All enemy health are consistent for all difficulties, Better AI, more objectives and a spawn cap increase will be the factors that increase through the difficulties. 所有敌人的健康状况在所有难度下都是一致的,更好的AI,更多的目标和产卵上限的增加将是增加难度的因素。
Dedicated Servers instead of P2P. Games won't end when the host leaves, and Restarts are decided through votes. 专门的服务器而不是P2P。游戏不会因为主机离开而结束,重新开始是通过投票决定的。
Tasers renamed to Zappers. Can deploy "taser mines" that zap you when you step on them, in addition to the regular direct taser. 泰瑟枪改名为Zappers。除了常规的直接电击枪外,还可以部署 "电击地雷",当你踩到这些地雷时就会电击你。
Cloakers have been reworked to be similar to the Hunter in L4D2. They will throw you down and pin you, the Cloaker will continually hit you and health will go down until you go into the downed state unless rescued. Cloaker被重新设计为类似于L4D2中的猎人。他们会把你扔下去,把你夹住,Cloaker会不断地打你,健康状况会下降,直到你进入倒地状态,除非被救出来。
Body bags are removed. You can carry guards entire bodies. Answering pagers can be done on the go while transporting bodies. 尸体袋被移除。你可以携带警卫的整个身体。在运送尸体时,可以在路上接听传呼机。
Concealment is completely removed. Guards have a set detection meter no matter your build. Loud and Stealth fusion gameplay more viable? 隐蔽性被完全删除。无论你的体型如何,守卫都有一套检测仪。大声和隐形融合游戏玩法更可行吗?
8 Heists will be available at launch. They will allegedly all be pretty large in scale, similar to PD:TH and won't be the short heists like Four Stores, Jewellery Store, Bank Heist etc. 发射时将有8次抢劫。据称它们的规模都会相当大,类似于《PD:TH》,不会是像四家商店、珠宝店、银行抢劫等短小的抢劫。
Overkill Weapons are added. Similar to 'Ultimates' and are airdropped in when you rack up enough kills. So far, only a grenade launcher and sniper with the thermal scope have been mentioned. Other players can pick up overkill weapons that you called in. 增加了过度杀伤武器。类似于 "终极武器",当你杀的人够多时,就会被空投进来。到目前为止,只有榴弹发射器和带热成像仪的狙击手被提及。其他玩家可以拿起你叫来的超杀武器。