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Common Sense毕竟还是有别于“常识”


Common Sense毕竟还是有别于“常识”
作者 张庆路
无论是在20世纪或21世纪,无论是在大陆或港澳台,英文common sense一词都被解释为“常识”,而“常识”也常被认为是common sense唯一正确的解释。但笔者却发现,common sense并不完全对等于“常识”,两者还是有一定区别的。在下面数例正规英文中,common sense均不宜解释为“常识”,而当另有他解。笔者现将那些自认为更为正确或确切的他解写在句后的括号中,供读者参考。(这些他解都有权威英英词典的相关出处,并非笔者杜撰)
例一:That left me with the area I did know: the people side of the business. I had to find out whether all my training in sales and marketing could be applied to working with people. I had to use everything I had learned from my father, from Charlie Beacham, and from my own experience and common sense. It was testing time.(“直觉”或“洞察力”)
例二:If you wish to think of nearly as a positive word representing an approach and almost as a “minus”word subtracting from an idea, all right, but the difference seems too subtle for ordinary common sense.(“一般的辨识能力”)
例三:The crown of all faculties is common sense.(“明智”或“理性”)
例四:Though he wasn’t schooled, his common sense guided him through life.(“天资”,“天赋”或“天生的敏慧”)
例五:美国独立战争时期的革命领导人Thomas Paine发表的一篇宣传独立革命的文章的题目“Common Sense”(“理性的抉择”)
以下是笔者对common sense一词的几点体会或总结:
1)英语的common sense 不完全对等于中文的“常识”,前者的内涵要比后者丰富得多。
2)根据一些外教的看法,common sense 可以是judgment, intelligence, reason, sagacity, emotions, perception, instinct,etc., 但不可能是knowledge。
3)根据O.E.D.,common sense的解释可分一般说法与强调说法两种,这一点在一般的英英或英汉词典上都不会提及。

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