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I. Title should be statement (around 15words): Type here:
· TOPICSmust have a contribution to EDUCATION FIELD AND MUST SOLVE A NEW problem inEDUCATION field.
· Specifythe measurable/observable variables (for quantitative and mixed methods) ormain concepts (for qualitative) studies in the title.
· Titleshould reflect purpose (focus).
· Topicscannot be too generic.
· Avoiduse of words like “research on” “investigation on”, “study on” …
II. Problem Statement (300-500 words)
Indicate problem (do not indicate too many problems that can’t solve and problem should include latest references within 5 years): Justification of the importance of the problem as found in the past research: The deficiencies in existing knowledge about the problem to solve the shortcoming or filling the gap:
III. Research Questions, Objectives, and/orHypotheses (maximum 500 words)
· For quantitative and mixed methodsstudies hypothesis and Research Questions are necessary.
· For qualitative studies, at least ResearchObjectives must be clarified.
· There is no hypothesis in qualitativestudies.
· The Research Questions and ResearchObjectives must REFLECT ON THE PROBLEM AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDY.
· They must be at PhD level (not justidentifying or describing or defining…)
Indicate Research aim: Research Objectives: Research Questions (within 3-5):
IV. Review ofRelated Literature should be written in a critical summary format (500 – 1000words)
· Include minimum 10 references within 5 years.
· Organize your writing intothemes and sub-themes. Highlight the need of the study.
· There should be cohesionand coherence in the text.
· The flow of informationmust be logical. Have a conclusion paragraph highlighting the significance ofconducting the study.
V. Methodology (maximum 1000 words)
· Description of how you intend toinvestigate the problem/gap you have identified.
· Thedescription should consist of relevant research techniques or methods.
1. Indicate research design: 2. Research method: 3. Instruments: 4. Sampling: Participants: Data collection and analysis procedure:
VI. Selected recent Bibliography (minimum 10 references withinlast 5 years in APA format)
· List of references that support thestudy.
Refer to https://apastyle.apa.org:
All the boxes will expand accordingly.

1楼2023-08-29 10:32回复