I think it's time to admit that X3 is pretty much not happening due to a number of reasons.
- The story doesn't make any sense and it's not fixable
- I lost interest in Warcraft 3 and a large part of it is how Reforged rearranged everything so a lot of multi-campaign stuff doesn't work anymore, and I can't muster up the motivation to fix it. I still can't bring myself to pay for Reforged which is a large contributor toward this, too.
- The story doesn't actually work as a playable game
So as to what was supposed to happen:
- Sorceria is being invaded by Raven Court from Heroes of the Storm. Raven Court is lead by Orphea and she was the main antagonist. She wanted to add Sorceria to her domains in the Nexus to increase her power (much like her father did with Alterac Pass)
- Orphea wanted to capture Hokuto because she's a powerful esper (note: this is what was happening with Hokuto in X1). As last seen Shizuka was protecting Hokuto, so that involves taking her out. The story basically begins where you're playing Mizuki and you have to get Shizuka out of whatever mess Orphea put her in.
- The original idea was to go into Shizuka's memories and untangle a part of her past that was covered up-- which was her first death. Shizuka believed she drowned in a swimming pool fighting a monster. The truth was she didn't die, but the trauma from the near death experience was so bad Hokuto altered her memories. The real event was Shizuka was hired by Hokuto's mother to save her from Orphea's goons and while Hokuto was saved Shizuka was seriously messed up by the experience. So Hokuto felt obligated to help her, but inadvertently screwed her up in a different way (eg she stopped caring about her own life). Also part of the reason why Shizuka was so hostile toward her because she had a nagging feeling that Hokuto was screwing with her.
- Orphea needed to create the conditions for the Nexus to bring Sorceria into it and needed to raise an army for that purpose to serve as Sorceria's army, which was the Mekani factory satellite, using Hokuto as a battery to run the factory. Note that she doesn't QUITE need Hokuto specifically for this (the reasons she was being targeted specifically were not concrete) so she throws her minion Pixy Amy into it in the end after she fails one last time (which also frees up Hokuto's guy friend from mind control).
- Obviously, Orphea fails at this and is beaten.
- A lot of the story was supposed to be about Mizuki's past. She was orphaned and raised by Sypha to be Deathclaw's new host until they hastily dropped their plans and found Shizuka instead. Mizuki harbored some resentment toward Shizuka for losing her purpose in life, but she grows out of it and finds something worth living for, gets married, and has a kid (basically the opposite of Shizuka's outlook). She also is a trickster and screwed with Shizuka a lot more than Shizuka is willing to admit (because if you listen to how Shizuka talks she blatantly ignores saying anything bad about her)
- A lot of the Heroes of the Storm models I ported for Warcraft 3 in the past were to facilitate this campaign. Many of the Blizzard 'good guys' were the enemy Heroes encountered, including a team I dubbed the 'Dva Corps' which are Heroes with a bunch of Dva themed skins. In addition to that were some altered models to facilitate skins that just plain didn't exist in Heroes of the Storm, like Orphea's team in the final level was all magical girls.
Only two levels were finished, although one of them is garbage. The other one was the final level where you fight Orphea in another AoS map.
In any case it is a pretty half baked idea and shouldn't be taken as canon. I very much second guess the whole changing memories thing because that should screw someone up even more learning something like that (and after going to the hospital and experiencing that dark place I don't think I want to go there anymore).
- The story doesn't make any sense and it's not fixable
- I lost interest in Warcraft 3 and a large part of it is how Reforged rearranged everything so a lot of multi-campaign stuff doesn't work anymore, and I can't muster up the motivation to fix it. I still can't bring myself to pay for Reforged which is a large contributor toward this, too.
- The story doesn't actually work as a playable game
So as to what was supposed to happen:
- Sorceria is being invaded by Raven Court from Heroes of the Storm. Raven Court is lead by Orphea and she was the main antagonist. She wanted to add Sorceria to her domains in the Nexus to increase her power (much like her father did with Alterac Pass)
- Orphea wanted to capture Hokuto because she's a powerful esper (note: this is what was happening with Hokuto in X1). As last seen Shizuka was protecting Hokuto, so that involves taking her out. The story basically begins where you're playing Mizuki and you have to get Shizuka out of whatever mess Orphea put her in.
- The original idea was to go into Shizuka's memories and untangle a part of her past that was covered up-- which was her first death. Shizuka believed she drowned in a swimming pool fighting a monster. The truth was she didn't die, but the trauma from the near death experience was so bad Hokuto altered her memories. The real event was Shizuka was hired by Hokuto's mother to save her from Orphea's goons and while Hokuto was saved Shizuka was seriously messed up by the experience. So Hokuto felt obligated to help her, but inadvertently screwed her up in a different way (eg she stopped caring about her own life). Also part of the reason why Shizuka was so hostile toward her because she had a nagging feeling that Hokuto was screwing with her.
- Orphea needed to create the conditions for the Nexus to bring Sorceria into it and needed to raise an army for that purpose to serve as Sorceria's army, which was the Mekani factory satellite, using Hokuto as a battery to run the factory. Note that she doesn't QUITE need Hokuto specifically for this (the reasons she was being targeted specifically were not concrete) so she throws her minion Pixy Amy into it in the end after she fails one last time (which also frees up Hokuto's guy friend from mind control).
- Obviously, Orphea fails at this and is beaten.
- A lot of the story was supposed to be about Mizuki's past. She was orphaned and raised by Sypha to be Deathclaw's new host until they hastily dropped their plans and found Shizuka instead. Mizuki harbored some resentment toward Shizuka for losing her purpose in life, but she grows out of it and finds something worth living for, gets married, and has a kid (basically the opposite of Shizuka's outlook). She also is a trickster and screwed with Shizuka a lot more than Shizuka is willing to admit (because if you listen to how Shizuka talks she blatantly ignores saying anything bad about her)
- A lot of the Heroes of the Storm models I ported for Warcraft 3 in the past were to facilitate this campaign. Many of the Blizzard 'good guys' were the enemy Heroes encountered, including a team I dubbed the 'Dva Corps' which are Heroes with a bunch of Dva themed skins. In addition to that were some altered models to facilitate skins that just plain didn't exist in Heroes of the Storm, like Orphea's team in the final level was all magical girls.
Only two levels were finished, although one of them is garbage. The other one was the final level where you fight Orphea in another AoS map.
In any case it is a pretty half baked idea and shouldn't be taken as canon. I very much second guess the whole changing memories thing because that should screw someone up even more learning something like that (and after going to the hospital and experiencing that dark place I don't think I want to go there anymore).