没恢复吗?你用遥控器重置切换ap模式看会不会出一个热点,或者软件清除数据,要是软件bug就不慌,硬件损坏走售后 The following codes may be displayed on a WiFi enabled appliance. These codes are not error codes: PP SA CF AP Details of why the codes are displayed: PP- “PP" indicate that the appliance is searching for a network signal. The code may be displayed for up to 15 to 20 seconds. SA- "SA" indicates the appliance is connected to the router. CF, AP- "CF" and "AP" indicate which mode the wireless card is in. CF is the default connection mode and indicates the appliance is in a mode to directly connect to the wireless router. AP mode or Access Point mode uses the appliance as a mobile hotspot. Either mode can be used to connect the appliance to the network.