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Combat Overhaul MOD的船只跳跃/船帆闪光bug与其修复方法


著名MOD《Combat Overhaul》的作者Ac3s大佬于一个月前,由于在MOD社区内与其他作者之间的一些矛盾,负气离开了社区。
由于目前Ac3s大佬拒绝与社区内其他大佬交流,Hier0nimus大佬(Military Attention、Music to My Ear、The perfect specialists & items pack等MOD作者)将修复方法制作成了一个简易教程。

IP属地:四川1楼2024-06-19 19:24回复
    Hier0nimus大佬对全体Combat Overhaul系列MOD用户们的重要提示:(翻译有可能存在错漏,英文原文将置于翻译之后。括号中的话是译者的补充说明或者自己想说的话)
    (关于要不要发表这个教程,)我思考了很久。我知道一旦发表,就可能再次升级Ac3s与模组社区之间的矛盾,这是我不愿意看到的,因为现在局面已经如此紧张。我不喜欢选边站队,也总试图把人往好里想,因为我相信人性本善。但是,话虽如此,《Combat Overhaul》的作者最近的一些做法令我难以忍受,(因此我还是决定发表本文)。对此我感到很遗憾,并从内心深处希望这不是真的。
    我的电脑上有一个(发生矛盾并撤稿前的)旧版本《Combat Overhaul》文件(没有表现出这些bug),我比较了两者之间的差异。很快发现了一些差异,这清楚地证明了这些问题是作者故意破坏了这些参数导致的,证据见截图。
    可以肯定地说,他可能会再次修改他的MOD,只是为了激怒玩家们。老实说,我很同情他。我一直希望我们可以在社区里交流,抛开分歧,朝着共同的目标努力,为社区提供令人惊叹的MOD。我怀着痛苦的心情结束这条信息,并建议如果你想在未来绝对安全地游玩游戏(指不会坏档)的话,就不要再使用他的MOD(或者起码停止订阅他的MOD并转移至本地备份安装)。《Combat Overhaul》系列的前景看起来不太好,我们不知道会发生什么,也不知道他会怎么处理他的MOD。

    IP属地:四川2楼2024-06-19 19:25
      当该MOD被从mod.io中移除,导致你游戏崩溃或者坏档时,你可以找到你的备份文件,并将其手动安装至游戏目录:“Anno 1800\mods”中。(问题就能解决了)
      Pipi-Max aka schwubbe

      IP属地:四川3楼2024-06-19 19:25
        1. 找到MOD文件,并打开文件夹
        (如果是mod.io上订阅的话,文件在 “C:\Users\Public\mod.io\4169\mods\3317596\[Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships”)
        (如果是手动安装的话,文件在“Anno 1800\mods\[Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships”)
        2. 打开文件夹:“data\modgraphics\vehicle\dreadnought”
        3. 用程序编辑器例如“Visual Studio Code”或“记事本”打开“dreadnought.cfg”和“dreadnought_main.cfg”两个文件
        4. dreadnought.cfg文件中:
        5. dreadnought_main.cfg文件中:
        6. 打开游戏,问题应当已经修复

        IP属地:四川4楼2024-06-19 19:26
          1. 找到MOD文件,并打开文件夹
          (如果是mod.io上订阅的话,文件在 “C:\Users\Public\mod.io\4169\mods\3317596\[Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships”)
          (如果是手动安装的话,文件在“Anno 1800\mods\[Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships”)
          2. 打开文件夹:“data\modgraphics\vehicle\royal_galleon”
          3. 用程序编辑器例如“Visual Studio Code”或“记事本”打开“royal_galleon.cfg”文件
          4. royal_galleon.cfg文件中:
          5. 打开游戏,问题应当已经修复

          IP属地:四川5楼2024-06-19 19:26
            IMPORTANT if you want to use Combat Overhaul mods!
            Do a backup NOW (either downloading the file directly from mod.io as long as it is there or this way:
            How to BackUp mod.io local to prevent old saves go broken
            Open the windows file explorer with Win+E and navigate to the following direction:
            copy this folder to another direction
            If you need to restore a mod that is no longer in mod.io or your system crashed, you can dig into the Subfolders of your BackUp-Folder and can search for the mod you want to restore into the manually mod install path in Anno 1800/mods.
            Unsubscribe from the mod and only use it as manual install. Same is true for all other mods by Ac3s.
            First of all, what I say in this message below is something you do at your own risk, apart from providing what you need to change I'll not provide the exact code or send you a copy of the working mod. It is important you make the changes yourself as it is your personal used mod.
            I thought about this for some time if I would publish this, because I do not want to escalate this situation (again) and at some point it is what it is. I do not like to choose sides and always try to see the best into people and I honestly believe there is good in everyone. But, that being said... The author of Combat Overhaul makes it clear what his intentions are (for which I feel really sorry about and I hoped from the bottom of my heart it was not true).
            Ok, here we go. After Ac3s removed his mods from mod.io we all were sad to see his work go. And then, all of a sudden there was light at the end of the tunnel. He decided to publish all his mods again. Shortly after, reports came in from the Dreadnought acting like a dolphin and the Royal Galleon acting like the sun. When more and more reports came in I felt sorry for all those people that were still using the mods and wanted to understand what was going on.
            I still had an older version on my computer and compared the files from before the circus and after. I quickly saw differences that lead to clear proof that he made changes on purpose to break some of the ships (see screenshots attached).
            Seeing those changes made with the intention just to break the mods was that one thing that just made me angry and step aside from still thinking it would be allright. So let's do it ourselves.
            Fixing jumping Dreadnought yourself:
            - Go to the mod folder and open the folder of the mod [Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships
            - Got to the folder data\modgraphics\vehicle\dreadnought
            - Open both files dreadnought.cfg and dreadnought_main.cfg with a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Notepad++
            - For dreadnought.cfg change the value <Drag>0.000000</Drag> on line 11 to <Drag>30.000000</Drag> and save
            - For dreadnought_main.cfg change the value <Drag>0.000000</Drag> on line 11 to <Drag>35.000000</Drag> and save
            - Open the game and the problem should have dissapeared
            Fixing the Royal Galleon bright sails yourself:
            - Go to the mod folder and open the folder of the mod [Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships
            - Got to the folder data\modgraphics\vehicle\royal_galleon
            - Open file royal_galleon.cfg with a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Notepad++
            - Change the values <cRimColor.r>100.000000</cRimColor.r>, <cRimColor.g>100.000000</cRimColor.g> and <cRimColor.b>100.000000</cRimColor.b> on line 703, 704 and 705 to <cRimColor.r>0.500000</cRimColor.r>, <cRimColor.g>0.500000</cRimColor.g> and <cRimColor.b>0.500000</cRimColor.b>. The same change needs to be made on 17 other places. [769,770,771],[835,836,837],[901,902,903],[967,968,969],[1033,1034,1035],[1104,1105,1106],[1170,1171,1172],[1241,1242,1243],[1307,1308,1309],[1373,1374,1375],[1438,1439,1440],[1503,1504,1505],[1568,1569,1570],[1638,1639,1640],[1709,1710,1711],[1775,1776,1777],[1841,1842,1843]. You can also do a find and replace to easily change all the values.
            - Open the game and the problem should have dissapeared
            Fixing the Royal Galleon bright sails yourself:
            Go to the mod folder and open the folder of the mod [Gameplay] 01 Combat Overhaul Ships
            Got to the folder data\modgraphics\vehicle\royal_galleon
            Open file royal_galleon.cfg with a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Notepad++
            Change the values <cRimColor.r>100.000000</cRimColor.r>, <cRimColor.g>100.000000</cRimColor.g> and <cRimColor.b>100.000000</cRimColor.b> on line 703, 704 and 705 to <cRimColor.r>0.500000</cRimColor.r>, <cRimColor.g>0.500000</cRimColor.g> and <cRimColor.b>0.500000</cRimColor.b>. The same change needs to be made on 17 other places. [769,770,771],[835,836,837],[901,902,903],[967,968,969],[1033,1034,1035],[1104,1105,1106],[1170,1171,1172],[1241,1242,1243],[1307,1308,1309],[1373,1374,1375],[1438,1439,1440],[1503,1504,1505],[1568,1569,1570],[1638,1639,1640],[1709,1710,1711],[1775,1776,1777],[1841,1842,1843]. You can also do a find and replace to easily change all the values.
            Open the game and the problem should have dissapeared
            It is safe to say that he will probably change some things again in his mod just to make people more angry. And I honestly say I feel really sorry for how he acts. I always hoped we could work together as a community and put aside differences and work towards common goals which is providing amazing mods for the community together. It is with pain in my heart I end this message and advice to stop using his mods if you want to be safe in the future. The future of Combat Overhaul is not looking good and we do not know what will happen and what he decides with the mods.
            And who knows... maybe as a collaborative community we can just come up with mods that let us forget differences and work together. That is what I hope and what I will always stand for.
            Big love

            IP属地:四川6楼2024-06-19 19:27
              AI Color & Logo Changer
              Bright Harvest Nerf
              Change GameSpeed (multiplayer)
              Combat Overhaul: 01 Ships(本次出现问题的MOD)
              Combat Overhaul: 02 AI Easy
              Combat Overhaul: 02 AI Hard
              Combat Overhaul: 02 AI Normal
              Combat Overhaul: 03 Pirates
              Combat Overhaul: 04 3vs1
              Combat Overhaul: 05 City
              Decrease Notification Time
              Disable AI Shareholders
              Disable Autosave on Quit
              Disable Harbor Beams and Ships
              Disable Quay Streets & Open Ocean Placement
              Disable Sceptre of Capon Fireworks
              Disable World's Fair Fireworks
              Greener Farm Fields
              Harbor Crates
              Huge Oil Depot
              Increase Passive Attractiveness
              Nature Ornaments Mod (city landscaping)
              Old World Cathedral
              School New World
              Slow-Mo GameSpeed (singleplayer)
              Sugar Refinery Brown Sugar
              Warehouse Loading Ramps (x2)

              IP属地:四川7楼2024-06-19 19:34