克里希那穆提吧 关注:6,994贴子:90,441
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FW: I am not enquiring into it from the point of view of a
scientist. Let me say matter is something unknown. So I feel when
we explore into the unknown...
K: You can't explore into the unknown. Be careful, you can
explore into the known, go to the limit of it and when you come to
the limit of it you have moved out of it. You can only enquire into
the known
K: Can we take the two: listening and listening with the heart,
with compassion. First, what does it mean to listen, what is the art
of listening?
FW: When we ask what does it mean to listen, it seems very
difficult and I think that perhaps if I am very clear about what it
means not to listen...
K: It is the same thing. That is, through negation come to the
positive. If you could find out what is listening and in the
investigation of what is listening you negate what is not listening,
then you are listening. That is all
R: We have said that the response with thought is fragmentary.
Whether we call that response observation or listening or whatever
it is, it is the same thing. Isn't it? So is the heart the nonfragmentary? Is that what we mean?
K: Now wait a minute. To listen with the total flowering of all
senses is one thing; listening partially with a particular sense is
R: Yes.
K: That is, if I listen with all my senses, then there is no
problem of negation of what is listening or not listening. But we do
not listen
K: I think we have to begin with what it means to communicate.
I want to tell you something which I am deeply concerned with.
You must be prepared to enter into the problem, or into the
question, or into the statement which one is proposing; which
means you must have the same interest as the speaker or the same
intensity, and also meet him at the same level. All this is implied in
communication. Otherwise there is no communication
K: That is what I am saying. Now Sunanda how will you listen
to me? Will you listen like that?
S: It seems that one does not listen like that to everyone.
K: I am talking now, I am asking you, will you listen to me in
that manner?
P: To you we listen.
K: Because you have built an image about me and that image
you give importance to, and therefore you listen.
But the first thing is the art of listening. Art means to put
everything in its right place. You may have your prejudices, you
may have your conclusions, but when you are listening put them
away - the interpreting, comparing, judging, evaluating, put all that
away. Then communication takes place.
P: It is either there or not there. Why is it then, sir, that when we
are in communication with you we have this feeling, why is it that
you have this tremendous impact which knocks away all
prejudices, all obstacles and this immediately makes the mind
K: It is like going to the well with a small bucket or with an
enormous bucket which one can hardly carry. Most of us go with a
small bucket and pull out of the well insufficient water. It is like
having a fountain in your yard, flowing, flowing. I would like to
watch it, see it out there and inside. So what am I to do?
FW: I will find out what prevents me from having that.
K: That is analysis. I won't analyse, because it is a waste of
time. I have understood that, not because I have said it and you
have accepted it, but I see the reason, the logic, the significance
and therefore the truth of it. Therefore analysis is out.
K: I want to create a crisis. Then there is action. Do you
understand what I am saying? Either you avoid the crisis or you
act. Pupul, is the crisis taking place? Because it is a very important
question. I come to you and talk about all this. You listen as far as
you can listen, as far as you can go, but nothing happens. You hear
it year after year, you take a little step each time,and by the end
you are dead. What he wants to do is to bring about an action
which is born out of tremendous crisis. He wants to break it up
because then there is no argument, there is no analysis. He has
created a crisis. Is that crisis the result of his influence, his words,
his feeling, his urgency or is it a crisis which you have got to break
through? That is his intention. He says that is the only thing that

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