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[公告]环境报告和平衡补丁 2024/3/18


补丁说明 2024/3/17
- 矮人圣骑士(Dwarf Paladin):治疗量减少至2(原为3)。
- 愈合包扎(Wraps of Mending):治疗量减少至3(原为4)。
- 自适应护甲(Adaptive Armor):治疗量减少至2(原为3)。
- 生命之环(Circle of Life):治疗量减少至2(原为3)。
- 萨满(Shaman):数值减少至3/1(原为3/3)。
- 大地骑士(Earth Knight):数值减少至2/6(原为2/7)。治疗量减少至2(原为3)。
- 救恩术(Salvation):治疗2。如果你的城堡有10或更少生命,抽1张卡。
- 汲取生命(Drain Life):费用增加至2(原为1)。
- 正义请愿(Plea of the Righteous):城堡生命值增益减少至2(原为3)。
- 古老乔木(Ancient Arbor):城堡生命值增益减少至2(原为4)。
- 光辉术(Luminarus):费用降低至2,效果降低至1。
- 忠诚龙兽(Faithful Drake):数值更改为3/2(原为2/4)。
- 火之洗礼(Baptism of Fire):伤害减少至3(原为4)。
- 萨拉哈恶毒鱼(Salahar Spitefish):数值减少至2/2(原为3/2)。
- 慈悲天使(Angel of Mercy):现在复活费用为2或更少单位(原为3或更少)。
- 审判之怒(Wrath of Judgment):费用增加至3(原为2)。
- 龙骑士(Dragon Knight):费用增加至6(原为5)。
- 仲裁者莱昂内尔(Lionel the Arbiter):费用增加到7(原为5)。数值增加至5/8(原为5/5)。
- 永生凤凰(Eternal Phoenix):费用降低至2。数值降低至3/2。
- 黎明之剑乔薇芙(Jonviev the Dawnsword):数值减少至4/6(原为5/6)。费用增加到10(原为9)。
- 永生者德拉莫斯(Dramoth the Eternal):费用降低至9(原为10)。不再具有守卫。现在从你的牌组中抽龙族卡牌而不是生成它们,并且你的下一张龙族卡的成本减少(3)。

IP属地:江苏1楼2024-03-19 09:13回复
    Meta Report and Balance Patch 2024/3/18
    Hello everyone! As many of you know, we set out with our large revamp to improve the pace of gameplay such that the typical game lasts between 8 and 15 turns. Currently, since the revamp, only around 10% of overall games end before turn 8. We think this is pretty reasonable, and unlikely to go down further without harming the meta in other ways. On the other end, around 20% of games last more than 15 turns, and we're not as happy with this. We are also seeing the Crusader faction heavily overperforming and overplayed in the meta, with a number of key cards carrying the faction. This data syncs up very well with tournament results and player feedback. These numbers vary somewhat between skill brackets, but the general trend holds.
    To further push the game toward an ideal pacing and meta balance, we're deploying a small balance patch that targets two key elements. First, we think that healing numbers are slightly too high for our game, so we're reducing healing across the board. We think this has more impact in lengthening games on the backend, than it does in preventing agro early on (which has more to do with regaining board control). Secondly, we are nerfing a number of Crusader cards to try and get the faction into a better spot balance-wise.
    We're still in the post-patch free exchange period, where players can exchange any card for any other. We'll be keeping an eye on balance in the coming weeks, but we expect this update will push us very far in the right direction.
    In addition, Epic Packs have returned to the shop due to popular demand! We had removed these because we are worried about overstuffing the shop with pack options as we start adding expansions, but they are popular enough that we will find some other way to manage shop bloat in the future. We have also added a BUNCH of new deck boxes to the shop as well!
    PATCH NOTES 3/17/2024
    - Dwarf Paladin: Heal reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Wraps of Mending: Heal reduced to 3 (was 4).
    - Adaptive Armor: Heal reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Circle of Life: Heal reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Shaman: Stats reduced to 3/1 (was 3/3).
    - Earth Knight: Stats reduced to 2/6 (was 2/7). Heal reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Salvation: Heal for 2. If your Castle had 10 or less
    Health, draw a card.
    - Drain Life: Cost increased to 2 (was 1).
    - Plea of the Righteous: Castle HP buff reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Ancient Arbor: Castle HP buff reduced to 2 (was 4).
    - Luminarus: Cost reduced to 2, and effect reduced to 1.
    - Faithful Drake: Stats changed to 3/2 (was 2/4).
    - Baptism of Fire: Damage reduced to 3 (was 4).
    - Salahar Spitefish: Stats reduced to 2/2 (was 3/2).
    - Angel of Mercy: Now resurrects units costing 2 or less (was 3 or less).
    - Wrath of Judgment: Cost increased to 3 (was 2).
    - Dragon Knight: Cost increased to 6 (was 5).
    - Lionel: Cost increased to 7 (was 5). Stats increased to 5/8 (was 5/5).
    - Eternal Phoenix: Cost reduced to 2. Stats reduced to 3/2.
    - Jonviev: Stats reduced to 4/6 (was 5/6). Cost increased to 10 (was 9).
    - Dramoth: Cost reduced to 9 (was 10). No longer has Guardian. Now draws Dragons from your deck instead of generating them, and your next Dragon costs (3) less.

    IP属地:江苏2楼2024-03-19 09:22