最终幻想16吧 关注:7,584贴子:169,225
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粗略的给away加了个时间码 按自己的风格胡乱翻译了一下


[00:20.00] 参考了Dearest_Ningky的翻译,原文在https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Lx4y1o7DV
[01:19.00]O Prometheus! Epimetheus 普罗米修斯啊 厄庇墨透斯
[01:22.00]Hollos out your noble name! 呼尔尊贵之谚!
[01:25.00]O Prometheus! Epimetheus 普罗米修斯啊 厄庇墨透斯
[01:29.00]Clamors for your stolen flame! 唤尔被窃之焰!
[01:39.00]Fiery bonds,Severed atwain 炽热的束缚 被成双成对割芜
[01:40.00]Innocence lost, Buried in broken faith失去的纯真 于破碎信仰下静枕
[02:07.00]A stormhead fills the horizon 虐风已充盈天境
[02:14.00]Foul shadows whispering ruin 暗影在窃盼着火烬
[02:21.00]Yet from this darkness arises 但黑暗中有光竞进
[02:28.00]The burning light of a new end 光竞进将明日灼近
[02:34.00]Far from heaven, heaven flown 飞离天堂,天堂远去
[02:36.00]Down and down on weary wings borne 惫翼已成下下之躯
[02:39.00]Carried lower, deep below, from light to shadow 下下坠去 坠去深深 光坠至影
[02:44.00]Light to shadow! 火坠至人
[02:59.00]Circled in the strife of an empyreal catastrophe 于九天之灾厄旋飞呐喊
[03:06.00]Whorls of ire fan infernal flames on high! 呐喊燃起高空中 地狱之火
[03:12.00]Fire in the night 火耀黑夜
[03:14.00]A scarlet beacon in the sky 夜空中现赤色灯塔照天界
[03:19.00]Look up to the heavens 天界再遥望去
[03:22.00]The firmament reddens 望去苍天尽染
[03:25.00]Throw open your wings and fly! 那就振翅向更远飞去
[03:31.00]Away! 向远离天界飞去
[03:34.00]Away! 向摆脱食肝飞去
[03:38.00]Away! 向影中人间飞去
[04:52.00]A stormhead fills the horizon 虐风已充盈天境
[04:59.00]Foul shadows whispering ruin 暗影在窃盼着火烬
[05:05.00]Far from heaven, heaven flown 飞离天堂,天堂遥景
[05:07.00]Dry your eyes and let your wings fold 且去泣痕,又凛羽层
[05:10.00]From the dark light be reborn and rise from shadow 夜中光生,影中焰成
[05:15.00]Rise from shadow! 人间焰成
[05:31.00]Circled in the strife of an empyrean catastrophe 于九界之灾厄旋飞咆哮
[05:37.00]Tongues of fire incandescent oaths decry! 咆哮以火舌 出炽热誓言而反叛
[05:43.00]Shoathsadows in the night 祛暗影于夜空之间
[05:45.00]A swirling cyclone in the sky 而旋起风色红莲
[05:49.00]Look down to the nether 俯视下界人间
[05:53.00]Bid farewell forever 嘱咐来生再见
[05:56.00]Throw open your wings and fly! 且振翅而向更远飞去
[06:02.00]Away! 向远离人间飞去
[06:06.00]Away! 向抛弃天界飞去
[06:08.00]Away! 向凤凰涅磐飞去

IP属地:天津来自手机贴吧1楼2023-08-11 01:57回复

    IP属地:天津来自手机贴吧2楼2023-08-11 01:59
      风色红莲感觉改为风卷红莲更好 恩恩

      IP属地:天津来自手机贴吧3楼2023-08-11 02:01

        IP属地:上海4楼2023-08-11 03:36