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征集翻译,关于Santa Claus的说法


Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, is a widely understood term for the traditional figure associated with Christmas. However, while this term is commonly used in the United Kingdom, other Western countries, such as the United States, prefer the name "Santa Claus" or simply "Santa".
There is an interesting story behind the use of "Santa Claus" to refer to the figure of Father Christmas. When the first Europeans arrived in the New World, they brought with them the stories of St. Nicholas. In the 16th century, there were attempts by reformers and counter-reformers to suppress the customs associated with St. Nicholas. However, these attempts were unsuccessful. The popular affection for the saint in Europe ensured that his customs not only survived on the European subcontinent but also spread overseas.
From this, we can understand that the concept of Santa Claus in the United States originated from Europe, specifically from the image of St. Nicholas. However, the reason for the transformation of the name to "Santa Claus" is related to pronunciation.
In the Netherlands, the English term "St. Nicholas" corresponds to "Sinterklaas". When this term was brought to the United States, Americans were not accustomed to the pronunciation and gradually changed it to the current form of "Santa Claus".

IP属地:河南来自Android客户端1楼2023-12-20 23:53回复
    la Santa Claus cörìtor lo Father Christmas, ga cukto búù kön ańí sído des lá Christmas. ki cukt ćuzro ins egli, nì itèo lelns äilk amri izäûpt bû lovo klo Santa Claus hö nèsi lo Santa.
    ga inqü jívas dli Santa Claus dasil zúć lo Father Christmas. adasè i ûropsdîx étri modźzneñ, li St. Nicholas jí áken. ećíemcrìŕ, mi lägźír áxî zilägźír rkotrinen áco des lá St. Nicholas. ksi irtlîx ünvarlinenupt. í ûropsdîx izärt kis uŕipki ki áco ins ûrop en uŕor ààorz.
    köah, lgïuca loli Santa Claus sfnë ins amri öahen ûrop álidû li Santa Claus fpënáh. turt lovz kla Santa Claus pí nè des okërsá.
    ins nedl, la St. Nicholas ki eglinc cukt lör laz sintelklas. ki cukt iźznen amri, i amrisdîx ślüm ki okóers enent uŕklàt noŕái ornáz kla Santa Claus.

    IP属地:河南来自Android客户端2楼2023-12-20 23:55

      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端3楼2023-12-30 10:04