2024月光.海音樂會 🌕 六月份 演出確認
🌊🌊 Saya 張惠春 🌊🌊
曾被譽為「最會唱歌的演員,最會演戲的歌手」的Saya 張惠春,當年與表妹Raya組成了阿妹妹出道,也曾一舉拿下金鐘獎最佳女配角獎,並擁有《想念你的歌》、《原來你一直都在》等膾炙人口的作品。
#0621免費場 #0622售票場
#三月下旬開賣售票場 #完整LineUp陸續揭曉
#2024東海岸大地藝術節 #成為流動的邊界
Saya, who was once known as "the best singing actor and the best acting singer", made her debut with her cousin Raya when they formed “Ah Meimei”. And she also won the Golden Bell Award for Best Supporting Actress.
As a member of Tamalakaw indigenous community in Taitung, she grew up in a unique environment. Therefore, She can attract people when she opens her mouth, and she often attracts countless fans with her performance.
This time in Moonlight Sea Concert. Saya will bring the power of Tamalakaw to sing enthusiastically under the moonlit on the east coast!