midnight rain午夜的雨:He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain 他盼安逸舒适 我却痴恋苦痛 He wanted a bride, I was making my own name 他愿我冠于他姓 我一心名扬四海 Chasing that fame, he stayed the same 我追名逐利 他始终如一 All of me changed like midnight 午夜钟声响起 我便全然不复从前 (此处或暗指辛德瑞拉)
Bejeweled满身珠宝:And we're dancing all night, and you can try to change my mind 我彻夜舞动 而你大可试图改变我的思想 But you might have to wait in line 不过你似乎得排队等候 What's a girl gonna do? What's a girl gonna do? 一位女孩会做什么 一位女孩会做什么 I polish up nice 我盛装出席 Best believe I'm still bejeweled when I walk in the room 你最好相信 当我走进房间 我全身仍将饰以珠宝 I can still make the whole place shimmer 我仍有能力 使得此地璀璨夺目