The word "だけ" (dake) in Japanese is often used to indicate "only" or "just." It's typically placed after a noun or verb stem to limit the scope of something. Here are a few examples:
1. Noun + だけ:
- コーヒーを一杯だけください。 (Kōhī o ippai dake kudasai.)
Please give me just one cup of coffee.
2. Verb Stem + だけ:
- 早く帰る時間があまりないので、少ししか遊べません。 (Hayaku kaeru jikan ga amari nai node, sukoshi shika asobemasen.) ChatGPTより
I don't have much time to go home early, so I can only play a little.
3. だけのことはある:
- 彼は一生懸命勉強しただけのことはあって、試験で高得点を取ったそうです。 (Kare wa isshōkenmei benkyō shita dake no koto wa atte, shiken de kō tokuten o totta sō desu.)
I heard he studied really hard, so it's no wonder he got a high score on the exam.
Remember that the placement of "だけ" in a sentence is important for conveying the intended meaning accurately. 以上の内容はChatGPTより。