海商王吧 关注:3,763贴子:88,358
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海商王2 2024年最新个人向修改整合


这个游戏是老游戏,网上网上能搜到的一键修改工具F1改钱之类的目前测试下 steam版的英文原版亲测可用。
提取声明目前个人测试环境基于win10系统下海商王2 v1.1.8版本可用。
现在修改工具基于我上述环境下推荐GM9工具(GM8工具并未测试 感兴趣的兄弟可以自己试下1):
先说货物修改,GM9下无需按照货物量x75,直接货物实际数字变化搜寻即可;同理金钱直接正常搜索修改就行,其他可修改内容一样 欢迎探索并反馈。
重点在于另一个结果,右键进入记忆体编辑选项,进入内存编辑,可发现类似 01 00 00 XX(XX为水手数进制转换)
直接在01这个船只代码上更换自己想要的船只代码 例如:
08 三帆快速战舰
09 轻武裝军事快艇
0A 三帆军事战舰
0B 大帆船
0C 大型商用帆船
0D 轻型帆船
0E 战争用大帆船
0F 重型战争用大帆船
10 :多出的船只(蒸汽轮船)
护甲血量还是老方法往前数18个字节 自行改成 E7 17个字节改03

IP属地:上海1楼2024-01-20 18:35回复
    接下来是关于数据修改,首先感谢吧里@xl2nn 的海商王2快速游戏修改器攻略玩法
    感兴趣的兄弟可以移步该贴 还是较为详述;
    So, this mod contain 3 different editable .ini files: BattleConst.ini, staedte.ini, and waren.ini. Each file regulate part of the game's code, as indicated below.
    BattleConst.ini: change ships and cannons stats
    The first part of this document contains information that I never touched, and I suggest to not to do so, as I’m not sure of what effects they have on the game.
    At around1/3 of the document, you will start to see ships stats, such as agility, crew and speed. The ships’ name are in German, but it's pretty easy to find what you want.
    The stats are:
    Agility: the speed of turning the ship, can go up to 100 in the base game. Unsure what happens with higher number, never felt the need to do it.
    Crew: max number of crew for boarding. Max number X.
    Heal: kinda like health, but not really. The higher it is the more damage a ship can take, but apparently the “natural” resistance to damage of the ship apply. A 255 pinasse would still lose 60-70% of health after being shot by a ship of the line, while an unmodified pinasse can sink any ship with Heal=1. Max number X.
    Fass: Cargohold of the ship, each point is worth double; so a ship with 250 fass will have 500 cargo space. Max number X.
    Tief: naturally in number 0, 1 or 2, the lower the number the faster the ship sail though shallow waters, with 0 it is completely unhindered.
    Vmin: minimal speed of the ship without damage. Can be the same number as Vmax.
    Vmax: max ship speed of the ship without damage.
    GSpT: gold used every day for upkeep. Can be 0.
    Guns: number of guns aboard. DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT on damage or cannonball spread. Unless you want to reduce a ship’s natural number of cannons, it’s effectively useless.
    Wert: Worth of the ship, sold and bought. Each point should be around 10k gold, before other factors kick in.
    X= the number can go up to 255. Higher number are accepted, but they will be read as a lower number: for example, 256 will act like 1, and so will 511, 766, etc. So 255 is the actual highest you can reach.
    THE CHANGESTO THIS DOCUMENT APPLY ONLY TO NEW SHIPS. Ships that are already in the game are unaffected.
    So if you makea change to the Ship of the Line, the ones currently in use in military convoys will be unaffected, only new ship from Europe or created from starting a war will have their stat changed.
    The changed ships will retain the changed stats even if you delete the .ini file, simply the new ships will be made with base stats.
    The last section of the document is the "Kanonen", that are the towns’ annoying tower cannons.
    Since it’s not a ship every stat is to be left alone, except Heal that I always set to 1 (this way they die with 2 cannonball, and based on the position you can easily blow three or four in one shot. Yes, I hate these cannon).
    staedte.ini: the town production modifier.
    THE CHANGES TO THIS DOCUMENT APPLY TO NEW GAMES. I'm unsure if they will apply to player’s towns if you have yet to earn it; i'm sure they won't if you already own it.
    Nation: I think you could technically change a town starting nation, but I never succeded, I crashed a couple times before giving up.
    Vizekoenig=1, Gouverneur=1: The city with this either have a viceroy or a governor. Never tried to change it, but I think it’s likely to crash. The cities with neither do not show this stat.
    R= M=: no idea for what they’re used for.
    Ware1-Ware5: This is the effective production of the city. Each ware is a product, you can change to whatever you like.
    From what I know, it doesn’t have to follow the guideline the game used (2 essential products, 2 basic or advanced and 1 colonial), you can have any combination.
    The names of the products are in German. For a fast translation:
    Holz=wood, Lehmziegel=bricks, Weizen=grain, Früchte=fruits,
    Mais=corn, Zucker=sugar, Hanf=hemp, Baumwolle=cotton,
    Fleisch=meat, Kleidung=gargaments, Rum=rum, Seile=rope,
    Kakao=cocoa, Kaffee=coffee, Tabak=tobacco, Farbstoffe=dye.
    Seaside, Shipside: probably the graphical view of the town, but I never tried it.
    Waren.ini: change production quantity, price, worker, etc
    [Warenbedarf]: the number of good consumed by population
    [Gesamtwarenbedarf]: I think this is the number under which the town show a product as red, but i'm not sure.
    //Ware,Arbeiterzahl, Produktion, Verbrauch pro Betrieb und Tag in Fass
    This indicates the type of goods, number of workers needed, number of goods produced, and number of good consumed to produce (such as tools or basic product) by a businnes.
    Example: “Rum=30,1.5, 1” means that the Rum distillery has 30 workers, produce daily 1,5kg of rum, and consume daily 1kg of basic product (it can be 0. Look in the following section to change what it consumes).
    Increasing the number of workers increase all town starting population.
    Be carefull, an unbalanced increase of production wil cause hundreds of business to fail, annoyingly flooding your message board and turning all cities into the smallest town possible, with hundreds or thousands of the 5 locally produced goods and nothing else (basically, killing your economy and possibly your game).
    // DieProdukte mit ihrenRohstoffen
    This shows the type of products used for the secondary and colonial products.
    Example: Rum=Zucker, meaning that rum use sugar. You could change it to Rum=Mais to make it use corn instead. The number used are shown in the previous section.
    //SWP =Standardwarenpreis = mittl. Produktionspreis = 1 auf Preiskurve
    [SWP]: it’s the base price for the items.
    Unzip the “data” folder and drop it in the same folder as the game launcher (for steam is Steam/steamapp/common/PR2).

    IP属地:上海2楼2024-01-20 18:56
      最好游戏根目录下建个新文件改名data 并把8个ini文件丢入其中。
      Agil =敏捷或者船只转向速度
      crew =船员 最多255限制,超出部分修改 数据会砍去255 。即300修改游戏里变成45满载的悲催船员数
      heal =耐久度 ,注意 这里不包含护甲值的修改
      Fass =船仓容量 同样255即极限,这里船仓的数据游戏里会基于X2的形势体现,即最大容量510
      Tief =船只吃水,即海战里经过礁石等 改成0无障碍通过
      Vmin =船只最小速度 一般改13即可
      Vmax =船只最大速度
      GSpt =进入船队后的维护费用
      GUNS =船可携带跑位数 目前测试下来 50是最大实战中可发挥炮数,超过该值后的火炮纯粹像商品一样占据仓储
      本文件的修改仅适用于新船。已经进入游戏的船只不会受到影响。因此,如果你改变“防线之船”,那么目前在军事护航中使用的船只将不会受到影响,只有来自欧洲的新船只或者从战争中创造出来的船只才会被改变属性。更改后的船舶将保留更改后的统计信息,即使您删除。Ini 文件,简单地说,新的船只将与基本统计。文件的最后一部分是“ Kanonen”,这是城镇的恼人的塔炮。因为它不是一艘飞船,所以每个属性都是独立的,除了治疗,我总是设置为1(这样他们死于2个炮弹,并根据位置,你可以很容易地吹三或四在一个镜头。是的,我讨厌这些大炮)。Ini: 城镇生产修改器。对本文档的修改适用于新的游戏。我不确定他们是否会申请玩家的城镇,如果你还没有赢得它; 我确定他们不会,如果你已经拥有它。国家: 我认为你可以从技术上改变一个小镇开始的国家,但我从来没有成功,我坠毁了几次才放弃。维泽科尼格 = 1,总督 = 1: 这个城市要么有总督,要么有总督。从没想过要改变它,但我觉得它可能会崩溃。这两个城市都没有显示这个统计数据。 R = M = : 不知道它们的用途。第五号仓库: 这是城市的高效生产。每个器皿都是一个产品,你可以改变到任何你喜欢的。据我所知,它不必遵循游戏使用的指导方针(2个基本产品,2个基本或高级和1殖民地) ,你可以有任何组合。产品的名称是德文的。快速翻译: Holz = 木头,Lehmziegel = 砖块,Weizen = 谷物,Früchte = 水果,Mais = 玉米,Zucker = 糖,Hanf = 大麻,Baumwolle = 棉花,Fleisch = 肉,Kleidung = 服装,Rum = 朗姆酒,Seile = 绳子,Kakao = 可可,Kaffee = 咖啡,Tabak = 烟草,Farbstoffe = 染料。海边,船边: 可能是城镇的图形视图,但我从来没有尝试过
      变更生产数量,价格,工人等变化似乎是瞬息万变的。[瓦伦贝达夫] : 人口消费的商品数量[ Gesamtwarenbedarf ] : 我认为这是镇上显示红色商品的数量,但我不确定。//Ware,Arbeiterzahl,production,Verbrauch pro Betrieb und Tag in Fass [ Gewerbe ]这表示一家企业生产的商品类型、所需工人数量、生产的商品数量和消费的商品数量(如工具或基本产品)。例如: “朗姆酒 = 30,1.5,1”意味着朗姆酒厂有30名工人,每天生产1.5公斤朗姆酒,每天消耗1公斤基本产品(可以是0。请在下面的部分中查看以更改它所消耗的内容)。增加工人数量会增加所有城镇的初始人口。小心,不平衡的生产增长会导致成百上千的企业倒闭,令人恼火的淹没你的留言板,并把所有城市变成最小的城镇,只有成百上千的当地生产的商品,没有其他(基本上,杀死你的经济,可能还有你的游戏)。//DieProduckte mit ihrenRohstoffen [ Rohstoff ]这显示了用于次级和殖民地产品的产品类型。例如: 朗姆酒 = 朱克酒,意思是朗姆酒用糖。你可以把它改成朗姆酒 = 麦酒,让它用玉米代替。所使用的数字显示在上一节中。//SWP = Standard warenpreis = mitl.Produtionspreis = 1 auf Preiskurve [ SWP ] : 这是商品的基本价格。安装: 解压缩“数据”文件夹并将其放入游戏启动程序的同一文件夹中(如果需要的话,可以将其设置为 ////)。如前所述,有些改变需要一个新的游戏,而其他不是即时的。
      暂时没其他补充,诸大家修改愉快 2/2

      IP属地:上海3楼2024-01-20 18:56

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2024-01-20 21:00

          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端5楼2024-01-26 15:40
            这个方法没张截图真的不太容易看懂,例如内存编辑里面01 00 00 XX这个位置就不太好理解,以及后面所说往前数17个字节,有点懵,因为GM9的内存编辑是一个表格形态的,到底是向上17行还是左右移动17个字节很难懂。

            IP属地:广东6楼2024-02-02 04:43