@康斯坦丁◆跑 关于琳姨的血统以及祖先溯源(我开了网页翻译)

(图三某个回复的英文原文)Hey guys!!! I want to say its been several years since my last post but its great to be back. I thought id post about the most recent discovery ive made about Celine Dion's family.
I've been working on a family tree for several years now using the website family search.org. I tend to be a nerd when it comes to these things. So after taking a break from mine, i wondered i anything would be documented on Celine's family. I know recently that she is descended from a first nation Algonquin Woman named Marie, And has scottish as well as portuguese ancestry from several hundred years ago. But one of her ancestors from her mother's line goes all the way to ancient rome. Turns out she is descended from Mark Anthony!!!! Yes Mark Anthony who was married to Cleopatra!!!!! Her descent comes from his first wife and thus makes her related to Julius Ceasar. I was fascinated that from this line descended into french kings , than into French nobility and one of those descended sailed for the new world in the 1600's helping to start one of Celine's many industrious lines of descent. Turns out Ceasars palace wasn't to far from her after all. It was already in her blood. What a discovery
(是对上面英文原文用deepl的网页机翻:大家好 我想说,距离我上次发帖已经有好几年了,但很高兴又回来了。我想我可以发帖介绍一下我对席琳-迪翁家族的最新发现。
几年来,我一直在使用 family search.org 网站编写家谱。在这方面,我是个书呆子。因此,在我的家谱工作暂停一段时间后,我想知道是否有关于席琳-迪翁家族的资料。我最近才知道,她是一个名叫玛丽的第一民族(第一民族是指加拿大原住民)阿尔冈昆人(阿尔冈昆人属于美洲原住民)的后裔,而且她还有几百年前的苏格兰和葡萄牙血统。但她母亲的一个祖先可以追溯到古罗马。原来她是马克-安东尼的后裔!!!!!是的,马克-安东尼娶了克里奥帕特拉(埃及艳后)!!!!!!她的后裔来自他的第一任妻子,因此她与朱利叶斯-凯撒有血缘关系。令我着迷的是,这一血统的后裔是法国国王,然后是法国贵族,其中一位后裔在 1600 年代乘船前往新世界,帮助开创了席琳的众多勤劳血统之一。原来,凯撒宫殿离她并不遥远。这已经融入了她的血液。伟大的发现)