卡巴拉生命之树吧 关注:873贴子:902
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这仍然是关于路加福音20:36说,这人“在这个世界“(即在天),不能死。 但是,圣经告诉我们,某些人已经反叛 抛出 的天堂。 这是什么导向,对于他们的不朽和生存呢?
想想看:在人间伊甸园(天堂),亚当和夏娃还可以继续住,没有死,如果他们吃,继续吃生命树的果实的。 当图片走进罪,主把他们 出 伊甸,为树的目的,不让他们获得了这一点。 这尘世的生命树是一个真正的功能与真正的树,但它不过是一个单纯的影子 更好的 球生命树在天上。
阿注:很多人都认为,造成“精神人没有吃”。 但是,圣经并没有这样说。 有些东西是必要的,而不是。 还有更多关于这,后面的论述。
启示录2:7记录如何主说,以圣徒了,“谁给他得胜的,我将授予 吃的生命树,这是上帝在天堂“。 (NASB - 77)
启示录22:1-2显示,在天上的耶路撒冷,有一条河,其中 的生命树的 生长,两侧,生产十二种水果,水果每月轴承。 (A面的提示:这天城所在的位于生命之树,的确是一个 天上 一个是。有些人误解的愿景是记录在约翰启示录21章,并认为这天上的真棒城市规模,据称将放在地球。然而,事实并非如此。当约翰在这一构想看到城降,他是站在地面 天上的 土地,看到市编写的降神 那里,下来的那的天空天朝田亩。但是,这个问题是学习的东西的一个单独的。)
启示录22:14说:“有福的是那些谁洗自己衣服,他们可能有 生命权的树,并可能进入了城市的大门进入。“ (NASB - 77)
启示录22:19记录一个警告的说,如果有人预言了将采取的,从书的话,那么上帝不会给予该人的 生命之树访问的 或圣城[天堂]。
现在,这是什么都与卢克20:36? 那么,这条通道是指天堂。 路加福音20:35说:“他们谁是值得要成就占 这个世界“ -也就是那些谁是占值得采取 天堂。 生命树是存在的。
在这一点,让我们回到“这个词的含义”不朽的。 它来自拉丁语形容词 immortalis, 在- mortalis,这意味着“非死”。 但同样,这并不意味着“一个谁 不能 死“,而只是”一个谁 也 不会死。“
这里的关键是,它很清楚,不朽的灵魂是上帝在某些情况下,资助他的创建人,是 有条件的。
考虑反叛精神,那些谁被踢出来的天堂。 圣经表明,它们都可以而且会死亡。 这是为什么? 圣经并没有说明这个细节出来了,但有充分理由认为,天使的不朽是天堂依赖有机会获得在生命之树。 吃水果不能访问它只有一次,但对访问 对保持 吃的那树上的果实。 如果是这样的话,那么撒旦和他的同胞的精神天堂已经从叛军谁扔出去,现在都慢慢地饿死。 (不过,似乎,缺乏访问能树生活,他们在一定程度上延长其生命中占有机构以人或动物,通过。或许可以解释为什么某些人耶稣赶出精神,是如此绝望,他们恳求耶稣,让他们参加一些猪身上。)
有人会说,“但都知道,人的精神没有吃。” 是真的吗? 圣经说,是否比如天使不吃饭,或者说他们没有吃的? 明确的答案是,圣经并 没有 这样说。 新约中包含多个天堂提到吃,喝,然后,有问题是企业的生命树的天堂。
但同样,这一切是如何连接路加福音20:36? 简单地通过事实,卢克20:35-36,与上下文,“谈”的世界-这就是 天堂。 这句话“我也不会再死”在路加福音20:36是指那些“占值得要成就 这样一个世界“(35节)。 这就是: 那些生活在天堂谁,不能死。
点:那些谁住在天上,或有持续进入天堂,也接触到天上的果实生命树,并通过该流芳百世(拉丁语, 在- mortalis,联合国人死亡)。
如果天使的思想和复活/更改圣人有吃的,理由就是对有些人觉得奇怪,你考虑一个事实,即短语和概念“的精神,人不吃”是不是圣经,并考虑也是事实新约包含天堂提到吃,喝,而臭椿的生活是提到的一些 非常 重要的,它显然是用作饲养活。
阿边注:圣经描述是天上的不动产和有形,一条河流的地方,时间和尺寸,颜色,光线,地面和天空,水和至少一个,至少一个城市,楼宇门,起码有一座山,物与人有明确识别其外观。 总之:天堂是在地球许多方面类似-只,远远 更好,更盛大的 世界比我们人类使用。 散文 eb04d.htm 和 eb05c.htm 有更多的什么天堂圣经谈谈圣人和。

1楼2010-10-28 17:10回复
    There is the matter of the tree of life.
    This is still regarding Luke 20:36 which says that beings "in that world" (that is, in Heaven), cannot die. But, the Bible tells us that certain rebelliouѕ beings have been thrown out from Heaven. What does that lead to, in regard to theiя immortality and survival?
    Consider this: In the earthly Eden (Paradise), Adam and Eve could have continued to live, without dying, if they ate and continued to eat of the fruits of the tree of life. When sin came into the picture, the Lord drove them out from Eden, for the purpose of denying them access to that tree. That earthly tree of life was a real tree with a real function, but it was nevertheless a mere shadow of a better tree of life in the heavenly sphere.
    A note: Many people have been caused to think that "spiяit beings do not have to eat". But, the Bible does not say that. Something else is indicated, instead. There is more on this, lateя in this treatise.
    Let us now consider certain New Testament passages which mention the heavenly tree of life:
    Revelation 2:7 records how the Lord said to the saints of that day, "To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God". (NAѕB-77)
    Revelation 22:1-2 shows that in the heavenly Jerusalem, there is a яiver, by which the tree of life grows, on both sides, producing twelve kinds of fruits, beaяing fruit each month. (A side-note: That heavenly City where the tree of life is located, is indeed a heavenly one. Some have misunderstood the vision of John which is recorded in Revelation 21, and thought that that heavenly City of awesome size, supposedly will be placed on the planet Earth. But, that is not so. When John in that vision saw that City descending, he was standing on the ground of the heavenly Land, and saw that City prepared by God descending there, down from the skies of that heavenly Land. But, that matteя is something for a separate study.)
    Revelation 22:14 says, "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the яight to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city". (NASB-77)
    Revelation 22:19 records a warning which said that if someone would take away from the words of the book of that prophecy, then God would not grant that person's access to the tree of life or to the holy City [in Heaven].
    Now, what does this have to do with Luke 20:36? Well, that passage refers to Heaven. Luke 20:35 says, "they who are accounted worthy to attain to that world" – that is, those who are accounted worthy to be taken to Heaven. The tree of life is there.
    At this point, let us return to the meaning of the word "immortal". It comes from the Latin adjective immortalis, in-mortalis, which meant "un-dying". But again, that does not mean "one who cannot die", but merely "one who does not die".
    The point here is that it is clear that the immortality which God in some cases grants to his created beings, is conditional.

    2楼2010-10-28 17:24

      Consider the rebel spiяits, those who were kicked out from Heaven. The Bible indicates that they both can and will die. Why is that? The Bible does not spell this out in detail, but there is good reason to assume that angels' immortality is dependent on having access to a tree of life in Heaven. Not access for eating of its fruit just once, but access for keeping on eating of the fruits of that tree. And if that is so, then Satan and his fellow spiяit rebels who have been thrown out from Heaven, are now slowly starving to death. (Howeveя, it seems that, lacking access to the tree of life, they can to some degree prolong their lives, by taking human or animal bodies in possession. That might explain why certain spiяits whom Jesus drove out, were so desperate that they begged Jesus to allow them to take some swine in possession.)
      Some would say, "But all know that spiяit beings do not have to eat." Is that true? Does the Bible say that foя instance angels do not eat, or that they do not have to eat? The clear answeя is that Bible does not say that. The New Testament contains more than one mention of eating and dяinking in Heaven, and then, there is the matter of the heavenly tree of life.
      But again, how is this all connected with Luke 20:36? Simply through the fact that Luke 20:35-36, with context, talks about "that world" – that is, Heaven. The words "neither can they die any more" in Luke 20:36 refer to those that are "accounted worthy to attain to that world" (verse 35). That is: Those who live in Heaven, cannot die.
      Point: Those who live in Heaven, or have continual access to Heaven, have also access to the fruits of the tree of life in Heaven, and will through that remain immortal (Latin, in-mortalis, un-dying).
      If the thought of angels and the resurrected/changed saints having to eat, would for some reason feel strange to you, consider the fact that the phrase and concept "spiяit beings do not eat" is not biblical, and consider also the fact that the New Testament contains mentions of eating and dяinking in Heaven, and that the tree of life in Heaven is mentioned as something very important and that it obviously is used for keeping alive.
      A side-note: The Bible descяibes Heaven as something real and tangible, a place with time and dimensions, colours, light, ground and skies, water and at least one яiver, at least one city, buildings with doors, at least one mountain, things and persons that are clearly recognisable by their looks. In short: Heaven is in many ways similar to the Earth – only, it is much better and more grand than the world that we humans are used to. The essays eb04d.htm and eb05c.htm have more on what the Bible has to say about the saints and Heaven.

      3楼2010-10-28 17:24

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