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江西教师招聘面试说课稿小学英语《my school》说课稿


Title: My School - English Lesson Plan易公
I. Introduction
Good morning, respected colleagues. Today, I will be presenting a lesson plan for the topic "My School" for primary school students. This lesson aims to engage students in exploring and describing their school environment in English, enhancing their language skills and vocabulary.
II. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify and label different parts of a school using English vocabulary.
Describe their school and favorite school activities in simple sentences.
Participate in role-plays and discussions related to school life.
III. Materials
Pictures or diagrams of a school
Flashcards with school-related vocabulary
Worksheet with fill-in-the-blank activities
Audio recordings of school-related conversations
IV. Procedure
Step 1: Warm-up and Activation
Begin with a quick song or chant about school to set the mood.
Ask students to brainstorm and share what they like about their school. Encourage them to use English phrases they know.
Step 2: Presentation and Practice
Use pictures or diagrams to introduce new vocabulary related to school parts (e.g., classroom, playground, library). Ask students to repeat after you and point to the corresponding part in the picture.
Conduct a flashcard game, where students have to guess the English word for each school part shown on the card.
Play a matching game where students pair the English words with the correct pictures of school parts.
Step 3: Production
Provide a worksheet with fill-in-the-blank activities, asking students to describe their school using the new vocabulary.
Example: "My school has a big _________ (playground). We often play games there."
Encourage students to share their sentences with the class.
Step 4: Extension
Role-play activity: Divide students into pairs and assign them roles (e.g., teacher, student, librarian). Have them practice a conversation about their school and daily activities.
Example conversation: "Good morning, teacher! I like reading books in the _________ (library)."
Listen to audio recordings of school-related conversations and ask students to identify the key vocabulary used.
Step 5: Conclusion and Assessment
Recap the key points learned in the lesson, focusing on the new vocabulary and sentences about school.
Conduct a quick assessment by asking students to point to different parts of the school diagram and say the corresponding English word.
Assign a homework task, such as drawing their school and labeling the parts in English.
V. Reflection
This lesson plan aims to provide a fun and interactive learning experience for students. By using a variety of activities, including role-plays, games, and audio recordings, students will be engaged and motivated to learn English. The lesson also emphasizes speaking and listening skills, which are crucial for language acquisition. Overall, this lesson plan strives to create an enjoyable learning environment where students can confidently express themselves about their school.

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