands at $780.1M.
En France c’est aujourd’hui que #Gardiensdelagalaxievol3 dépassera le vol 2 et ses 3 232 533 entrées….Devenant le meilleur résultat de la franchise et le 10e meilleur résultat du MCU en France. 银卫3法国人次也是系列新高了。