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IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端1楼2024-06-12 07:23回复

    IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端3楼2024-06-12 07:25
      Once again, Hasbro designer Mark “Markclonus” Maher is bringing us hot news! This time he has updated his Instagram account with images and sketches of the recently revealed Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Universe Slipstream.
      We have close shot of a production sample showing off poseability and sculpt in robot and alt mode. We also have design sketches for you to spot all the changes made in the original Legacy Windblade mold. Keep in mind that this is a production sample, and the finishing will be metallic teal and teal tinted cockpit in the final product (as seen int he stock images).
      See all the mirrored images attached to this news post as well as Mark’s comments on this figure, after the break! Hit the discussion link below and share your impressions on the 2005 Boards!
      For todays reveal, I wanted to make sure you got to see the final product photos with our awesome Legacy United background. But nowwwww, I couldn’t wait to get some shots of her myself, even if the colors are not final. I wanted to make sure to show off all the positions for the null ray blasters, a decepticon seeker must! 😎
      So please, do yourself a favor and scan through all the photos. I saw most of you were looking for a voyager scale to be equal with Starscream and I have noted that to the team. But, BUT, this cyberverse styled Slipstream hits hard in hand. If nothing else the colors, the colors, ohhhh the glorious tones of color, what a symphony to the 👀 here! I actually dig the petite scale difference with ol SS.
      If there is somthing I learned here on @instagram is its the fandom for Transformers is not only a lovable passionate group, but everyone is extremely opinionated! 🤣 Its near impossible to satisfy everyones wants and needs, you can only go with your gut instinct in the end and 🤞🏻hope everyone sees what you were at least trying to accomplish!
      Big shouts out to Koki san over in Takara Tomy who worked on this glorious tool! The articulation and transformation is soli

      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端4楼2024-06-12 07:25
        Big shouts out to Koki san over in Takara Tomy who worked on this glorious tool! The articulation and transformation is solid, and please take a good look at her backside cause its looking just as good as the front! That super sonic cybertronian influenced jet design tho, it just screams hypersonic speeds beating all sorts of astrocycle tests!
        You can see the main differences in final product will be the teal color is metallic in the final product but its NOT metallic here. Also, the canopy is tinted teal in final product but NOT here, it is clear, so for final product, AGAIN, metallic teal and teal tinted cockpit!
        Quake next!

        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端5楼2024-06-12 07:33

          IP属地:河北来自Android客户端6楼2024-06-12 07:55

            IP属地:河北来自Android客户端7楼2024-06-12 07:55

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端8楼2024-06-12 08:13

                IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端9楼2024-06-12 08:55

                  IP属地:安徽10楼2024-06-12 09:35

                    IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端11楼2024-06-12 09:37

                      IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端12楼2024-06-12 09:44